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Removing The
"Preview Pane"
In Outlook Express

Open Outlook Express.

Click on, "Read Mail".

See Screenshot

After clicking on, "Read Mail" click on, "View" & then click on, "Layout".

See Screenshot

In the Layout Properties window uncheck the "Show preview pane" box.

Click on, "Apply" & "OK".

See Screenshot

The Screenshot below shows how the window should look after unchecking the, "Show preview pane" box.

See Screenshot

The Screenshot below shows Outlook Express with the Preview Pane enabled.

See Screenshot

The Screenshot below shows Outlook Express after the Preview Pane is disabled.

See Screenshot

A lot of viruses use an Iframe code in the body of an Email to install the attached virus on your computer simply by opening the email.

That is why you should shut off the Preview Pane.

A lot of viruses will use all the addresses in your address book to automatically send itself to everyone in your address book.

The virus will add its' own "subject" text & YOUR Email address as the "From" text.

Never open an Email with an underscore before the sender's address.

The Badtrans B virus & others use the underscore before the "sender's" address.

You can configure Outlook Express to notify you if an application tries to send mail using your address.

In Outlook Express click on, "Tools" & then on, "Options".

See Screenshot

In the Options window click on the "Security" tab.

In the Security window check the, "Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me" box.

Click Apply & OK.

See Screenshot

Doing all this should help a little to keep your computer from getting infected with a virus.

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