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C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Blessings come in many ways
and this is one of them;
that he should answer ardent prayer
from a faithful daughter or son.

Verse 2

Heavenly Father doesn't work
in coincidence's of man;
He works with a plan
for all to obey
and then He brings forth
answers and blessings
which appear as miracles
to some but He knows
better that what is given
is what is earned.

Verse 3

He lets go at times
the flood waters from
the fountains of blessings
we can't hardly understand
let alone comprehend.

Verse 4

That is why the task of blessings
is found so far down the list
as many take for granted
the fresh air and water
the blue sky and fertile ground
while on their knees
the humble thank Him
everyday for their
simple needs.

Verse 5

Thus when a blessing
comes your way today
remember from who it comes
and then at night or in the light
bow your head and just say thanks.

Verse 6

Blessings come in many ways
remember this is but one of them;
that he should answer ardent prayer
from a faithful daughter or a son.

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