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"A Little Dash of Love"


Verse 1

In a world moving fast
a little dash of love
to make this day last
for a memory from above.

Verse 2

In all we say and do today
add this little dash to taste
the fruits of goodness to say
and not an opportunity waste.

Verse 3

For there are those in need
of a word or hug or touch
which we can certainly concede
with this little dash not too much.

Verse 4

So if you finish your day somehow
and all your love you've given away
a little dash here and there now
how happy will have been your day.

Verse 5

Then before you kneel to go to bed
just one more dash of of love end
thinking of another than you instead
asking for the blessings needed by a friend.

Verse 6

I love you - in deed and action I do
this isn't much to say the words of love
it requires the deeds and example too
to follow the lead from Father above.

good night - cji

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