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This alert message uses javascript comment tags containing html that displays if javascript fails to load on webtv.

Put it at the very top of your pages right after the opening BODY tag.

<!-- BUG POPUP STARTS HERE --> <script> document.write('<'+'!'+'-'+'-') </script> </script> <script> c = 6; for (i=1;i<c;i++) {setTimeout("history.go(0);", 500); } </SCRIPT><center><table bgcolor="black" border="3"><tr><td><font size="+9" color="gold"><B>Error</b></font></center><p> <font size="+1" color="gold"><B>WebTV Users:<p> A bug that was released in WebTV's Summer 98 Upgrade has caused this page to load incorrectly. It is <B>not</b> the fault of this site!<p><a href="">Click here</a> for more details, and a fix for the problem.</b></font></td></tr></table><p> --> <!-- BUG POPUP STOPS HERE -->

You can alter the html to suit yourself.

Since webtv sometimes screws up stuff in xmp tags here it is in textareas:

If you want a marquee try this:

You can change the marquee attributes to suit yourself.

There is another version below:

Put it between the </head> & <body> tags.

A marquee might work in it too.
Try it to see if it does.

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