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Character: Cloud Strife
Weapon: Bastard Sword
Name of WeaponLocation: Cost:Attack PowerHit ModifierSlotsGrowth
Buster SwordInitally Equipped1896 linked slots normal
HardedgeSteal from Soldier-3s in Shinra Bldg.1500 32 98 linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Mythril SaberShop in Kalm10002398 linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Force Stealer150+ in Junon Sendoff
Shop in North Corel
220036100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot double
Butterfly EdgeShop in Cosmo Canyon280039100 linked slots linked slots Normal
Rune BladeNibelheim Mountains 380040108 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot double
YoshiyukiMan outside of Rocket Town Item Shop56100 unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
MurasameShop in Wutai650051100 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Nail BatTemple of the Ancients--beneath clock
Shop in Junon
2800 70100no materia slotsn/a
OrganicsShop in Icicle Inn1200062103 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Enhance SwordGaea's Cliff1200043107 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Crystal SwordShop in Mideel1800076105 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Heaven's CloudCrashed Gelninka-Class Airship 93100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
ApocalypseAncient Forest88110 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot triple
RagnarokDropped by Proud Clod (boss in Midgar)97105 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Ultima WeaponDropped by Ultimate Weapon*110 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots none
All of Cloud's weapons are close range

*: Ultima Weapon's power is based on how high your HP is. More HP = better attack.

Barret Wallace
Weapon: gun or other weapon implanted in right arm

Name:Range:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier Materia Slots:Growth:
Gatling GunLongInitially equipped 1497 unlinked slot Normal
Assault GunLongDropped by Guard Scorpion in Reactor #13501798 linked slotsNormal
Atomic ScissorsShortSteal from Custom Sweepers found outside Midgar14003299 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Cannon BallShortShop in Kalm9502398 linked slots unlinked slot Normal
W Machine GunLongMt. Corel180030100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Heavy VulcanLongShop in Cosmo Canyon270039100 linked slotslinked slots Normal
Enemy LanucherLongChest in Shinra Mansion (Nibelheim) 3200 35100 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Drill ArmShortCid's House20003797 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
ChainsawShortShop in Wutai630052100 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Rocket PunchShortTemple of the Ancients62110 No materia slotsN/A
MicrolaserLongShop in Icicle Inn1200063101 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Solid BazookaLongShop in Costa Del Sol1600061100 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
A-M CannonLongShop in Mideel1800077103 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Max RayLongMidgar9798 linked slots linked slots linked slots None
Missing ScoreLongMidgar*98108 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots None

*: The Missing Score is in a chest along the path to the Sister Ray. To get it, Barret must be in your party. Remember that there is no way to come back later--if you don't have Barret, it's gone for good.

Tifa Lockheart
Weapon: Her fists

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier:Materia Slots:Growth:
Leather GloveInitially equipped1399 unlinked slot Normal
Metal KnuckleShop in Wall Market32018102 linked slots Normal
Mythril ClawShop in Kalm75024106 linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Grand GloveSteal from Madouge (ball-and-chain guy) in Mythril Mines 1200 31110 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Motor DriveCosta Del Sol (beach house basement)180027 106 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Tiger FangShop in Cosmo Canyon250038100 linked slots linked slots Normal
Platinum FistTifa's House (Nibelheim)270030108 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
PowersoulMt. Nibel--bottom of chute 2420028106 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Diamond KnuckleShop in Wutai580051112 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Work GloveTemple of the Ancients--Door 6 on Clock68114 No materia slotsn/a
Dragon ClawShop in Icicle Inn1000062114 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Kaiser KnuckleWhirlwind Maze1500044110 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Crystal GloveShop in Mideel1600075115 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
God's HandDropped by Carry Armor (boss in Junon--Underwater Mako Reactor)86255 linked slots linked slots Normal
Premium HeartFrom broken machine in Wall Market99112 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots None

All of Tifa's weapons are short range.

Aeris Gainsborough
Weapon: Staff

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier: Materia Slots:Growth:
Guard StickInitially equipped1299 unlinked slot Normal
Striking StaffSteal from Eligor (Grim Reaper on wheels) in Train Graveyard130032100 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Mythril RodShop in Wall Market37016100 linked slots Normal
Full Metal StaffShop in Kalm80022100 linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Wizard StaffFall left from Mt. Corel Railroad Tracks28 100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Fairy TaleGongaga*250037103 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Prism StaffShop in Cosmo Canyon260040105 linked slots linked slots Normal
Wiser StaffDropped by Gi Nattak (boss in Gi Cave)33100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
ParasolPrize in Gold Saucer Speed Square58118No materia slotsn/a
Aurora RodShop in Wutai580051110 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Princess Guard**Temple of the Ancients--Door 4 of the Clock52111 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal

All of Aeris' Weapons are short range.

*You should get the Fairy Tale after defeating the Turks in Gongaga. However, this will not always happen. I do not know why. I think that Aeris must be in your party during this battle to get the Fairy Tale. If you have any information on this, please let me know

**The Princess Guard raises Aeris' power and protects other characters in party.

Weapon: Hair Accessory

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier:Materia Slots:Growth:
Mythril ClipInitially equipped80024100% linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Magic CombFort Condor (first time)*350037100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Diamond PinSteal from Bagnadrana (looks like a six-legged dinosaur) on Mt. Corel 130033102 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Single
Silver BarretteShop in Cosmo Canyon250040110 linked slots linked slots Normal
Seraph CombAfter Cave of the Gi68110 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Plus BarretteMt. Nibel600039104 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Hairpin**Secret passage in Godo's House600057120 No materia slotsn/a
Gold BarretteShop in Wutai600050104 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Adaman ClipShop in Icicle Inn1100060106 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Crystal CombShop in Mideel1700076108 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
CentclipShop in Costa Del Sol1400058108 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Spring Gun ClipAncient Forest87100 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Behemoth HornShinra Tower Back Staircase9175 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Limited MoonVisit Bugenhagen (with Red XIII in party) after the Ancient Machine sequence to get the Limited Moon.93114 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots None
*Red XIII must be in your party during the Fort Condor battle for you to get the Magic Comb.

