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"Today is a Day of Opposites"


Verse 1

Instead of getting up today
lets get down on the ground
to dig in the dirt and play
looking for ways to not be found.

Verse 2

Lets not go to work today
but go to have fun and share
it will confuse everyone to say,
"Why are they here without a care?"

Verse 3

When someone interrupts you say,
"I'm glad you decided to ask me,
how can I help you along this day?"
They surprised to this response will be?

Verse 4

When children ask you to come outside,
say, "Yes, let us all go out and enjoy!"
What happiness you'll bring beside,
the happy smiles and a Father's silent joy.

Verse 5

So do the opposite today and tonight
make every thing you do backward
then your whole world will be bright.
Just take this old rusty knight's word.

Verse 6

For we were sent here to by happy
not sad and dull but cheerful and light.
We need to turn things around snappy;
before it gets too late to get this right.

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