[ Log Title ]

Black amidst the waters, the dark slab of rock that is Dragon Island rises up from the water, it's cold, craggy features sharp and largely devoid of handholds, rising up to a flat plateau. The water seems to lap at the edges of the rock, a dull, thudding sussurus of movement that somehow fails to wear the stone behemoth down, tugging at the edges of your senses. Light seems to spray away from the pumice and basalt, the misty scent of salt and rock somehow echoing through the air, the placid waters of the Gulf lapping at it's stony edges.

Dasher frowns at the television in the window of the store, then sprints down the road. She moves so fast that she skims the water, heading southwest to Dragon Island.

As you run out to and through the harbor you spot Dragonfist on the shore looking around at the burning remains of the cutter and the fires on the naval base.

Dasher changes direction . o O (I guess I can't save anyone) O o . She speeds over towards Dragonfist.

Dasher runs across the water, then onto the shoreline near the Naval Base. "Too late, I guess."

Solace drives towards the beach and finds a parking spot, "Good we are here." then turns off the engine and gets out.

Dasher runs along the edge, then stops by the boat, where Dragonfist is.

Dragonfist can be seen near the shoreline looking out vigilantly towards Dragon Island.

The burning hull of the cutter is visible in the gulf and over on the naval base there are several fires burning.

Volker waits for Solace to drive them where they need to go. He exits the car and spends a good several seconds to complete his puzzle and changes back to the stone hero known as Lodestone. He has that old mask on his face still.

Dragonfist blinks, looking to Dasher. " Can you get us to the cutter? There may be civilians trapped abourd. "

Solace points and says, "Quick, we must get to the island and heads towards the water."

Dasher tells Dragonfist, "I was going to run out there to check it out. Yeah, I can." She turns to let him on her back, "Hop on the Dasher Express."

Lodestone sighs, "How? I cannot go fast."

Dragonfist nods, and climbs onto Dasher's back. It's a good thing Lookout isn't here.

Lodestone tells that to Solace.

Solace looks around and says, "Hmmmm, what is sturdy enough to float you across."

A fighter plane is seen flying out from the north and several miles from the island explosions are seen in the air causing the plane to flame, it turns back long enough for the pilot to be able to bail out over land before the plane finally explodes.

Dasher gasps, "Okay!!! Off we go!!" She suddenly sprints across the water, heading to the boat.

Lodestone says, "Maybe I should go to the Naval base?"

Solace looks over and says, "What is that? What is shooting at the planes?" then pauses, "Naval base?"

Dragonfist hangs on tight.

Dasher's feet brush over the surface of the water. "Okay. Here's the plan. You help to heal people on deck and I'll evacuate people, if they can be."

Dragonfist nods, " I can only bind their wounds or temporarily stabilize them. They wll require further treatment. "

Lodestone points over and asks Solace, "You see that?"

Solace looks over and says, "Do you see that? There are some guns on the island. Are they suppose to be for security of the new prison?" nodding, "Yes, I do indeed."

Dasher nods back to Dragonfist, "I know. But it's better than letting them drown. The base has medical facilities."

Lodestone nods. "We need to get over there, quick!"

Solace nods and says, "Yes, we do indeed..." then heads for the water, "Hmmmm, we can't go by air, and we can't go by boat, those weapons will shoot at us."

Once out past the breakwater, Dasher pours it on.

Lodestone says, "Solace, how about going underneath? Do you need to breath?"

Dragonfist waves a hand to the men, " Is there anyone left aboard the wreckage? "

Solace looks over and says, "No, you want to swim underwater to the boat?"

Dasher runs Dragonfist to the lifeboat with the most injuries.

Lodestone says, "I cannot swim unfortunately. I can go underneath no problem though.."

One of the sailors answers, "No. We were all on deck when it blew up."

Lodestone asks Solace, "You can teleport right? Can you teleport me in this form? Or should I change back to normal?"

Dasher keeps running in a circle, "I need the MOST injured person. I'll run him back to shore!"

Solace looks out and says, "Teleport to where?" glancing out, "That is so far away, I don't think I can reach it."

Dragonfist waves to Dasher, " Get me to the ship. There may be people still aboard. I can gather them up for transport. "

Solace looks around, "Maybe if we can walk to the edge of the breakwater point, or get closer, maybe."

Lodestone asks, "How about umm." He looks around and then plays with his puzzle to change back.

Lodestone nods to Solace and follows his command.

A sailor with a helmet that has a red cross on it points at a man with heavy bandages around his neck. "He's got bad burns."


Dragonfist helps the heavily burned man up so Dasher can see him clearly.

Volker looks for a boat or something.

Dasher moves past Dragonfist, grabbing the man, gently. "Okay, I'll be right back!"

Dasher's feet move over the water, kicking up a roostertail as she turns and heads back to the Naval Base.

Volker asks Solace, "How about having Lodestone knock down a tree and use it to paddle over?