**The Hairpin is a long range weapon. All other Red XIII weapons are short range.

Yuffie Kisaragi
Throwing Weapons

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier:Materia Slots:Growth
4-point ShurikenInitially equipped23100 linked slots unlinked slot Normal
BoomerangSteal from Formula (purple birds) near Junon140030 101 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slotNormal
Wind SlashShinra Boat30103 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
PinwheelShop in Cosmo Canyon260037104 linked slots linked slots Normal
Twin ViperShinra Mansion (Nibelheim)36108 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Super BallFort Condor (4th Battle)*300068 120No materia slotsn/a
Razor RingShop in Wutai600049105 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
HawkeyeShop in Icicle Inn1200061107 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Crystal Cross Shop in Mideel1800074100 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Magic ShurikenShop in Costa Del Sol1400068110 linked slots linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
OritsuruDa-Chao Fire Cave90116 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Rising SunSteal from Diamond Weapon68108 linked slots linked slots Double
ConformerSunken Gelninka-Class Airship96112 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots None
All of Yuffie's Weapons are long range.

*Yuffie must be in your party during the Fort Condor battle for you to get the Super Ball.

Cait Sith
Weapon: Megaphone

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier: Materia Slots: Growth:
Yellow M-PhoneInitially equipped50036100 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
White M-PhoneHouse in Gongaga230035102 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Green M-PhoneShop in Cosmo Canyon240041100 linked slots linked slots Single
Black M-PhoneCave of the Gi280031104 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Silver M-PhoneShinra Mansion (Nibelheim)330028106 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Blue M-PhoneShop in Wutai550048100 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Trumpet ShellTemple of the Ancients--Door 7 of the Clock3000 68118No materia slotsn/a
Red M-PhoneShop in Icicle Inn 1100060100 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Crystal M-PhoneShop in Mideel1800074100 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Gold M-PhoneShop in Costa Del Sol1500058103 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Battle TrumpetJunon--Underwater Mako Reactor9595 linked slots linked slots linked slots None
Starlight PhoneMidgar88102 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Marvelous Cheer64 Floor, Shinra HQ95110 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots None
All of Cait Sith's weapons are short range.

Vincent Valentine
Weapon: Gun

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier:Materia SlotsGrowth:
QuicksilverInitially equipped100038110 linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
PeacemakerAttic of house in Kalm38118 linked slots unlinked slotDouble
Sniper CRMt. Nibel300042255 linked slots linked slots Normal
ShotgunShop in Rocket Town310048112 linked slots linked slots Normal
ShortbarrelShop in Wutai640051118 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
Silver RifleTemple of the Ancients300062120No materia slotsn/a
LariatShop in Icicle Inn1200064120 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
WinchesterShop in Mideel1800073120 linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
OutsiderSunken Gelninka-Class Airship80120 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Supershot STAncient Forest97120 linked slots linked slots linked slots None
BuntlineExcavated in Bone Village (good treasure?)48124 linked slots linked slots Double
Long Barrel RShop in Costa Del Sol1300066255 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots Normal
Death PenaltyWaterfall Cave*99115 linked slots linked slots linked slots linked slots None
All of Vincent's weapons are long range

*The cave containing the Death Penalty is only accessible by submarine or chocobo (green/black/gold). You must visit it during disk two with Vincent in your party. You will talk to Lucrecia inside the cave and learn about Vincent's past. Bring Vincent back to this cave in disk three to get the Death Penalty and Chaos (his ultimate limit break manual).

Cid Highwind
Weapon: Spear

Name:Location:Cost:Attack Power:Hit Modifier:Materia Slots:Growth:
SpearInitially equipped12004497 linked slots linked slots Normal
Slash LanceShop in Wutai65005698 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Normal
TridentTemple of the Ancients750060105 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
Viper HalberdCoral Valley Caves58102 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Double
Mast AxShop in Icicle Inn130006499 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
JavelinGaea's Cliff62104 linked slots linked slots unlinked slot Double
PartisanShop in Mideel1900078100 linked slots linked slots linked slotsNormal
ScimitarJunon--Underwater Mako Reactor86102 linked slots Triple
Dragoon LanceDa-Chao Fire Cave66100 unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot unlinked slot Normal
MopShop in Junon*68118No materia slotsn/a
Venus GospelRocket Town**97103linked slotslinked slotslinked slotslinked slots None
All of Cid's weapons are short range.

*: The Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide says that you can get the Mop in the Temple of the Ancients, but I have never found it. I know for certain that it (along with the other no-materia weapons) can be purchased in Junon during the second and third disks.

**: After the rocket has been launched, return to Rocket Town. Talk to the old man outside of the Item Shop (the one you got the Yoshiyuki from), and he will give you the Venus Gospel.

Most of the statistics on this page were taken from the Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide, published by Brady Games. Their guide is notorious for its inaccuracy (please don't tell them I said that). If you find any errors on this page, please let me know, and I'll fix them right away. Thanks!

Armor and Accessories Materia