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Cttpyiaz.(Picture by me.)

Relation: Observed.
Status: Dead. But alive.
Whereabouts: TK, Possibly Gaia.

Cttpyiaz is an illithid, or Mindflayer. Appearance wise, Illithids stand six feet with mauve, slimey skin. Their head somewhat resembles an octopus of sorts, with four foot long tentacles covering a beak beneath. They usualy wear dark robes of sorts. The eyes are white with no visible pupils. Their intelligence is nearly unparalelled and they refer to other species merely as cattle. In a short summary, Illithid societies range from 200-2000 members and are underground.

These societies revolve around elder brains- pools in the center of the city in which the brains of fallen illithids are taken. They believe the knowledge is incorporated into the elder brain.

More of illithids can be found at that ever handy resource, Wikipedia.

Cttpyiaz is an illithilich, or more commonly referred to as an alhoon. He has resurrected his body through the afterlife to gain immortality, having learned a fair amount of darks magics such as necromancy and bone crafting. His head is but a skull, empty and dry. His body is composed of his own rotting skeleton, and he dresses in the latest "illithid fashion". An outcast by his own for using magic and hated on the surface world, he has to stay strong to survive. Do not pity him, for he shall use it to kill you.

He hates surface dwellers and most of his own kin, and his goal inlvolves only more power.

All characters copryright 2005 to Logan M.


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