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Children; Come back to me. You have not heard me calling you, and the time is short. Abandon the Sodom and Gomorrah's of your heart, and seek me children. I am looking for a family which will love me with all their hearts and souls and minds, surrendering all that they have in this world and are, to seek me. I am calling out my children, listen to my call, you are the ones who have been lost, lost in the Sodom's and Gomorrah's of this world, you have had a foot there, and trying to follow me, but it won't work. You will be hurt, when the fires come through. You have to follow now, my call to you, abandon the idols of your hearts, and seek me with reckless abandon of your spirit. I am wooing you, children, calling you one last time. Come my children, and listen to what the spirit is speaking. Do not look back, as if you have lost something. Do not wish for your Sodom after you have left. You cannot serve two masters. Either you serve me, or you serve the god of this world. You have to give all that you have in this world that is an idol. You have to surrender it to me, lest an idol be found between you and me, child. Search your heart, child, lest you be found wanting on that day. I desire that none of my children be lost, but found. Come my children, I am calling the ones who have fallen away this day.

Thus sayeth your Lord.
February 16, 1999

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