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Saturday, 13 May 2006
Now Playing: Mayday - Thingy
i don't know.

today stuff is confusing.

(more than normal)

we just got back from a hike around lorne (bottom of the bottom of australia) and i had a really great time. but on the bus back i sulked and glared and spent a large amount of time staring out the window. whenever i am tired i do this.
then i tend to say the wrong things. things that didn't need to be said. things that i've gotta let go of.

i know that i'm tired right now, and i wouldn't be writing this if i was awake and coherent.

hopefully that makes for dramatic reading. enjoy it. because the rest of this is devoted to the good bit of the camp. the smiley fun bits. or the whole thing

i am nuts about hiking. you wouldn't think it, but it's one of the things i really enjoy. first day we arrive at school finish packing the packs and pile onto our minibus. 'we' are the 15 or so kids who are in outdoor rec and dont currently have broken legs.
the bus trip takes foreeeeeeever. we chat. we stress about hills. we have one toilet stop. we pick up sasha, (an assistant teacher/outdoor rec guy)and then we're there. packs on-fiddle with packs. walk up a little hill and back down, get out raincoats and get lost for a short while. then the teacher points us back in the right direction and we walk the other 5 km. at the camp grounds there are two other lots of kids - a year 8 group and a year 11 group. both from melbourne.
after burning a largish circle in the dirt accidentally we start cooking - pasta for almost everyone. the guys next to us are not having much luck. i dont know the full story but the important bit is that their trangia wouldn't start, then they knocked it over when it did, then it wouldn't again and by that point there was grass all through their food. i'm pretty sure they got to eat by 8:00.
echidna walks through camp. laugh at city kids yelling 'oh my god it is a porcupine' and such stupid things. in the middle of the night a creature was walking through the camps. the melboune kids thought it was a kangaroo/wallaby/koala/wombat/wolf/kookaburra/vampire/etc and wake up everyone (except me. i'm a heavy sleeper) yelling about it.
wake up. pack up. discover that teh melbourne kids had driven here, put on packs and walked 500m then set up camp. and were now going to walk the whole 500m way back to their bus with the tinted windows and air conditioning. those utter pansies.
walk about 2k until we hit one of the steepest, and thankfully shortest, hills i've ever seen. take a break at the top. then walk again. i am thankful that i'm relatively fit, because walking when you aren't sucks. susannah and i become the group leaders! yay. easy 2k walk to lunch spot. are attacked by crazy kookaburras that steal travis' lunch and also eat two pounds of butter. we eat. susannah and i find a short cut. mr rieniets says its ok so we start leading the way there. i am so glad that we changed leaders before we hit the path. once we're about 300m away from the main road it starts to slope down. ok, no problem there. it slopes a little more. still, thats ok. a bit slippery but nothing to worry about. then it turns into a 75 degree angle mud slide with roots and logs sticking through randomly.
from the top it looked plain violent. but relatively short, due to the tree's blocking the view. the guys at the front run down it, slipping and sliding and yelling and laughing - we dont. we grasp at each other and try not to fall on our asses as we grope at tree's for support and try to use slippery roots as stairs as we descend clumsily and slowly, concious of the weight of our packs. of course, when we're at the bottom it seemed like great fun, and the sheer relief of not being dead or severely injured starts to wash over us. we decide - through a vote - to go and see the waterfall. turns out that the path to the waterfall has been blocked by storm wreckage. the same guys that ran down the hill first leap across stepping stones after spotting a path on the other side of the river. along with the other intrepid souls i clamber over the rocks and when i am about 3/4 of the way there we are asked whether we discussed crossing before leaping over here. teh guys say 'yes everyone wanted to cross' and get told of when it turns out that less than half of the class agreed to it. so we go back. waterfalless.
