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Going to Get Better

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Was all that we could hear
as in and out all around town
the crowds were heard to cheer
and word was being spread around.

Verse 2

Not just our town but in many
these same words repeated
this year we've talent plenty
maybe we'll even go undefeated.

Verse 3

The conversation varied not much
no matter where you seemed to be
and you better not object to such
for this was all they could see.

Verse 4

A game is compared to life
to have such a feeling
not even news of world strife
could interfere with it's being.

Verse 5

Yet we think we know all
and so we continue onward
walking straight to a fall
instead of ever moving forward.

Verse 6

Now the Lord's day once holy
now to the stadium to cheer
we go knowing our mind
without any doubts or fear.

Verse 7

But where are we really
when life is not just a game
which we are allowed freely
to change or remain the same.

Verse 8

You see the choice if free
to play at games or not
we voted for this to be
pondering now our lot.

Verse 9

So where will you be found
on this the Sabbath day
with crowds all around
or on your knees to pray?

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