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MACkRoCk '04
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Wednesday, 12 November 2003

Trying to Understand

According to pitchfork The only album this year that's better than The Meadowlands by The Wrens, is Broken Social Scene's You Forgot it In People. And I am trying my darndest to find out why they say it even comes close. So the other night I burned You Forgot it in People to a cd and I have been listening to it for the past couple days, Of course I do not have lyrics or the track names handy when doing this, because normally I'm driving while listening. Now I'm obviously a huge fan of the Wrens, but I'm trying to not let that bias interfere with this. I'm really wanting to like this album as much if not more than The Meadowlands, just like pitchfork does. I really am trying. It's just not working. I dig the album yeah, but I wouldn't place it much higher than John Vanderslice's Time Travel is Lonely which I personally don't rate higher than a 6.7. Maybe I just need to listen to You Forgot it in People a bit more. I dunno, but after about 5 listens and still not grooving it as good as I did The Meadowlands the first time. *sigh* Oh well.

Arg out For Now

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 12:53 PM EST
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