turns out we have to cross the river anyway.
again, the guys (james and travis in this case) are told off for crossing before the others and we go over in a line. looking suspiciously like ducklings, waddling one after another.
then another river. we are told to wait, but paul finds a way across. the rest of us take off our shoes and just splash through. paul falls in helping catherine across. he really shouldn't have worn his shoes. poor soggy paul.
the last river crossing is almost eventless... oh no wait - catherine falls in. then i run off with about 4 other people because we think we know where the caravan park we're staying at is. then chris gets a very angry catherine on the other end of his walky talkie yelluing that we've gone the wrong way. the only reason this is funny is that we were standing outside the caravan park - we can see tents and cabins and the front desk.
susannah and i cross the river and start climbing a rock face - we're joined by travis, james and some other guys. we're yelled at to come down, but we're not in trouble really.
we cook again. make hot chocolate. eat. the guys buy some firewood and we light it. then reflection time - religious schools are too keen on reflection in general. 'go and sit on your own for half an hour'. i ended up digging a hole on the beach because i was bored. then we played this game where you can only have a certain amount of contact points with the ground per group. in our groups of 5 we could only have four points of contact. we ended up with leigh on ben's shoulders and me on james' and susannah being held through both of them. it works surprisingly well until we fall over. then another group doing almost exactly the same thing overtakes us and wins. we get close second. then we manage to get only one point of contact by making ben lay on his stomach and we all stand on his back.
next day we pack up everything, then go to the beach. we are going ocean kayaking - which is not as gentle as it sounds. the group all moves together once we're in the water, holding the sides of one anothers boats together - to make a raft so the teachers can talk to us. it is about now that a huge, gigantuan wave approaches-we all push off've one another, try to seperate and paddle over it but it crashes on us, all together, all at once. i am physically pushed out of my seat and thrown into leigh, pushing him out of the boat. some people are flipped, some are hit by boats, others jump out before the wave crashes down on them.
we all wash up on shore - some later than others, poor susannah. i'm fine, though pat's boat narrowly misses my head, and their are only two serious injuries - ben has the side of his head smashed in and ashleys nose is crushed when two rogue boats collide with their heads.
ashley is streaming blood, poor guy, and he has to go and get his nose taped up. meanwhile after the sixteenth time i ask and leigh assures me he's fine we go back into the water.
i have to say it. i am absolutely crap at kayaking. my rowing is shit. everyone is good at something - and everyone is not good at something. my thing is kayaking. its quite terrible.
so, i just felt like a dead weight for most of the time. rowing halfheartedly and crappily. but its still fun.
the ride back is, as i have previously said, more endured than enjoyed. but i was cranky and tired. we stopped off and i bought a pinapple fritter and some snacks. i really should have just gone to sleep. stupid tired person logic. staying awake when i am tired only makes sense when i am tired.

