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MACkRoCk '04
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Saturday, 8 November 2003

New Car!

Well the destruction of the Argmobile yeilded a few good things, I now have a new car. Something that will be low maintenence. I now have a Nissan Sentra, 2003 model. Which means that I have a warranty, also for the first time ever, I have a built-in cd player in my car. So I am really enjoying that. I get really good gas mileage. So it is overall a completely better car than the Argmobile, so, I have in turn given it the rightful name of Argmobile(2) (the two will be left off most of the time, but if referring to the old one I will say the old argmobile) But my new car is champange colored. And it really tempts me to drive too fast. You stop watching the speedometer too long and then you're somehow going 80 and it doesn't even feel like it. So I'm going to have to get used to that. It does not have cruise control, but I can live with that. The only thing I don't particularly like is the power windows. I don't like power windows. They don't seem to last long enough & you have to pay through the nose to replace them. I don't mind the power locks though. Because now I have that little car remote thing that lets me open my trunk, and unlock my doors ect. So that's cool. The stereo sounds great, has decent controls even. So I'm happy with that, it has no problems with cd-rs so that's even better. the only cd it's had problems with is The Danielson Famile - Tri Danielson!!!(Omega) because the first track is 14 and so it confuses most CD players. There are 14 tracks on the CD, but the first track is 14, and the last track is 28. So it's even confusing to me, I can't imagine how confusing that is to a pice of machinery. I'll probobly just burn a copy of it (having tracks 1-14 instead of 14-28)and use it instead.

I'm really loving my car, I'm looking for excuses to go driving now. Haha. But anyways.

I've been in a metal mood lately. Maybe it's my lack of time around Josh or something. I don't feel like I'm 'reverting' because I still can't stand Nu-Metal(for the most part, Spineshank is okay sometimes) But I've just felt like I've fasted myself from metal for long enough now. And It's time to re-intergrate it into my life along with the indie-rock and such that I have listened to nearly exclusively for about a year now. So I feel rounded finally.

About my afforementioned abscence form #penisaur. Two days ago I was tweaking some settings on my PC, and was going to tweak the RPC service(which is the service that was exploited by blaster worm and caused people's PCs to restart because of a bad setting in there) So I was going to change the default failure action from being "Restart PC" to "Do Nothing" but I accidentally also changed the startup action to "Disabled" Which I find out after restarting, RPC is needed for ANYTHING internet related. So... I had to try to re-enable it. Easier said than done I spent 4 hours trying to re-enable it, even triyed doing a system restore and a windows repair. Even a System File Checker & DLL restore. But nothing solved it. I couldn't go back the way I messed it up, because it would no longer bring up that option. So out comes the trusty Win2k install disc. And Byebye old install of windows and here comes a fresh install. I did that all last night. So.. I am now trying to get all of my windows updates back, and reinstall a lot of drivers and such. So that's nearly a chore. But at least I do backups of my utility install files bi-monthly. But unfortuneately my next scheduled one would've been today. So I had to use ones from September. But that's okay. Most of the stuff I had gotten since then weren't too important. I just need to find a very few things now. Thankfully I had backed up the win2k SP4 install(240 megs) so I don't have to re-download that. Thank God!

So Now I have to restore my color scheme, re-acquire my backgrounds ect.. I think this will be a good time to switch browsers as well. I am debating on either firebird or Opera. I'd like to use Safari, but it doesn't work on windows. I want something with less bloat than IE or netscape. But I know mozilla isn't the fastest browser in the world, but I know they are making MANY steps forward with firebird I haven't bothered with it in several months, So that may be just what I'm looking for, but I know many people say great things about Opera. So we'll see.

I'm still playing FFT:A way too much, haha. I now have Marche with all the steals mastered, double weapon(carry two swords) Most all of the Ninja moves mastered, and I'm stealing other peoples abilities like a mofo. I can steal their hard-earned abilities with Steal: Ability(imagine that!) The only thing is I can't steal reaction, support, or combo abilities. But I also cannot steal Blue Mage abilites. (which is what I have marche at right now) Blue mage is kinda hard to use, it's like enemy ability from FF7. They have to attack you with their magic ability and then you learn it. So for the first few tries, you know NOTHING. Haha. So I'm keeping the STeal Abilities too so I can steal other peoples abilities as well until I can learn some blue mage stuff. Stealing in this game can be really fun, you can only get certain items this way, also I wish I had gotten steal weapon much earlier. but I didn't get that until I got steal abilty, because I have no clue when I'll finally get a swordbreaker. Learning Blue mage ablities is a bit harder than I thought, it's almost required you have a beastmaster, because that's the only way the creatures will even user their abilities on a blue mage, but you still have to hope it's an ability that a blue mage can learn! Now I just thought about it and I don't have the blue mage learning ability as his support ability 0_o And now my lunch break is over, haha and I have no more time to do it. Haha, fun fun fun when I get home.

Now I'm trying to teach more people at work some html. I really enjoy it, it gives me a reason to actually clean up some of my sloppy code. I've really gotta get Paul to teach me some PHP.

All I can think about is listening to the beautiful music in my new Argmobile, and playing final fantasy tactics: advance. So This entry is ending now 8)

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 7:12 PM EST
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