Dragonfist blinks, " Dasher...hold him out..." His hand is glowing blue. " This will only sustain him for a short while. You /must/ get him to emergency care, or he will die..."

Solace nods and says, "Look, fishing boats."

Dasher nods to Dragonfist, "I will. It'll take me a couple seconds."

Volker points to the Lifeboats, "They aren't shooting at the lifeboats either. LEt's go before it's too late, Solace."

Solace nods and follows Volker.

Volker and Solace go over to lifeboat or fishing boat and try to get on board and go over to help...

A small boat with an outboard motor is moored to the pier near the end.

Dragonfist touches the man, and the glow spreads onto him...

Volker says, "Hello there? Can we use your boats or lifeboats to .. How about that small boat there? Can we use it?"

Solace gets in and says, "Quickly, and max that engine."

The man seems breath a little easier.

Volker asks around for permission but follows Solace. Emergency right now. Both of them have enough money to compensate.

Volker starts the engine and undoes the mooring, ropes and anchor is any.

Dasher takes the man at full speed to the Naval Base, where there's emergency medical services.

Volker revs it up to the max. He comments to Solace, "I wonder if Ce'cetar is on the scene is well.

The sailors continue to row for shore.

Dragonfist waits for Dasher to return, tending to other wounded as best he can.

Solace looks out and says, "I don't know, just get us close so I can teleport into the lifeboats and move the wounded onbaord."

Volker maneuvers the boat over to where Solace has directed.

Dragonfist can be seen tending to the wounded...

The doctors at the naval hospital take the man for treatment, "Thank you. He looks stable but might not have survived the trip back."

Dasher nods to the doctors, "There's more. I'll be back in a flash."

Dasher takes back off at full speed for the life boats.

The trip to sea takes a while, the boat is difficult to handle.

Volker sighs. "I'm sorry Solace, Im not good at piloting this vehical."

Solace looks around and says, "Are all the wounded taken care of?"

Dasher becomes the Dasher Shuttle, running back and forth from the lifeboats to the Naval Base and repeating it until no more wounded are on.

Dragonfist looks to Solace, Volker, and Dasher. "I recommend we investigate Dragon Island for the cause of all seems to be the focal point of the turmoil" (Assuming I read the +RP bit right? )

Solace points and says, "There are guns on the island and they are firing at the planes and probably at this boat."

Volker nods to Dragonfist, "Solace and I saw guns there. Yes.."

Dasher runs a circle around the boat Dragonfist is in, "Yeah. I can only take one or two at a time, though, running."

Solace nods and says, "Put a rope on one and drag us along."

Dasher eyes the boat, "That could work. I hope I'm strong enough."

Solace looks over and says, "Everyone into one of the boats..."

Volker gets into the boat.

Dasher circles, then says, "Hook the rope to the boat, then hold it out so I can grab it. And Lodestone, don't you DARE go big on me."

Solace concentrates a bit, transforming into a golden energy. He vanishes and reappears seated in one of the lifeboat.

Dragonfist gets in, and steadies himself.

Volker nods to Dasher. He hopes he doesnt get hurt in this form. He doesnt want to end up like Dragonfist.

Solace ropes one end of the rope to a secure part of the boat up front.

Dasher calls over, "Ready for me, boys?"

Solace nods and says, "Yep, grab the other end and be like the locomotive that can." smiling.

Dasher grits her teeth and comes around for the final circle, grabs the rope, and pours on the speed. She grunts from the weight, but starts running southwest, "I'm not a hero. I'm an engine. Just cross your fingers that I don't have to stop for anything."

The trip goes in spurts. Dasher runs for a while then has to stop and rest in the boat then runs again. Finally, as you get within 20" of the shore.... (PER ROLLS)

You see steam escaping from holes that open along the cliff face and gun barrels coming out.

Volker says, "Peoples.. Peoples..."

Dasher blinks, "Um, hey, are those coming out as in 'gonna shoot us?'"

Volker is starting to get nervous and has his hands on his puzzle artifact..

Dragonfist narrows his eyes, " I see no one manning the weaponry. But they are pointed at us. " He stands at the prow, in the line of fire from the guns. " Make haste, Dasher. If we are attacked, I may be bale to deflect /some/ of the projectiles..."

Dasher breathes heavily, "I'm MAKING haste! Hang on, I may have to run funny, or you may have to jump over the edge."

Volker hangs on tightly to the boat.

Solace looks over and says, "I can biostream across if needed." looking at the distance.

Volker says, "Can you take me along, Solace?"

Dasher nods, "If you can reach it now, do it. The lighter the boat, the easier for me."

Solace looks over and says, "I can lift you up.." then looks at a safe landing point and concentrates, streaming across to the new spot.

Solace looks back and concentrates again, he gestures his hands out and extends a golden aura that grasps onto Volker and lifts him up slowly and onto land. (Oh well.)

Dasher makes it to Dragon Island, "Hurry off!!"

