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Thoughts of a widow, a mother, a daughter of Father's . ..

I hope you don't mind me sharing this with you, as I a woke this
morning I knew had to be written now and not at Mother's Day, but
for every day. You may not get the feelings I did, as I cried as
the words caressed the page, so gently, each in place. May each
of you have the blessing you stand in need this day, your brother
and your friend - Chuck

"This was the Day"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

I'd remembered
she'd always teased
me I forgot most
but never this special day.

Verse 2

Planning each moment
I dressed in white
to please her more
and surely the kids
would come today.

Verse 3

When I'd left
each in turn
had promised me
they'd return often
to honor their mother
at least this one day.

Verse 4

There she was sitting
on the porch listening
to each car as it approached
for a voice which one
would it be that would say
hello mother, hi gramma,
Happy Mother's Day.

Verse 5

just to her left
(as she liked me too)
she'd say to others,
"I can feel him better,"
when they'd pass by
seeing her there alone
waiting as always this day.

Verse 6

But soon she could
feel the chill in the air
and knew that night
had once again come
with no one to visit
"well that's okay"
she'd whisper quiet
so no one could hear
her cry on this day.

Verse 7

She knew I was there
(I'd promised I would be)
so she reached her hand
to feel mine hidden, unseen
behind the veil so thin
and said to me,now don't
get upset you know them,
they've other things to do
and all the children too,
just like any other day."

Verse 8

Soon I had to go
it was like on a mission
only a couple times
we could call home
and check on those
we loved so much more
than all the rest we knew
she was thinner now
her hair more a wisp
maybe soon we'd be
together again some day.

Verse 9

Now as the darkness settled
the attendants came out
to take her back inside
she said as always,"please,
just a another minute.
let me stay to visit
with my husband who
has had to come so far,
let me kiss his hand."

They would try to understand
this lovely elderly lady
who's children hadn't
once again visited her today.

Verse 10

So they'd walk from her
to give her privacy now
they thought they understood
that her tears were for her
children who seemed never
to come to see her.
They couldn't see or feel me
or even know I was there
and with tears on my cheeks
entwined now with hers
as we'd many times before
sat waiting and alone often
as Father for each child's return
to our home this day.

Verse 11

She's so lovely sitting there
everything and the only one
I'd ever loved or wanted too
but I've to let her go
for now I need to return
she understands and sees me
as unseeing she knows me
head to foot and she inspects,
she says,"I like your flower."
I gently hand it to her
and return,the attendants
wondering from where
came this lovely flower
she holds ever so tenderly
at the ending of her day.

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