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MACkRoCk '04
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Monday, 10 November 2003

Car Trouble?

Well I think the company I bought my car from is wanting to play 'Indian Giver.' Because out of the blue they call me up & tell me that we forgot to sign a paper. So I give my mother power of attourney to sign for me, and go there & sign it since I had to go to work. Well it turns out they wanted to change the terms of the contract. They want to increase the payments by 50 bucks a month! This is after we've already signed the contract!! This is rediculous. But I know things are going to work out to my advantage. We went up there this morning to yell at them, and tell them to shove their new contract. They siad they really wanted the deal, as do I. So they're going to work with their financing companies and get it to the point that my payments are once again in my range. Which I am thankful for. Because unfortuneately I do not get paid enough to handle 50 more dollars a month on that car payment. I don't get paid enough period. You'd think that for someone with 11 years experience in computer tech support, I could get more than 6.50 an hour. Well apparently in my area you cannot. I'm not going to continue this rant because I know some people from my job may read this and somehow get me fired for complaining about my lack of pay.

But Continuing about my car, I know my car was a gift from God, and God doesn't give you something just so he can take it away. So I'm counting this as just some trouble that's come up and it will not stop me. I will have my payments lowered back to original or even LOWER payments and I already give God the glory for it. He's helped me so far in life. I haven't been let down yet.

I must say, being a morpher or a blue mage has to be the hardest classes to attain in FFT:A. To be a blue mage, you almost HAVE to have a Beastmaster, so you can control the beasts to attack the blue mage, because elsewise they avoid the blue mage like the plague. And a Morpher, my god, that not only REQUIRES a hunter in your group to capture one of each kind of animal. But also requires you to raise your animals that you've caught so that they can level up, or else your morpher will just be weak. Now the hunter, can only capture animals that are near death. And they also cannot be the last animal on the playing field. And when I say near-death I mean has like 1 or 2 hit points left NO MORE and it will not work if they are dead! And then it's only like a 60% chance. and that's from behind, with the animal sleeping. Jeez. But Morphers seem to be really powerful, they can turn into those animals that you fight, and then use all of their abilities at will. Pretty cool. A blue mage just learns those special abilities(after being attacked by them, and only ONE per match) and then uses them against the enemies whenever he feels like it as Blue Mage abilities.

Somehow some wiseguy up here has found a way to configure our proxies so that I can still use IRC, but I can't get anywhere. Oh joy. So I can still use IRC at work, but I can't connect to anything with it. I get these lovely little errors:

  • *** Looking up
  • *** An error occured: Looking up address: Illegal seek
Fun Fun Fun! So much for my IRC-at-work days. Even the CGI on's website won't work! Man. So much for that bit-o-fun. Back to blogging the day away. Unfortuneately today has been too hectic. Not with high speed calls. But they keep transferring dial-up calls back here. Because apparently all of our techs keep quitting. So we are understaffed for our load now, and we're sacrificing high speed to help dial-up get their act together. I know when I was in dial up, it was not unusual for me to take over 50 calls a night. Now that's a lot of calls. But In high speed, because all the calls take signifigantly longer, I usually get around 30 something. Well now that we're having to mix in dial-up, it's getting pretty ugly. I get 40-50 calls again. And it's sad to say, but 75% of dial up users are complete idiots. And about 30% of high speed users are morons as well. But I get signifigantly less idiots per day in high speed. Now I get many more with the large influx of dial-up calls. Ugh..

Speaking of the recent proxy change, I think I may still be able to run a cgi IRC. So if any of you have a link to a good CGI irc interface that I can plug in whatever servers I want to That would be good. Then I can hang with my crew again. ;) java based will not do. it must be cgi.

Actually, I think I just found one, I just wish I could find one else where than oh well.

I think I'll end this entry for today. So Long Chums.

-Arg Out.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 6:57 PM EST
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