Dragonfist immidiatly leaps out of the boat, and moves to cover. " Volker, get to ground and transform. Dasher will need cover while she unties herself. "

Volker lands and gets out and transforms!

The gun barrels point at the beach then the sound of hissing steam is heard as bullets rain down on the beach.

Dasher's eyes widen, "Great speeding ghost!!!" as bullets bounce off her speed field.

The inflatable boat turns to so much rubber scraps.

Lodestone transforms in time to have the bullets flie off his stone skin. "That was close..."

The guns are set in alcoves on the cliff face about 5 feet up. Steam shoots out powering the bullets.

Dasher sets her jaw firmly, and runs up the side of the island, to the gun alcoves, "We have to stop these. I doubt they're part of the security system."

Dasher sniffs a bit, "Something cookin'?" . o O (I wish Tommy were here.)

Solace looks over and says, "Wait for me..." then concentrates a bit and biostreams onto the side of a gun like Dasher does, "Better up here, then in front of the barrel." (Ooops, forgot to do +cp, Teleport Full move 15" max)

Lodestone follows the others and tries to get over to the weaponry to help stop it. "Solace, Dragonfist! If you need cover, get behind me!"

Dasher climbs into a gun alcove. "Maybe if I see what's doing the shooting."

Dragonfist examines the guns from his vantage point. " Solace. Dasher. Please move to safety. Once you have..." He looks to Lodestone, " Lodestone, could you collapse the cliffside so they fall into the ocean? "

Dasher moves around the guns, looking for a way to turn the guns off, "This is like that old movie with the metal lady."

Dasher makes a face at the machines.

Dragonfist waits for a response from Dasher or Solace.

The guns continue to point down at the beach and fire.

Solace looks down and says, "Move to safety, did he he say something about collapsing the cliffside or something?" he says as he hears Dragonfist.

Dragonfist blinks, and dives to one side for cover. " Nevermind..." he yells to his companions, realizing the full spread capacity of the weaponry. " Just disable them!"

Dragonfist splashes into the water.

Dragonfist leaps up from the water, into the alcove Dasher and Solace rest withing. He then promptly takes a good look around.

Dragonfist lands deftly, a bit off from his targeted point, but there all the same.

Dasher looks around for anything to jam the spinning wheels with. "Far out! This place is totally...devoid..of anything I can use. LODESTONE!! Come up here and smash some stuff!!" She looks for anything to follow, "Something has to be controlling these from somewhere..and where's the people who work here?"

Lodestone yells out while being pelted by gunfire. They are like flies to him. "I'm going as fast as I can!"

The pipe breaks and superheated steam floods the alcove.

Dasher coughs, "Bad idea of mine."

Solace looks around and says, "What are you doing? Breaking steam valves?" looking around a bit. "Is that wise?"

Dasher answers Solace, "No. It's dumb. I won't do it again."

Lodestone continues to move over and climb over to where the others are.

Dragonfist says, "It worked. It is simply hazardous. Solace, can you produce some sort of protective field?"

Solace looks down and says, "Protective to me, but I don't think I can protect you from steam."

Dasher sounds sheepish, coughing, "I'll, *ack* try to follow the line to shut it off. Oh..I'll go in through the top. Get out of here."

Dragonfist blinks, " Dasher...are you alright? "

For some reason, Dasher doesn't reply to Dragonfist.

Dragonfist begins to sound worried, " Dasher!? "

Solace looks around and says, "It's getting warm in here... Thank God I don't sweat."

Lodestone says, "What is going on guys? Need me to smash something?"

Dragonfist says, "See if Dasher is all right...the steam is very hot.."

The steam stops in the alcove and when it clears there is no Dasher to be seen.

Solace looks over and says, "What? There is no Dasher.. Dasher where are you?"

Lodestone says, "Guys? What do you need me to do?"

Solace points and says, "Find a boulder and throw it into one of the empty alcovers."

Dragonfist says, "Find Dasher...she's inside that alcove somewhere, in the steam..."

Lodestone looks puzzled at the two contradictory commands.

Solace looks around and says, "Where did she go?" he pauses and feels around with his detect lifeforms to feel where she is now, "Dasher, are you alright?"

Solace looks up and says, "Might as well go up." then looks up and concentrates again, transforming into a golden energy, streaming upwards to higher ground.

Solace looks over and says, "Oh, there you are.." as he finds Dasher again, "What shall we do about our comrades?" pointing downwards.

Dragonfist looks to Lodestone, " Go inside the other alcove, and find a pipe. Destroy it, and then meet us at the top..." he tells the stoney hero.

Lodestone says, "Alright.."

Lodestone looks over to Dragonfist, "It will be difficult for me to come back up though.."

Dragonfist frowns, " You are correct...Solace? " He begins to yell to the other hero, " Do you have any sort of protection that can allow you to safely destroy the other pipe? "

Solace looks down and says, "Hmmmm, I could attempt to raise a bioforce wall and block steam, maybe." nodding, "Then again I seem to be resistant to the heat."

