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Stupid people anger me!
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My first actual day in Hell

Sunday, 11 September 2005

I am a Satanist!
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Stupid people anger me!
I am a Satanist and I'm damn proud too! Do you ever run into those people that are afraid of everything and everyone that's NOT LIKE THEM?!? Well, a bitch named Catherine Margaret Taylor (born Valentines Day 1969), who COMPLETELY fits this specific profile. You see, anyone that is comfortable with themselfs, has no shame about who they are. That, my fiends, would be me. Catherine got mad at me because at the Pawn Shop I was talking to the owner about how I don't like Creed, because they're Christian, and I'm Satanic (playfuly laughing along with him, mind you). What person in their right mind would think that using a bike is "Downtown Homeless Bullshit"? That's another thing this bitch got mad about. My father lives in Kent and it takes a good ten minutes to walk to his house from the bus stop, so what was going on was that she wanted me to take her to Walmart. I was going to go with her and then put her back on the bus and go see my dad, but of course, "a bike and a baby carrage don't belong on a bus togeather". EVEN THOUGH the bike would go on the OUTSIDE like they all do, whereas the stroller would be IN the bus. Am I the only one, or does this NOT make any sense?
Anyways, that's all the ranting and raving I want to do today. Thanxxx for your patience and pain.

Posted by freak3/nin at 3:23 PM PDT
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Thursday, 8 September 2005

School Sucks!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Stupid people anger me!
I love learning, but it's the teacher that makes me mad. Yesterday, (luckily) I didn't have to do work. But I had this person in this fancy assed car think they were the most important person in the world. "What is your point bitch?" is probibly going through your mind. Well, I hate the people that think that EVEN THOUGH theres a red loght, they can make the person in front of them move, just so they can get that precious little parking space on the side of the road. I SWEAR TO WHATEVER IS OUT THERE IF I EVER GET SOME JACK ASS HONKING AT ME WHILE I'M AT A RED LIGHT I WILL BACK INTO THEM JUST TO SHUT THEM UP! Sorry, I'm just kinda REALLY pissed.

Posted by freak3/nin at 4:18 PM PDT
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