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Books, Icons, Etc.

Conciliar Press

Eighth Day Books

Light & Life Publishing

Orthodox Christian Cassettes

St. Isaac of Syria Skete

Churches with Extensive Online Resources

St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, Washington, D.C.

St. Mary Orthodox Church, Wichita, Kansas

St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church, Kansas City, Missouri

St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church, Roswell, Georgia

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Dallas, Texas

St. Vladimir's Orthodox Church, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Transfiguration of the Lord Orthodox Church, Baltimore Maryland


Virginia H. Farah Foundation

International Orthodox Christian Charities

MomentStudios Web Design and Development

Orthodox Christian Mission Center

Orthodox Church in America

Project Mexico



Glory to God for All Things

Fr. Alexander Men Web Page

Fr. Alexander Schmemann Web Page

Met. Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh Web Page

St. John of San Francisco Web Page

St. John Chrysostom Web Page

St. Raphael of Brooklyn Web Page

Good Resources


Andrew of Crete, Great Canon of Repentance

Ephrem the Syrian, Spiritual Psalter, 120: 'How many times have I promised...'

The Prologue from Ohrid


"Mindfullness: A Tool to Break Bad Habits and Troubling Emotions," Fr. George Morelli

"Depression: According to the Fathers"

"Overcoming Depression: Cognitive Scientific Psychology and the Church Fathers," Fr. George Morelli (Article on Orthodoxy Today)

Overcoming Depression: Cognitive Scientific Psychology And The Church Fathers - Part 1 (Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio)

"Orthodox Psychotherapy," D.A. Avdeev [Translated by Nicolas and Natalie Semyanko]

"Depression: A Clinical and Pastoral Guide," V.Rev.Fr. George Morelli, Ph.D.

Orthodox Psychotherapy

The Illness and Cure of the Soul in the Orthodox Tradition [most of this book is available on this website, but the critical chapter 3 is not available on the web]

Conquering Depression: Heavenly Wisdom from God Illumined Teachers; St. Herman Press

Akathist Hymn to Almighty God in Time of Trouble

Akathist Hymn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The 29th Day of the month of June: Akathist Hymn to the Holy Preeminent Apostles Peter & Paul

The Key to Joy -- Prayer, Thanksgiving and Thinking, Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews

"The Medicalization of Unhappiness," Ronald W. Dworkin

"Treating Unhappiness," by Ronald W. Dworkin

"Depression and Despondency," by Fr. George Morelli

Sexually Transmitted Depression -- The New STD?

Depression. According to the Fathers," By Fr. Stephen Fraser

Writings Of Saint Nectarios Of Aegina

"The Christian Ascetic Tradition on Dejection and Despondency," W. David Holden

"Depression: Cognition and Spirituality," Rev. Fr. George Morelli, Ph.D

"Overcoming Depression: Cognitive Scientific Psychology and the Church Fathers," Fr. George Morelli

"O Happy Guilt, O Joyful Sorrow: An Orthodox Understanding" (An Orthodox examination of guilt.), Fr. George Morelli

Abandon Despair! Blogpost by Fr. John Moses

Gleanings from Orthodox Christian Authors and the Holy Fathers - Despair

"Bi-Annual Love For God

God Must Be Weeping

Prayer Within The Heart


Compiled and formatted by Elizabeth W. Riggs; © 2009

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