Dasher runs along the top of Dragon Island, heading into the construction area, where Arnold and O'Sheridan's crew were making their cuts. "There has to be some way, maybe. Or at least I can find people and get them out. I'm sure not good with guns."

Lodestone scratches his head. "Shoul I just smack the guns?" He wonders to himself.

Dragonfist leaps to the top of the cliff in a single bound

Lodestone starts to pound ont he guns, while shouting, "I hope you guys have a plan."

Dragonfist watches from above...

Lodestone pounds his fists on the cannons and watches it crumble to bits and pieces, a big puff of steamcloud surrounds the stone man and when it settles, all that is standing is Lodestone. The ships should be safe from this vantage point for now.

Dasher starts making her way down and into the interior of the island, searching for the construction crew, "Hello?? Anybody?"

Dragonfist waits for Lodestone.

Solace follows Dasher and says, "Sould we wait for the others?" then looks around.

Lodestone goes to help Dragonfist and Solace.

Dragonfist goes after Dasher and Solace as well, keeping pace with Lodestone.

Dasher stops and then looks up at Solace, "Okay. I'll wait. I just hope they're ok."

Lodestone follows as fast as he can. "Dragonfist, What did you guys find? Anything?"

Solace nods and says, "I hope so too, but running into anoter cannon will serve them nor us any good."

Lodestone climbs and climbs. He makes sure he doesnt slip and fall on Dragonfist.

Lodestone climbs up to find Dragonfist. He hopes he doesnt fall on some glass or anything.

Dasher walks over to an area and crouches down, "This is wild, man. Hey Doc, you know plants. Come down and see this!"

Solace looks over and says, "A bit, but I'm hardly an expert."

Dragonfist is nowhere nearby, or he'd take a look too.

Dragonfist is an herbalist, you know.

Lodestone tries to get over to Dragonfist as fast as he can.

Solace looks down and says, "Is there something unusual about them?"

Dragonfist is waiting for Lodestone, and keeps pace with him as they follow Dasher and Solace.

Once he climbs out, Lodestone follows Dragonfist over. "Where did they go?"

Dasher nods, "Well, yeah. First off, there was no life growing on the island. And secondly, unless someone dropped their dinner, they look really funny."

Solace nods and says, "They've been, well boiled or steamed badly." looking around, "Did a cannon blast of steam strike them or something?"

Dragonfist points to the construction site.

Dasher rubs her chin, "More of those pipes? I don't see any."

Lodestone smiles and heads in the direction Dragonfist has pointed to.

Dasher pokes at it, "Heh. Boiled seaweed. Go figure."

Solace looks around again, "I wonder what happened to all the construction workers...." glancing around a bit, "I don't see anyone."

The entrance doorway stands open with light visible inside.

Dasher tells Solace, "They must be down lower." She pokes again at the plant, "Hmm. Musta come in off of a vehicle."

Solace shrugs and says, "All this steam must need water, perhaps it's drawing it from the ocean."

Dasher nods to Solace, "Are we ready to go down, yet?"

Solace nods and says, "Oh yes..." then follows along, looking around and scanning for lifeforms of the construction workers, "I hope they are alright."

Lodestone comes over finally, "Ok Guys, What next?"

Solace points and says, "I can feel them down there, some are injured and slipping in life."

Lodestone says, "Then Lets go help them. That should be priority!"

Dasher cringes, "Yes!! Lode, is it ok if I run Solace down fast?"

Lodestone nods.

Dasher turns, "Get on my back, Doc."

Solace looks down and says, "Okay..." then piggyrides on Dasher, "Come down as fast as you can Lodestone, we may need you."

Dasher takes in a deep breath and runs with Solace, heading to the injured people.

Lodestone follows as fast as he can.

Upon entering the facility you can see that this area is nearly finished offices and barracks for personnel. A room with many television sets looks like it's in the stages of assembly. There is an elevator with the doors closed in the center of the first floor.

Solace looks around and tries to locate the people, "Hmmm, where are they."

Dasher points to the elevator, "In there?"

Solace calls out, "Hello, is anyone here, we've come to help!" then looks to Dasher, "I'll be fine, go see if Lodestone can get down here."

Lodestone continues along until he reaches the edge.

Dasher nods and runs back to Lodestone, "Don't argue with me. Go to non-heavy. I'll run you."

Solace looks back and says, "I should wait, but till then." goes and pushes the button to call the elevator.

The doors open and suddenly two blasts of water shoot out at Solace.

Lodestone changes back for Dasher.

Dasher grabs Lodestone and runs with him back to Solace's area.

Solace gets soaked and says, "Ack!! What is this!" then steps back and shakes himself to get the waterout of his clothes a bit.

In the elevator stand two Steam Centurions.

