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Stats powered by PsychoStats
Server Name: Camel's ANTI-CHEAT CS 1.5
Server IP:
Admin: Diesel, TooL, Ebone
Last Update: 09/25/02 04:11am
Server Stats Cheaters Player Ranks Clan Ranks Weapon Ranks Award Ranks Map Stats Server Maps Forum Server Status F.A.Q.

Clantag Prof.
Members on server 11
Ranked Members 6
Rank Percentage 54.55%
Average Rank 837
Total Kills 12047
Total Deaths 11283
Kills per Death 1.07
Total Awards 22
No logo specified for this clan.
Email me your clan logo to display here!
Anything will work: images, flash, etc.
# Player Name Kills Deaths Rank Skill
1 Prof.Tollbooth Willy 3131 2150 1 3249
2 Prof.LineageTsu 2895 2804 9 2211
3 Prof.Flaminjd 1830 1595 15 1896
4 Prof.Latent 1655 1571 23 1673
5 Prof.JWarrior 939 739 31 1578
6 Prof.Seaman 628 466 28 1600
7 Prof.Wizard_Wiz 565 1311 166 1260
8 Prof.Mitch 226 422 3256 811
9 Prof.RedLine-a 93 55 152 1274
10 Prof.Chainer 81 77 2155 975
11 Prof.chicken 4 93 3368 463
Email me the full listing of your clan members if you want to protect your clan listing from unwanted names.

Last updated on 09/25/02 04:11am
2249 log files (89.66 MB) scanned in 11:13 minutes
Stats older than 32 days are ignored
© PsychoStats v1.9 was written by Stormtrooper