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Duchovny Quotes

David talking about Tea
Quotes compiled from various sources

Tea talking about David
Quotes compiled from various sources

David talking about fatherhood
Quotes compiled from various sources

David talking about the X-Files
David discusses working with Gillian and portraying Fox Mulder,
with quotes compiled from various sources

Miscellaneous David quotes
David talking about dogs, fame, the Internet & more
with quotes compiled from various sources

David and Gillian Speak Out
Among other things, David and Gillian discuss what
they've always wanted to ask each other

David's 2001 online chatnew! jun 21
David answers my question (and others)

E! Online's interview 06/01
David discusses mooning on Evolution, romancing his wife,
his input on the Mulder/Scully kiss, and his younger self

Canal Chat 10/00New! Jun 14
David answers fans' questions on his career, the X-Files, and chatting

Let's Go Off and Be AfraidNew! Jun 14
David talks about his first role, and his knack for writing

Pyrdonian Renegade 1994
David discusses working on The X-Files in this on-the-set interview

Playboy magazine
excerpts of David on Fox Mulder, acting, and Tea

Cosmopolitan magazine
David discusses Tea, Return To Me,
and his worst fan encounter interview
David on Return To Me, being funny, and Fox Mulder

ET Online interview
David discusses the movie while on the set

Esquire magazine
excerpts including a description of David's trailer
and David's reservations about interviews

October 1997 E!online Chat
my transcript from the RealAudio clip;
includes David's additional comments about the
chat questions and his asides to the typists

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*Disclaimer: All copyrights belong to the respective magazines or programs where the quotes originated. No copyright infringement intended.*