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MACkRoCk '04
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Tuesday, 18 November 2003


I don't know why this is labled salami, but I do know it's a funny word!! And that Gunbound is such a fun game, I could cry. I played it quite a bit last night, and I've found out that for some reason when I'm with other players that aren't from penisaur, I can't aim, haha, it's like I automatically suck when the guys aren't the only players in the game. Hopefully we can keep Chris playing with us, then we'll have a full team. But he seems to get discouraged easily.

This week I have to get in touch with the Wrens, we absoloutely have to. If we don't get in touch with them this week, then they may have a different show planned for mackrock dates and may not be able to even hang out with us there, much less preform. So I have to let them know the plans, and the dates and such. I've already emailed them, but they never answer their email, or they have never answered MY emails. I probobly need to contact Cory too. Because if I can't get in contact with them, I know he can, and it'd be cool if he could come too. Because I know he seemed to enjoy himself there too. This year's macrock will be awesome. after Dec, I'm going to start putting back money for it. I want to have at least $550 to go up there, hopefully $1k. I don't wanna be left broke again up there ;)

THANK GOD for CGI based IRC It has been my best friend at work :D

Gotta go! Hopefulyl will add more later!!

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 2:56 PM EST
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