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"I Can Ride the Storm",
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"It was windy . . .
and the rain coming down
in torrents, mixed with sleet
but I had to go out
I had to ride the wind
to find out who I was
and where I might
be capable of going.
Thus when you see me now
know that it is not impossible
to ride out the storm
to corral the hailstones
to tame the wildest wind
for to become all that we
are capable and can
we must put our shoulders
it this most difficult task,
an risk Satan's wrath
and ride the storm,
and ride the storm . . ."

Verse 2

"The mounts are . . .
proud and sure
that on their backs
you will not stay
it is master mayhem
who has written
this awful plan
to take from us
not just freedom
but our agency
to on our own
fall and once again
learn to stand . . ."

Verse 3

"From all the corners . . .
of the Earth
come the forces
to try ones soul,
but none more fierce
than the furnaces
found in life
called the Refiner's fire
into which at some time
we all have to go.
Now when the South wind blows
and hurricanes come from the East,
with the winter's blizzards
coming down from the North
or El Nina from the West
remember my daughter
and you to my son,
these are nothing, nothing
as the Refiners fire
into which at some time
we all have to go . . ."

Verse 4

"The storm clouds . . .
hang deep and heavy
in the darkened sky
but forth I go
as you must too
for everyone must
someday learn that they too
must learn to ride the storm
and calm the sky and sea
to be able to forever be
our Father's children
to on our own
fall and once again
learn to stand . . ."

Verse 5

"Now no one . . .
said it would be easy
or any of the ride smooth
there are those
who want to make
me suffer, cry inside
but I must not fall
before this ride is done,
for none will see
nor know of it
for when you
ride the storm
you ride alone
and in the nights darkness
far from friends and help"

Verse 6

"And once you've rode
it doesn't mean you won't
again have to mount again
and again to ride the storm
on another day or time
or in another place,
for the storm is found
wherever one goes
who is willing to learn
that when ones falls
they once again must stand
for to fall is the difficult part
and to stand again is easy,
for who would want to wallow
with the pigs and slime
when instead if they learn
they too can ride the storm
they then with God can stand. . ."

Verse 7

"Oh Father . . .
hear this child's cry
help me this day
this storm to ride
the sky to clear
so once again
I'll by thy side be . . ."

Verse 8

"For the ship . . .
was made to be
safe and strong
to ride the wave
amid a storm
to turn the cape
and return again
but ships like men
need compass and helm
with wisdom and brawn,
so sail a ship
into a storm not un-warned
as does a man go forth
into folly or temptations
lure of promises of hell."

Verse 9

"so lay you not down to rest
for the Master's ship
is not so able in this tempest
it will need some reefing here
and jibs changed and lines
cleared and cargo tied down,
a sea anchor to will be set
because none, no not one
on deck will stand
except the Master of the ship,
for this storm is not with us
but for us as the prize
for if this ship goes down
then all will die
and the Master's Son
his life forfeited in vain,
so ride this storm I can
though painful I will stand
next to the Masters'
who now and forever
holds my hand.
So I can ride this storm,
remembering of the who
He the Master has asked
me in this mortal journey
to become with him one . . ."

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