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Kaelten Jared Mildenstien
Born-February 08, 1999
Picture Index  Winter '00
Ultrasound Pictures 1st Birthday
Newborn March '00
First Day Home April '00
First Week May '00
Professional June '00
February '99 July '00
March '99 August '00
April '99 September '00
May '99 October '00
June '99 November '00
July '99 December '00
August '99 January '01
September '99 2nd Birthday
October '99 February '01
Halloween & Fall '99
November '99
December '99
Christmas '99

All pictures on this page are thumbnails... click on any picture to see the larger version.

"Handsome Man" 2 Months old
"Standing Tall" 2 Months old
 "Sleepy Baby" 2 Months old
" First Family Picture" 04/06/99
"I'm 1!!!!!"
"I'm sitting in a wagon" 1 year old
"Hi Mom and Dad" 1 year Old
"Big Smiles" 1 year old
Getting so Big & Adorable! 20 Months
Fisherman Kaelty! 20 Months old
Heading to the Beach...20 Months
Happy Halloween! In my Tigger costume. 20 Months
Me & Mommy! 23 months old
Family Picture
"Another Family Picture" 23 Months old
"Me and Santa" Merry Christmas 1999
"Not so Happy to sit on Santa's Lap" Christmas 2000