Steam Centurion

This metal biped is reminescent of the robots in old black and white science fiction serials like Rocketman and Flash Gordan. It stands six and a half feet tall not counting the red box crest atop the head like a roman centurions. The head also has a series of small pipes that steam escapes from. The head is built in the shape of a roman helmet with a golden human like face inside that resembles the face of their creator. It's arms are tubular with clamping claws on the ends. One has a nozzle sticking out beside the claw. It's torso is barrel like and its legs look like those flexible parts of bending straws under skirted armor. It's legs end in large rectangular metal blocks. The whole robot is red with gold inlay all over.

Dasher brings Lodestone back, then curses in Chinese.

Lodestone attempts to change back to his stoneform.

Solace looks back and says, "Be careful, they shoot superhot water."

Dasher gasps, "AGH, wait til I put you down!!!"

Lodestone nods to Dasher, "I was just nervous.. Sorry."

Dasher exhales, "The song "He ain't heavy.." sure wasn't written about YOU." She looks at the Centurions. "What in the world?"

Dasher moves forward, "This is probably really dumb, too." She hurls her fist out at one, trying a one-two punch.

Dasher's fists clang against the metal centurions, "Ow. Ow!"

Volker changes to Lodestone!

The punch hit the robot in it's chest and a panel pops open dropping two odd balls out.

Dasher's eyes widen, "GRENADE?"

The robot is knocked to the back of the elevator and down.

Solace looks around and says, "These things are bizarre." then concentrates a bit, suddenly he is wrapped in a golden aura. He looks at one and points at it, concentrating on it.

Solace watches as his strike goes wide.

The robot's shield comes up and deflects the shot..

The standing robot looks at the heroes in the doorway and it's chest panel opens. A ball fires out propelled by steam. It spreads to become a net.

Dasher struggles a bit, to no avail, "A NET?"

Solace shrugs and says, "This is most unfortunate."

The fallen robot gets up, "Caesar commands! All shall be captured!" It aims it's watercannon at the entangled Dasher.

Dasher sighs, "We need better Battle Chatter, Doc...AIIIIEE."

Dasher sputters as the water comes through the net into her.

Dasher makes a face and grumbles, "How can stuff that looks so ancient be giving us trouble like this? I makes /steam/ powered stuff and nets anymore?" She grits her teeth and tries to break out of the net.

Dasher grimaces, "Doc...a little HELP?"

Solace looks over and says, "This is most unfortunate indeed." then concentrates, tranforming into a golden energy that slips through the entangle and to safety. He looks up and says, "Lodestone free her and join together to pound them." then raises up his hand and focuses another strike.

Dasher tells Lodestone, "Don't worry about ME! Get THEM! So we can get the people!"

Solace hand blasts out a golden energy that strikes one of the robots.

The steam slows a little in the robot that Solace hits then builds up again.

Lodestone steps into the place where Solace was once and swings his heavy stone fist at the robots.

The robot sidesteps a little and is missed by the massive fist.

Dasher starts to shake, faster and faster. Her body begins to turn into a blur and she passes through the steel netting.

The robots look toward Lodestone and blast at the earthen hero with there watercannons.

Lodestone sighs as he gets a wash. "Is there any plan of attack?"

Solace nods and says, "Yes, hit them and bust them up."

Dasher moves around to get into the kitchen area, "Anyone? Hello? It's Dasher and I brought a doctor."

The kitchen is as empty as the rest of the prison so far.

Solace looks over and says, "Lodestone strike at this one." then concentrates slowly and shoots a blast out at one of the Centurions.

Solace extends his hand and flourishes a golden blast that envelopes around the Centurion, binding it down a bit. "There you go, now do the honors.."

Lodestone tries again to strike a Steam Centurion. "Ok Solace!" This time, the stone hero tries to get the one noted by Solace. He has to put these guys down quickly or else something bad might happen.

The robot before Lodestone is trussed up like a ham.

Lodestone smacks the Steam Centurion with the assistance of Solace. "Thanks Solace, These robots are just too quick for me!"

The stone hero hits him right in the chest.

Dasher starts moving through any and all rooms and corridors she sees, looking for the construction crew, "Hello???!!"

The robot in the back steps forward past his fallen twin and reaches out an arm that seems to have a glowing red substance on it.

The clawed arm swings and misses. The lava splatters and hisses as it hits the wet floor.

The second robot completely evaporates the entanglement on in and stands. "Lethal Force protocol."

Solace looks and says, "Lava, what fiend created these things?"

Lava drips off the arm of the second robot as well.

Lodestone says, "I dont know.. Be careful Solace!"

Solace pauses and says, "Well if it worked once, might as well try it again." concentrating and issuing forth another golden blast.

The glow is once again deflected by the shield.

Lodestone frowns, "These robots are tough!" He attempts another fist attack at the robot.

Solace shrugs and says, "Such annoying things."

The robot sails back and slams into the back of the elevator again.

Dasher sighs and runs back into the elevator, "They're not up here. I need to go down. Lode, keep them out of the elevator!!!" She moves behind the robots and tries to kick them out of it.

