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"Gently Bowing"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

On my knee Father
gently bowing my head
I come unto thee to report
of another day, adventure
I've had with thee this day,
for I am nothing without thy
intervention on my behalf
other than an illusion of a self
that is not even a part of me.

Verse 2

So gently bowing before thee
I ask will thou accept just now
this report from a humble child
who seeks to grow to become
as thee someday with a humble
heart and contrite spirit as one
with all my brothers and sisters
who have come with me to visit
this mortal experience each day
and have the privilege to report
to thee on bended knee in prayer.

Verse 3

How is that thou can let us run
and play, to think and make plans
yet still we are thine in body
and in spirit given freely to obey
as thy commands us so to do?
Is it this agency men talk so much
about in the way of doing things
they want, for to laugh and play
to then say "I'm sorry for it all."
is that why we are allowed choices
to chose to follow thee and pray
or to forget who it is we need obey?

Verse 4

So gently I bow my head to thee
on my knees beside my bed
I pray to report this day as before
was spent for thee to serve others
I tried to repent of all the wrongs
the wasted time I've spent alone
now to go forth tomorrow again
so once more on bended knee
with my head gently bowed
I can thank thee for the day spent.

Verse 5

Now so far all I've talked about is me
and thou know that I'm but small
so remember also those in need
who love thee but cannot bend
or bow their head because of pain
and illness of their mortal frame,
who have to suffer long and hard
because as mortal we are not
as strong physically to endure
beyond the pain of life thou's given
so remember them more than me,
I'll be here tomorrow to remember
once again to gently bow my head
on my knees to pray only unto thee.

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