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Our hearts cry out tonight in tears of joy and sorrow, because we saw the children standing forth as the children of the king, not afraid to proclaim forth the victory against the enemy of our hearts, and standing for Jesus in their darkest hour. They proclaimed the victory in Jesus’ name, and did not deny Christ. They shine forth as beacons of light from that place.  They are a testimony to all the world to see.

How many Christians would have been cowering in the room afraid to give up their life? How many would have stood fearlessly as these two girls did, and proclaim the victory in Jesus?

The difference between these girls and those who profess to know Jesus, is that many will deny Him when they are facing adversity and death.  The ones who are filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit will stand for Him.  They are walking in faith, not just with words. The ones who profess to know him, will deny Jesus when they are face to face with saving themselves.  As Peter did, before he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he walked in his flesh, and denied the Lord three times when faced with possible death.

Rachel and Cassie were filled with the Holy Spirit of promise.  They  knew the Holy Spirit.  Otherwise, they would never have been able to stand against the enemy, death. Both these children knew the Saviour and the Holy Spirit of promise, and were filled with that Spirit.  They are a testimony for the whole world.

To all who would cower in fear behind closed doors, these two girls are a testimony to what the Holy Spirit does in a heart of a person.  They stood for Jesus, and did not deny Him.  What a testimony to Jesus they were. They understood that to lose their life for the One who died for them, was not losing their life, but gaining their life in the kingdom to come.

Out of the mouths of these children flowed the words of Christ that day for all to see and hear.

Would we stand forth fearless as they did, or would be as the others cowering in the corner, begging for our lives, and denying the King of Kings, as Peter did before the cock  crowed, on that day in the courtyard? The cock is crowing  for us. Will you stand this day, for the One who died for you, and not deny Him?  Or will you be the one denying him, just as Peter did that day? That is the question which is before us this day, by the King of Kings?

Let Rachel's & Cassie’s testimony stand as a testimony of faith before us all this day. Let their parent’s tears be turned to joy, because their children stood for Jesus.  They will be great in the kingdom of God to come, and they should be jumping with joy, for their children stood against the enemy in the face of death, and did not deny Christ.  What a wonderful testimony to us all.

A word of prophecy:  

My children, don't you know that if you stand up for me, that in the world's eyes you lose
your life, but in My eyes, you have gained your life?  Do you not know that the days which
are upon you are evil and full of darkness as never before? You are the beacon, to be
shining forth amongst the darkest hour of time. You will shine forth as a great light, for  
these times are the darkest of all, and in that darkness, your light forth.

Much Love in Him,
Gloria Shepherd
May 1, 1999

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