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Love is

the feeling of emotion

the courage to live with

the passion that is here in our life forever

Love is our strength

Love is

the moment we commit ourself

to be honest with each other

with trust, respecting, and never pretending with ourself

Love is reality

Love is

the understanding of each other accepting the truth

no matter wat happen

the being as ONE

Love is unity

Love is

the freedom to pursue our own desires

sharing experiences with one another

the growth of one individual putting together with the other

Love is success

Love is

the excitement of being with each other

the feelings of doing things together

the warmth of each other arms

Love is our future

Love is

the struggling between storms

the brightness color of the rainbow

Love is our passion

Love is

the giving and taking in a daily situation

being patient with each other

Love is sharing

Love is

the knowing of one another

the willingness to be there through obstacle

remaining in each other heart at all times

Love is our sercurity

Love is our source of life

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