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My Cursors Page

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See the tiny fish where your cursor is supposed to be?

To add a cursor to your pages put:

<style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { cursor:url("CURSOR URL GOES HERE"); } --> </style>


I just put:

AS the URL on this page because I don't have the srFish.ani file saved in this subdirectory.

If you upload the cursor file to the same directory as the page it is on you can use the short URL without the HTTP part.

That is: The file name alone.

<style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { cursor:url("srFish.ani"); } --> </style>

Instead of the long URL:

<style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { cursor:url(""); } --> </style>

Use Google Search & type in: animated cursors, or cursors, and find lots of cursors to use.


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