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The Johnston Family Home Page




Welcome to our photo album. Patience while photos are loaded...

"Real rabbits! The fur...Blah...! Where are the candy rabbits?"

Drink More Coke!
"Hi Ho, Hi Ho, This wagon is full of KO!"
Stephen at 1.0 years
"Love that water! What's that green thing?"
Stephen at Uncle John's on July 4, 1998
"Uncle John, any beer left?"

Sea Island - At the BEACH ! - July 1998
Stephen with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Cousin Lisa, Cousin Billy, Aunt John, Aunt Elizabeth, Aunt Caroline and Uncle Billy
More BEACH !


Family Portrait in LA - August 1998
"Who do I look like now?" 
Thank you Jay and Becky and Kyle and Ryan for letting us stay with you! 
Kyle, Do you know where your purple Lamborghini is?
At the park! - August 1998

"Te he he he...,Auntie Kris, You're tickling me!" 

Halloween 1998!

Stephen dressed as "Thomas the Tank"
Christmas 1998!

"Santa, I've been a gooooood boy!"


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