Dasher gives the kicking another try, "OUT Damn roBOT!"

Dasher is dancing on robot backs to no avail.

The fallen robot slides toward the doorway.

Lodestone attempts to make a grab for the fallen robot. That way they wont go where Dasher wants them to not go.

Lodestone crushes the one he has in his arms. "Solace do that light thingy on the other one so it cant move!"

The crushed robots' watergun leaks all over the floor.

Solace looks over and says, "Well, I presume I can try, but those things got some strange shield." then focuses on the remaining Centurion and issues forth an attack.

Lodestone yells to the Steambot, "Come over here and save your buddy!"

The Centurion's skill with the shield seems unbelievable.

The grabbed robot leaks lava and claws at his captor.

The second robot steps forward and lashes out with a lava coated claw as well.

Lodestone shouts, "My lord, It's leaking lava!" Lodestone's rocky body protects him from most of the damage.

Dasher grimaces, takes a deep inhale and balls up her fist. o O (Okay...don't move)

Solace looks over and says, "Now everybody together now!" raising his hand up again, "Someone destroy that annoying shield will you."

Again that phalanx shield saves it's holder.

Lodestone continues to crush the lava spewing robot hoping he doesn't get hurt.

The robot Lodestone holds finally crushes like an empty beer can. Steam bathes our rocky hero but simply leaves a wet luster.

Dasher's fist becomes a nearly invisible blur, except for the redness. She strikes forward, "ALL OUT!! Floor 8 ladies' lingerie, Solace and Lodestone!" *KLANG*!!!

The robot flies out involuntarily and hits the opposing wall. "GOING DOWN!"

The robot hits the far wall and shatters scattering lava and scalding water.

Dasher tells Solace, "Get in here and let's find the people!! Lodestone, stop playing with the robot and just get rid of it."

There is an information plaque on the back of the elevator that states 50,000 lb capacity.

Solace looks over and says, "I totally agree, hold the elevator please." then concentrates, transforming into golden energy, suddenly appearing next to Dasher.

Dasher frowns, "Hey, uh. Lode? When you're done, do you weigh less than fifty thousand pounds?"

Solace looks over and says, "I'd recommend stepping away from the door when it opens this tieme, unless you want to take a bath."

Dasher nods and tells Solace, "Good idea."

Lodestone Pose attempts to smash one robot with another.

Dasher stamps on the floor, "Far out. I think this elevator can actually hold Lodestone."

Lodestone goes over to the Elevator. "I can get in I think. It's just right."

Dasher presses down then stays to the side.

Dasher asks Solace, "Can you feel them, Doc?"

Solace nods and focuses intense on each floor they stop at.

The button for 4 is pressed and the elevator goes down.

Dasher looks at Solace, "Now?"

Solace looks out and scans a bit.

The doors open to the 4th floor. This level is different from the previous levels. The walls are still rough hewn stone and the lighting is temporary wiring. When the door opens you can hear the clomping of heavy metal feet and the sound of a teakettle.

Solace pauses and says, "I think we found more of them."

Lodestone says, "More of the lava steam bots? What do we do?"

Solace nods and says, "We must find the people and get them out first, if needed you must destroy them."

Dasher looks at Solace, "I'm going to do a mad dash past them, and look for the people, maybe draw their fire." She sprints out of the elevator.

Solace looks out and scans the area for the people, "Where are they?"

Lodestone concetrates and tries to blend into the walls.

Lodestone says, "Solace, If I can camoflauge myself, they might not spot me."

Solace looks over and says, "Go find those steam things and take care of them. I'll go get the people."

Solace transforms into golden energy and shoots across to a new location towards where he senses people. (7")

Lodestone tries to blend in before moving down the path.

The robots both react to Solace's presense by shooting him with their water cannons.

Solace gets knocked down and shakes his head a bit, "More hot water. This is going to shrink my robes." looking down, "Look my shirt is so tight, you can see my nipples now." then attempts to pull the fabric back.

Lodestone continues to travel over to help Solace. He wonders if they will spot him..

Dasher peeks into the red-lit area, "Hello? Anyone? It's Dasher."

The level is slightly lower and the walls are like a dungeon's after running in you find dank holding cells full of workers as well a large machine that is clicking and whirring like crazy.

Solace looks up and says, "What fiendish person created you. Chinese Laundryman?" looks up and says, "Horrible work on the ceilings." then concentrates and issues forth a golden energy towards the ceiling and rips down the wiring down.

Both robots shudder from the attack and the lights go out in the non red area.

Lodestone says, "Crud. I dont know where the Robots are."

Solace looks over and says, "What? Circuit break protection? Couldn't they have waited!!" as he realizes no more electricity is coming out. He looks over towards the general location of the people and pauses for a moment.

Dasher looks at the machine, checking for wires, valves, switches. "Hmm, what is it doing? Why is it on?"

Dasher facepalms, "Lava. Steam. Gears. Switches. Italian writing. It makes sense. This is BAD." She decides to flip a switch that looks like an 'off' to her.

