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"So precious is life

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

we tend to forget
that war is not just
guns and killing
for those are simply
Satan's disguise
to fool us into thinking
all is well at home
we are at peace
and not at war.

Verse 2

So most forget
the battle isn't
for life but for souls
and Satan's war
is mental images
of days gone by
or movie scripts
while the real war
is fought within
the minds of those
who want to do right
but have found now
the word right is colored
gray instead of white.

Verse 3

Why do they forget
the scripture found
in Matthew 10:34
where it is stated,
"Think not that I come
to send peace on earth:
I came not to send
peace but a sword."

If the Lord sent a sword
what do you think Satan
uses in such a battle
for the mind and souls
of men and women?

Verse 4

Yes life is precious
beyond what we see
in movies or television,
it is the real lives
of those who lived
and fought in Heaven
so they might come here,
but Satan came here also,
and now if fighting unfairly
so just to think of peace
is to be beguiled by him
who is the master sinner.

Verse 5

Life is precious and that
is why we honor veterans
but they only won the right
for us to be free to chose,
we still have to chose
between good and evil
because that is what
free (or moral) agency
is all about in our lives
held by some as precious
while yet Satan holds
it as naught . . ."

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