by Marcus Salo

Scenario for WarpQuest.
Click here for the WarpQuest Core Rules.
Each player takes the role of a prisoner in Dick J. Pitt 
Correctional Facility Medium Security Prison looking to escape 
through a tunnel the prisoner is digging from his cell to 
freedom and then driving to Mexico.

There are two Modules. Both modules are 30 spaces long. Between 
the Modules, the player rolls for a Getaway Car.
There is no Artifact, the goal is to get to Mexico (space 80) 
before getting caught or killed.
The journey on the board is a one way trip.
Spaces on the board represent time not distance in the first 
module, distacne in the second.
Each player starts with 6 skills.
If you fail the challenge you return to space #1 unless the card 
says something different.
If you win the challenge, advance.
The player with the most cards in the most challenge types wins. 
If you win a “fight” with an opponent, the opponent must go back 
six spaces.

1D6     Skill                   
1       Cunning                 
2       Smooth Talking          
3       Steeling                        
4       Fighting                
5       Shooting                (if you have a gun)             
6       Driving                 
7       Toughness
8       Agility
9       Charisma                (to gain respect)
10      Stealth

Module 1: The Prison
Card Name:                                      Notes:

1. Prison Thugs, Ricky & Lee inthe Cafeteria    Charisma x2 or Fighting x2

2. Collapsing Tunnel                            Agility x2

3. Brutal Guard Mike Procton                    Toughness x2

4. Race Riot                                    Cunning x2 
(if succesfull, you can dig your tunnel twice as fast, because the 
guards are calming down the Riot, advance 1d6 spaces)

5. Kitchen Duty                                 Steeling x2 
(if succesfull, you steel a spoon and dig with double speed, advance 
1d6 spaces)

6. New Inmate Paulie With Cash                  Cunning x2 or Fighting x2 
(if succesfull, you get the cash and by a knife, 
fighting +1)

6. The Aryan Gang Leader has a crush on you     Fighting x2     

7. Old Boxing Coach as Inmate                   Smooth talking x2
(if succesfull, you get boxing lessions, Fighting +1)

8. Cell Raid                                    Cunning x2 
(if unsuccesfull, you tunnel is found, goto space #1)               
9. Change of Escape with the Laundry Truck      Agility & Stealth 
(if succesfull, goto space #31)

10. Sarah Molina, the Female Social Worker      Smooth Talking x2 
(if succesfull, you get a library priviledge, a good place to 
hide the removed earth, advance 1d6 spaces)

11. Fighting in the Shower Room                 Charisma x2 
(if succesfull, you can keep yourself out of the fight, advance 1d6 spaces)

12. Cell Mate Martin gets a LSD flash back      Fighting x2

13. Prison Pastor Rev. McGinnes                 Smooth Talking & Cunning 
(if succesfull, you get a prayer book inside of which you can smuggle the digged 
earth out of your cell, advance 1d6 spaces)

14. Warden J.W.Douglass Wants to Have a Chat    Charisma & Smooth Talking

15. Undercover Cop                              Cunning x2

16. Drug Lord Al Wants You to Pay Your Debts    Smooth Talking x2

17. Fat Mike Says He Loves You                  Fighting x2

18. Fat Mike Sends JJ.Sleez to Beat You Up      Fighting x2

19. Missunderstanding in the Gym with Jésus     Charisma x2

20. Tyrone Doesn't Like You                     Fighting x2

21. Leonard Says He Knows What You Are Up To    Cunning x2

22. Thin Leo Wants You to Beat Sleezy Allan     Fighting x2
(if succesfull, Thin Leo arranges a gun to you as soon you get out)

23. Laundry Duty                                Stealth x2 
(if succesfull, you smuggle out lots of earth from the tunnel)

24. Drug Lord Al Wants His Money Back           Smooth Talking x2

25. Drug Lord Al Is Upset About the Money       Smooth Talking x2

26. Fire in the Cell Block                      Agility & Toughness

You got out!  Now you have to find yourself a set of wheels.  
Roll on the Getaway Car Table:
1d6                                     Notes:
1       '76 Mustang                     Driving +1
2       '95 RedCorvette                 Driving +2, Stealth -2
3       '91 Lincoln Towncar             
4       '89 Toyota Camry                Driving -1
5       '94 Dodge Ram 4x4               
6       '93 Ford 18-Wheeler             Driving -1

Now you hit the road.  It's 600 miles to Mexico, you have a full 
tank of gas, half a packet of cigarets, it's dark and you are 
wearing sun glasses.  It would be wise to drive straight to the 
boarder but you decide to stop to at every chance to get drunk 
on the way.

Module 2: The Road
Card Name                                       Notes:

1. You find a gun under the driver's seat       No challenge, 
now you have a gun.

2. Cute Hippie Hitch Hiker Girl                 Smooth Talking x2 
(if succesfull, you have great time with the girl, advance 
1d6, if unsucessfull, nothing happenes)

3. You Decide to Rob a Grocery Store            Charisma x2 
(if succesfull, advance 1d6)

4. You Rob a Store but the owner has a gun      Shooting x2 or Agility x2 
(if unsuccesfull, the Gas Station Owner shoots your brain out and you die)
5. Police Road Block                            Stealh & Cunning  

6. Lone Highway Patrol Man                      Cunning x2 or Shooting x2

7. Road Side Café with Tough Truckers           Fighting x2

8. '76 Mustand Parked in front of a McDonald's  Stealing x2 
(if succesfull, you can (you don't have to) take this car, if 
unsuccesfull, nothing happenes)

9. Roadside Café with a Bunch of Bikers         Charisma x2 or Fighting x2

10. Harley Davidson parked in front of a bar    Stealing x2
(if succesfull, you can (you don't have to) take this bike (Driving 
+1), if unsuccesfull, nothing happenes)

11. High Way Patrol Car Spots You               Driving x2

12. Local Sheriff Spots You Driving By          Driving x2

13. Drug Lord Al's Friends Find You in a Bar    Fighting x2

14. Bear in the Air, A Cop Helicopter           Driving x2

15. You Decide to Pay a Visit to an Old Lover   Smooth Talking x2 
(if succesfull, she hides you till the Police stops searching you, advance 1d6)

16. You Pay a Visit to a Local Arms Dealer      Smooth Talking x2 
(if succesfull, you get a gun)

17. Inmate Jésus' Brother Sells You a Gun       No Challenge 
you have a gun now.

18. You Decide to Rob a Small Town Bank         Shooting x2

19. Cute Girl on the Side Walk                  Smooth Talking x2 
(if succesfull, the girl hides you for a week. Advance 1d6)

20. Boozed Up College Students in a Bar         Fighting x2

21. US Marshall Service Agents Chasing You      Driving x2

22. A US Marshall Spots You in A Bar            Agility x2 
(if succesfull, you manage to escape though a window)

23. FBI Agents Spot You on Side Walk            Agility x2
(if succesfull, you manage to escape over a fence)

24. Some Local Boys Want to Whoop Your Ass      Fighting x2

25. Road Block                                  Cunning & Stealth

26. Bar Fight                                   Fighting x2

When you reach space #60, you are safe in Mexico.  Now you have 
to keep a low profile and take it easy not to get caught.  Of 
course you won't do it and you are caught within a week and 
returned to your cell in Dick J. Pitt Correctional Facility.

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