A loud BOOM is heard from above.

Dasher winces, "Oh no."

Dasher switches it back the way it was. "I'm going to destroy this place before it's built."

One of the robots stands still as if searching but the other turns to the glowing figure and closes on him before firing a net.

The net sails out through the darkness to wrap up the good doctor.

Solace looks up and says, "I gotta run, I do.." then looks over and transforms again, streaming away farther towards the people he felt.

Dasher calls to the workers, "Is anyone awake? I need your help to get you out! How do I shut this thing off?"

One of the workers calls out, "We don't know. We accidentally dug into this room and those things attacked us."

Dasher asks, "Is the machine part of the prison, then? Or was it here already?"

The voice responds again. "It's not anything we built."

Dasher sighs, "Okay. No sweat. I can do this. Ooh. Steam powered, just swell." She moves to the prison part, "I think I'll try to just break you guys out."

Dasher tells them, "Stand back. Way back."

Dasher slams her hand into the door. "SOLACE! They're here!"

The door opens as the lock breaks.

Lodestone tries to keep the bots busy while the others move to help the others escape. Still chameleoned, he moves closer to the robots.

Solace looks around and says, "Hello, anyone near by?" biostreaming off again closer to the location of people.

Dasher moves to the next door, "Okay. Dasher, the Locksmith is coming around. Everyone back." She winds up and punches at the next door's lock.

Dasher rubs sweat off her chin. o O (I'm not good for much more of this)

Solace looks around and says, "Who put them in there, we need a key."

Dasher pants heavily, "The robots did, they say."

The Centurion closest to Lodestone hears the movement and closes on him. His glowing claw extends toward Lodestone.

Dasher asks Solace, "Can you help the men I just opened the door for?"

The claw just misses.

The second robot follows the first but stops and raises it's lava coated hand to the brush atop his head. Setting it alight and illuminating the area.

Solace looks over and says, "Of course, who is the most injured?" biostreaming as close as he can to the injured.

Solace looks around and says, "Who is most injured? Anyone serious." then quickly does a scan for rating of patients based on burns. Solace moves quickly over to them and begins healing.

Solace glances and says, "Oh my, very bad.. Allow me to tend to this." as he kneels down to the injured man. He concentrates as his hand glows a brighter golden aura, slowly waving his hand over the injured he mends the burns.

Lodestone smiles. "Ah There you guys are!" He readies a fist for one of the robots. The stone man shouts to the other heroes, "How are you two doing?"

Dasher bites her lip, and tries the second door again, "Okay. Let's try this harder."

Dasher lets out a sigh of relief, "One to go."

Dasher moves to the last prison door and winds up to punch it, "Stand back!"

Solace looks up and says, "Be careful, there are two robots on the loose." pausing a moment, to look around, "Those who are injured badly, call out and I'll tend to you."

The whole crowd seems to call out for assistance.

Solace looks around and says, "Oh my.."

Dasher's fist slams into the lock, breaking it. She then leans against the wall, sliding to the floor, spent.

Solace looks around and begins healing the nearest injured, trying to treat the worst off.

The workers smiles at the golden healer, "Thank you. That's much better."

Lodestone tries to strike the robot again.

The robot goes sailing back and slams into it's duplicate with the flaming head.

Lodestone grins as his fist connects true and deadly.

The remaining robot gets up and moves toward Lodestone.

Dasher sits on the floor, breathing heavily. "At least I was already drenched, so nobody can see I didn't use Arrid Xtra Dry today."

Solace looks over and says, "I'll take care of the people." looking back to the injured, "Everyone be calm."

Lodestone shouts out to the others, "Are there any more robots?"

Solace looks around and says, "Don't worry, everything will be fine." concentrating again, causing his hand to glow. He motions it over the injury mending the wounds of a construction worker.

"Alright, Let's try for the next bot." Lodestone readies another heavy fist for the flaming robot moving forward to strike.

Lodestone was too overconfident and misses the flaming bot.

Dasher gets back up, "I should go help Lodestone, I guess." She sprints out of the room.

Steam Centurion shoots at Lodestone with it's watergun.

Lodestone seems unaffected by the water gun.

Dasher runs up to the Centurion, "Lode, you really can't take so long with this stuff." She winds her arm up, "Watch out."

Solace turns and looks towards another injured person, "Calm now, don't go anywhere till that robot is destroyed." He looks onwards and tends to another injured. He concentrates slowly, causing his hand to glow a golden color, motioning over the wound, slowly healing the burns.

"I'm sorry Dasher. You know how slow I am.", replies Lodestone with a grin. He's glad that he has help to fight of the robot. He stands there ready to continue fighting after Dasher connects with her attack.

Dasher vibrates her fist to a blur, "Too bad we can't combine your strength and my speed."

Dasher's fist connects with a KLANNNNNNG*

The robot slams into Lodestone and falls apart.

