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Some Nice Codes

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Do You Let Windows Save User-Names & Logins For You?
Ever Get Half A Dozen Useless User-Names Or Logins Stuck In the Dropdown Menu That Appears When You Double-Click On The User-Name or Login Box?
To Get Rid Of Them Easily - Highlight The Ones You Want To Get Rid Of & Hit The "Delete" Key Located Between The Regular Part Of Your Keyboard & The Numeric Keypad.
They Will Be Gone.That Simple.

To Kill Angelfire Banner Ads

<!---<script>window.onerror=new Function("return true")</script>--->
Between the stop head & start body tags.
Choose "Popup" Ad & Not The On-Page Ad...

Angelfire will delete your site for using this code.

You Can Add color="whatever" To The HR Tag
As Well As Width & Size Tags
Size "1" Will Give You A Horizontal Rule (LINE) 1 Pixel In Height
The White Line Below Is:

<hr size="1" width="66%" color="ivory">


How would you like to welcome visitors to your pages with awesome transition effects that grab their attention?
You can do this by using special Meta Tags in the Head portion of your page.
This is super cool and super easy to implement.
Here's what you have to do.
Just insert the code as shown within the Head section of your page.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Enter" CONTENT = "RevealTrans (Duration=4, Transition=23)"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Exit" CONTENT = "RevealTrans (Duration=4, Transition=23)">

"Duration" is the amount of time in seconds for the effect to take place.
The default and minimum value is 4.
"Transition" is the actual effect, displayed as a number value between 1 and 23.
(A list of all available effects is shown below.)

The effect shown here (23) is a random configuration of all effects.
You can choose them separately of course.

You can use these to create effects on either page entry or exit.
Play around with them and have some fun.
Remember, though,they only work with IE 4 or better (which is 75% of all users).

Here's the list of Transition types and their associated numeric values:

  • Box in = 0
  • Box out = 1
  • Circle in = 2
  • Circle out = 3
  • Wipe up = 4
  • Wipe down = 5
  • Wipe right = 6
  • Wipe left = 7
  • Vertical blinds = 8
  • Horizontal blinds = 9
  • Checkerboard across = 10
  • Checkerboard down = 11
  • Random dissolve = 12
  • Split vertical in = 13
  • Split vertical out = 14
  • Split horizontal in = 15
  • Split horizontal out = 16
  • Strips left down = 17
  • Strips left up = 18
  • Strips right down = 19
  • Strips right up =20
  • Random bars horizontal = 21
  • Random bars vertical = 22
  • Random = 23

Make sure Transitions are enabled in Advanced Internet Options to see them.

Here Are Copy & Paste Codes In Textboxes
Look At The JavaScript Codes.
SEE Where You Can Add Text...

Want a picture to appear in the favorites folders page on WebTv if your site is saved there?
Or a picture to show up if someone hits "recent"???
Add this to your body tag ---


How To Make A Textbox

You Can Put The Code For A TEXTBOX In A TEXTBOX.



in the stop textarea example inside the real textarea.

Thank you Willy!

The BG color & TEXT color only show up on WebTv.
The CSS STYLE code only shows up on computer.
Having both in the code doesn't hurt either displaying correctly.

Webtv screws up codes presented in XMP tags so View Source on this or any page I use XMP tags on to see the codes as they really are.

This page's URL should already be in the textarea of the Source Viewer when you click on the link above to go to my Webtv Source Viewer Page.
Just choose "View Source" & click on "Do It".

NOTE: To use the "and" sign (ampersand) - & - properly in code writing use:

Rows are the number of lines in the textarea.
Cols are the number of spaces allowed in a line.

CSS gives control over bg color & scrollbars on computer.

See:  Draac's  page on using CSS for textareas & stuff.

How To Link To A News Group

How To Make Colored Separator Lines Using A Table
Try img src To Stretch Images.
Long Thin Images Make Weird But Nice Lines...

NOTE: Use border="0" on any image used as a link to get rid of the box around it when it is viewed on a computer.
See my site index button at the bottom of this page.
It has no box around it.

How To Make Your Status Bar At The Bottom Of Your Screen Show A Scrolling Marquee With Your Choice Of Text Using JavaScript.This Really Works!!!

How To Add A Clock To Your Webpage In Two Parts
FIRST: Add This First Code Between Your Start & Stop HEAD Tags After Your TITLE Tag

SECOND: Place This Code Between The Start & Stop BODY Tags Where-ever You Want The Clock To Appear.
Look At The Clock Near The Bottom Of My Page To See It Work.

This Is A Cascading Style Sheet-(CSS)-Code That Makes The Color Of Your Links Change Color As The Cursor Passes Over Them.
Put This Code Between The <head> & </head> Tags On Your Page.

Simple Mailto Code.

Use An Image Or Words In This Code To Make An Email Page Pop Up So People Can Email You.

JavaScript Clock
The Current Time Is:

Added 1/1/2006

To add Rename as an option when you Right Click the Recycle Bin,open Notepad and paste this in-

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder] "Attributes"=hex:70,10,00,20 "CallForAttributes"=dword:00000000

Save it as-


Saving it to your desktop is simplest.
Right click it & choose Merge & follow the prompts.

When finished,Rename should be there when you right click your Recycle Bin.

Name it anything you wish. :)

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