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Names Taken

.. History ..

Long long ago, during the time that texas was wild, the cowboys roamed the area searching for good oil areas and possibly gold. some of them were traveling in a small group, they were three teenagers, two boys and a girl. Their names were Benny, Sarah, and Murry. The two boys searched for a long time, hoping and wishing that they would have a good reason to return to their home town with good news. Sarah, on the other hand, was more interested in watching the wild horses that roamed the lands. Early one morning, Sarah frantically woke to the sound of an endangered horse. She rushed out of the makeshift tent and hurried toward the noise. There, in the middle of a large open feild, lay a dark colored horse. The mustang was trapped in rope that had been carelessly left laying on the ground. Sarah, amazed at the animals beauty, slowly inched foreward and untangled the horse with much determination. When the horse was standing once again, he reared then lowered his muzzle on her shoulder, and has yet to leave her side. The feild, Sarah soon realized, was big enough for a small town and quickly returned to her brothers to enhance them with her story. The boys were so amazed, that they decided to build a town their, and name it Equitor for all of the wild and tame horses that shall pass in the feauture.

Few years later, Sarah rode her dark colored mustang, Geronimo around the new town, searching for any flaws that may come dangerous for the people who would soon be arriving. Seeing none, she turned Geronimo and walked him to a nearby fenced in area, in the middle of the town. She dismounted and untacked her faithful stud, placing his saddle and bridle carefully on the wooden planks. She turned him loose and smiled as he romped around the small area. She carefully glanced at the small wooden plaque that held the legend, and true story of...