Lodestone smiles, "Thanks for the clean up, Dasher."

Dasher wobbles on her feet. "No sweat. There's a machine, though. I don't know what it does."

Lodestone nods to Dasher. "Let's go see what it's for."

Dasher asks, "Do you read Italian?"

[To Dasher] Lodestone says, "Are you alight? You look wobbly."

Heimdall takes back the combat tracker.

Lodestone shakes his head. "No.. I do not."

Dasher nods to Lodestone, "I'm _spent_. Totally. And no food. And look at my costume!!"

Solace looks around and does his best to start tending to the wounds of the people.

Lodestone looks at Dasher's costume and if he were in human form, his face would be red with embarrassment. He dismisses this emotion and tells Dasher, "Take a rest, Dasher. Maybe we can get some stuff back to the lab for the others to Look at."

Solace assists the sixteen people slowly, then leads them upwards and to safety. He looks back, "You can deal with the mechanical stuff. Come, this way people."

Dasher looks at the machine, "We need to get an expert to look at the machine. And our plastic boat blew up. How will we get back?"

One of the workers recommends using the radio in his truck to get ahold of the island.

Solace nods and says, "Good idea, call the navy and tell them it's safe to send rescue boats."

Dasher nods to the worker, "Good idea. Be back in a jif." With a gust of air, Dasher's off, heading to the truck.

Lodestone nods at Solace and looks at the stuff in Itallian. He looks for other things that might be of interest as well.

When contacted the navy asks what happened. For some reason the island fired a beam at a ship in dry dock turning it to slag.

Dasher winces and apologizes, "I tried to shut it down. I hope you have munitions experts?"

When a Helicopter flies out toward the island the guns pop out again and quickly disable it.

Dasher frowns, "On second thought. Lodestone, can you smash that machine?"

The radio comes to life again, "I thought you said it was safe?

Dasher radios, "We DID! We're going to try smashing the thing."

Lodestone tries to smash the machine.

The radio voice asks, "Smashing what?"

Dasher tells the radio man, "There's some kind of machine controlling the weapons. In Italian."

Lodestone waits. Perhaps they can give input...

The radio comes back, "It speaks Italian to the weapons? Amazing.

Dasher rolls her eyes, then radios, "I think it's something Il Sovrano made, and the crew here found it."

The radio operator says for the heroes to wait.

Dasher calls down, "WAIT!!"

Lodestone says, "Tell them the controls are and panels have itallian writing. We need a translator."

Dasher calls back, "I did. But how in the world can we get them here?"

A few minutes later another voice is on the radio spelling out the words for shutdown off and the like.

Dasher calls down to Lodestone the words. "Look for that."

Lodestone looks at the words and sees if he can figure things out. (Deduction?)

Lodestone puts it on standby.

Dasher radios, "Ok. He put it on standby."

Another attack helicopter approaches and is able to land on the island followed by large transport helicopter.

The military authorities arrive and thank the heroes. They offer them a ride back to the island with the workers.

Lodestone tells Dasher, "Now What?"

Dasher accepts the ride, "Thanks. I'm totally beat."

Lodestone says, "Hmm"

Dasher looks back at Lodestone, "Travel light. I'm not running again."

Lodestone says, "I guess The military will take a look at the stuff here. We can't take anything back..."

Dasher shakes her head, "It's best that they do. We nearly caused more damage than good with it."

Lodestone nods. "Well, I thought it would keep El Cid busy for a while."

Dasher rolls her eyes, "He's too busy analyzing glass."

Lodestone says, "I bet these robots would be more interesting."

Lodestone grins.

Dasher smiles, "If we hadn't smashed them."


The local news is flooded with stories about the attack from Dragon Island. One article is from The Daily Olympian

The caption reads, Heroes All Wet but Workers Saved.

There is a front page photograph of Dasher, Solace, Lodestone (as a normal person with a mask wearing tattered pants) and Dragonfist all getting off of a military transport helicopter. The former three are all in wearing clothing that is completely drenched. (Photo by Greg Gardiner)

Yesterday terror reigned on our fair island as horrible weapons suddenly fired on our community from Dragon Island. 5 A-7 Intruder aircraft and a Huey Bell Helicopter were shot down as well as the Coast Guard cutter U.S.S. Stalwart was sunk by a torpedo and the US Navy Destroy Escort Dessens was melted in dry dock by a beam of intense heat from the island 12 miles away. Brigadier General Theodore 'Ted' Curren the current post commander reports that the attack was from an automated defense system that Il Sovrano may have built in the mid 1940s. The Heroes Dasher, Dragonfist, Lodestone, and Solace responded to the emergency and were able to stop this onslaught from the island. Witnesses at the island report that the future prison site was taken over by strange robots that took all the construction workers captive and they were rescued by the quartet of heroes as well as having the majority of their wounds treated by Dr. Trotter. General Curren reports that the island is temporarily off limits to all personnel and a battalion of troops are now posted on the island.

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