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    An interesting endgame   

 3B4/p6p/8/2P5/3pkpp1/8/P3K3/8 - Black to move  (bish_eg4-diag01.gif, 27 KB)

  Don Fournier (1600) - A.J. Goldsby I (2200)  
  Club Game (at odds, 4' - 8')  
  Panera Bread Store (Cordova Mall)  
  Pensacola, FL; (7)  /  29,05,2005.  


From a game I played at Sunday Chess Club. (Its not perfect, but it is both entertaining and instructive.) 
(I had been at least one Pawn up the entire game. Then my opponent "snuck" a Pawn in ... I just allowed him to do so. 
 I felt that his King and Bishop were incapable of stopping my Pawns ... analysis would clearly demonstrate that my idea  
 was correct ... at no time in the game was I lost.)  

The time control was one played at odds, my opponent had eight minutes, while I only had half that. 

 1...d3+;  2.Kf2?!,  (Maybe - '?')   
White is lost. The move played looks like the most natural defense, as the White King moves over to try and halt the advance of the two Black, connected & passed Pawns. However, the computer shows that Kd2 was a better defense in this position. 

     [ Even the best defense loses for White here. Here is the proof:   
       >/=  2.Kd2 g3!;  3.Bh4 Kf3;  4.Bf6,  {Diagram?}   
       The Bishop goes here, so as to be able to play Bd4 - and catch the g-pawn before it reaches g1. 

            ( Not </= 4.c6?, as 4...g2; "+/-" wins. )   

       4...Kg2!;  {Diagram?}  
       Now that White can catch the button on the g-file, Black switches off and takes steps to insure  
       that his f-Pawn will promote. 

       5.c6 f3;  6.c7 f2;  7.c8Q f1Q;  8.Qe6 h5!;  "/+"  {Diagram?}  
       Several hours of analysis - with the computer - confirms that this is a won position for Black.


 2...g3+;  3.Kf1 f3!?;  
This wins ... but I should have seen a quicker and better win for Black from this position. 

     [ >/= 3...g2+! "-/+" ]    


Now Black wins in a very entertaining fashion. 
 4.Ba5 Ke3!!;   
Now one threat that I have is  5...g2+; 6.Kg1, Ke2!;  with a very easy win for Black.   
(Black rams home a Pawn.) 


 5.c6!? f2!!;  6.c7,  ('?' or '??')   
This loses very quickly, but my opponent has not seen my winning idea yet. 
(Both players were very short of time here.) 

     [  >/=  6.Kg2 Ke2; 7.Kxg3 f1Q; "-/+" ]  


 6...Kf3!;  7.c8Q g2#;  {Diagram?}   
An ending that is both a lot of fun to analyze, fun to play over ... and also very instructive as well.   

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 2005.  All rights reserved.  


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  (Page first posted on this web-site:  June, 2005.) 
(Last  up-dated:  Thursday;  June 16th, 2005.   Last edit or save on: 06/16/2005 .)

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