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"Create a Great Day"


Verse 1

To have the power within
going forth each day
to commit or not a sin
able to control your day.

Verse 2

What a day you might live
to paint the sky above a blue
taking your talents to others give,
knowing deep in heart what is true.

Verse 3

Thus with a pen or paintbrush in hand
the poet, writer or artist can create
beauty to read, see and feel in this land,
isn't this a wonderful day to be great!

Verse 4

Heavenly Father has given so much;
us each a special divine intrinsic love.
Thus each day we too feel the Master's touch;
and the complete warmth of His from above.

Verse 5

So as you rise and plan your day to today;
design into it the greatness of a master too.
For many have said over the years this way,
"You control your destiny, by what you can do."

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