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Southern Comfort


I was born on the first day of October, 1997. Okay, I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, I was actually born in 1949. But the persona of Beverly was born on that day in 1997. That was the day I made my first ever appearance in public at a little shindig held annually here in Atlanta called Southern Comfort. Earlier that year, I was playing around on someone’s computer and checking out this thing called the Internet. Just to see what would happen, I tried something called "search" and entered crossdressing. Well, it came back with some outrageous figure in excess of 40,000 references, prompting a totally involuntary "Oh my God" out of me. The first thing I saw on the list was a site called Above & Beyond, so I clicked on it, not knowing what I had set in motion. Here were hundreds of personal sites of girls all over the world but I happened to stumble on one by a girl, here in Atlanta, named Kim. Kim had a link to Southern Comfort Conference on her site and after reading the information about SCC, I decided that this was something I had to attend. After discussing it with my spouse, it was decided that I should go, but as the time drew nearer, I kept trying to chicken out. But Dee, bless her, wouldn’t let me. So here I was at the Holiday Inn-City Central, not believing what I was getting ready to do.

Over the previous two weeks I had done things that I never would have thought possible. Knowing that I needed at least one new wig for SCC, I called a local wig shop, explaining to the owner that I needed a wig for an upcoming event and asked if she would be comfortable helping me pick out one or two. She had no problems and made an appointment for me on Wednesday, one week before the conference. This was so that she would have time to order anything I wanted if she didn’t have it in stock and get it to me in time. When I went in, she was just super, showed me several styles and I ended up buying two instead of one. Another purchase I made was cosmetics at the Estee Lauder counter in one of the local department store. As I walked up, the woman behind the counter asked if she could help me. I had made a list of things that I needed and read the list to her. Some of the items I needed were generic but regarding an eyebrow pencil, foudation and powder, she asked what color "she" wore. I smiled and said that they weren't for "her", they were for me. She didn't even bat an eyelash and said "OK, let's see what colors you need." She recomended an eyebrow pencil that would pretty much go with any brown hair and then checked a foundation color on my hand, being very discreet. All in all, she was wonderful. It's as a friend of mine says. The only real demons are in your head and most people (especially those in business) don't care what you wear and if you want to pay for it, they will sell it to you. My friend also says, "Just get out there and kill those demons." Well, I killed a couple of them that week.

SCC 1997 - My First Conference


After checking into the hotel, I changed clothes, and broke out the warpaint. Finally, after making sure I had my money, charge cards, cigarettes, lighter, lipstick, perfume and a myriad of other things in my purse, I was ready to go. And I couldn’t open the door! I don't mean the door was stuck, I just couldn't make myself open it and go out. After about an hour and a half and four tries at the door, I managed to leave the room and go down to the conference area to pay my fees. As I walked into the area, I saw a few T-girls in the bar and one was kind enough to direct me to the registration area. After paying my fees and receiving my info packet, I headed back to the room for a serious case of the giggles. I had actually done it!


The real impact, however, came the next day at lunch. I had attended a morning seminar on makeup given by Jim Bridges and there were about 20 girls in the room. But when I entered the ballroom for lunch and saw about 300 other TG people, it was overwhelming. I found a table off to the side and towards the back of the room, sat down and stared at all the people. It really brought tears. One really significant thing at lunch was the keynote speaker. She was Rev. Erin Swenson, a post-op minister here in Atlanta. Erin spoke about the sucessful defense of her ordination before the local governing body of her church, a charge brought about by her transition and surgery. This would have a profound effect on my life two and one half years later. But at the time, I just sat there amazed and listend to the courage this woman projected. Then came Thursday night and the trip to the Hard Rock Café. Now growing up, I never thought I would be in downtown Atlanta "en femme", but I was getting off the hotel bus on Peachtree Street in a black leather skirt and black lace blouse; going from scared to death the day before, to looking people in the eye and smiling that night.


Friday night at SCC is the Talent Show and I was back at my same table. A girl asked if the seat next to me was taken and I assured her she was welcome to sit there. As we started talking, she said that she was Chris from Denver and as we talked more, I realized that she was Chris Wells, the webmistress of Above & Beyond. I was explaining to Chris that her site was part of the reason I was at SCC and I noticed that Kim was sitting across the table from me. All I can say is that I was meant to be in that room, at that time and at that table with the two people responsible for my being there. Call it fate, divine intervention or whatever, something led me to that place. Since that time, Chris and I have become very good friends. It's funny that the more we learn about each other, the more we realize how similar our lives have been. Or as Chris described it, "Spooky."

To Be Continued



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TG Community News Bulletins

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Southern Comfort