we got home. and i fed the cat, unpacked then had a hour long bath. baths are the best invention of humankind ever.

what a lot of writing.

Posted by freak3/laker at 5:27 PM NZT
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Monday, 1 May 2006
Oh no
Now Playing: Tripoli - Pinback
that name is just because i can't think of a suitably dodgy name today. I'm really tired.
We went mountain biking today! i was middle-ish and definately not the worst! and i'm going camping in a tent with susanna we shall make pasta the easy way. not out of a packet though because they taste like mcdonalds cheese mixed with flour. This is what happens to my writing skill when i'm tired. it disappears.

So on friday we didn't get picked up from the busstop so we walk up the hill - 3km - and when we get home everything is locked up and we can't get in.
Because the house would continue to be abandoned for the next three or so hours i went round the front and got a hammer and smashed the back window, carefully near a door-handle. It was really really fun. Seriously, you should try smashing windows sometime kids. its good for you and your parents will love you for it.

I'll post new pictures when my brain stops melting.
yurk, brain fluid.

Posted by freak3/laker at 9:30 PM NZT
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Tuesday, 25 April 2006
Now Playing: Before Butterfly's Wings - Something for Kate
Do you ever plan things that you're never going to do(probably)?

Olivia and I have resolved to visit schoolies when we're eighty, riding granny carts with suped up v8 engines, and before she turned diabetic she was going to go to the moon and i would write about it.
At eighty-one i'm going to jump off've daniels cliff. and i'm going to become an artist or graphic designer. I'm going to visit another planet a.s.a.p and i intend to go rock climbing this thursday.

Ok, that last one was a bit more sensible than the rest, seeing as i actually have an excursion on thursday. but hey, i'm sure i wont injure myself fatally.

I've worked out my VCE subjects! oh my god!

English Literature
English Language
Media Studies

I'm not doing IT as a subject this year so i'll have to ask super-nice if i can do it for VCE, because i'm pretty sure journalists should know how to use computers.

Pauls party will be wicked fun. I have to buy him a prezzie and i should probably get mark one too because i missed his, it was on easter, how crazy is that?

I cant get over the fact that all my friends are going to be driving by the end of the year. I cant beleive that I'll be let anywhere near a car. I would be a WMD, killing thousands by accident and unco-ness.

Speaking of which, debutant ball is coming next year. everyone has sorted out there partners already. its insane. admittedly i thought i knew who i was going with in year 9 but that fell through recently.

And by the way i will load some new pictures. I've just been busy.

Posted by freak3/laker at 9:27 PM NZT
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Sunday, 5 February 2006
Now Playing: A lack of colour - Death Cab for Cutie
Topic: Thinkings
today was a great big suck.
tummy aches suck, hour long car rides suck, shopping when you're broke sucks, not having any phone credit sucks, no one being online sucks, being alone on this fucking mountain sucks, also, majorly, dumbass documentaries suck.

there's my whinge for the day. i'm just angry because i'm wishin i could talk to someone. krystal is a someone, but she's gone quiet + so have i.

today the chickens escaped and were duly caught, the guinea pigs were attacked by the chickens and i finished the naughts and crosses book then went to watergardens.
that book is probably responsible for my bad mood as it really got to me. damn my emotional side. it's like a chick flick in writing. all the crap of titanic compressed into a little book.

speaking of little books, our year level has officially been given the dumbass version of macbeth. cartoon version with explanitory notes?
right. like i need that.

meh. thats enough ranting. y'know blogging is a excellent way to get rid of the crap in your head. and no one even has to read it.

Posted by freak3/laker at 8:28 PM EADT
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Monday, 30 January 2006
impossible to write today
there is an idea, in a comic i have read, of a condition known only as sleep madness it affects those unlucky to have a screwed up form of insomnia. not able to not sleep, but only able to sleep inbetween 12:30am and 6:00am. so i have done nothing. i have read about 6 books in the last two days, simply because i cant sleep. is dreadful, also have run out of things to read already. i am down to crappy books about psycic teenagers and that is low, really really low.

french trip in what, 8 months? but i'm all hyped and crazy about it. i have actually been reading my french text books. and i found out there's a place in western bretagne called brest. hehe. but neways-i'm gettin some french language tapes etc so's i might actually learn something. and yet mrs bromley would still say i'm one of her worst students. as if she knows anything. i probably speak it better than she does. meh no biggie.

i tired. i try and sleep. probably finish the psycic book instead. yuk.

Posted by freak3/laker at 7:36 PM EADT
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Saturday, 28 January 2006
no marie! bad marie!
Mood:  on fire
marie is annoying. when i say annoying i mean annoyyyyying like a tropical skin eating disease, not annoying like a naughty puppy. at the moment she is asking me to straghten her hair. and because i said no she is torturing me, slowly, with assorted combs adn hair clips.

speaking of hair, i have a new hair cut that makes me look like that chick from the matrix-the one who overdoes the hair gel and is really really ugly. by the way those movies suck. really really badly suck.

i have chickens! more of them! two baby birds. they're yellow and noisy and so cute and they shit absolutely everywhere. i will find a pic of them for here later and add it in then.

my gibberish must end now, because of teh hardcore tv watching i am going to do. not hardcore like that. u smutty peeps. i watching my family. seeya suckies

Posted by freak3/laker at 7:36 PM EADT
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006
a un-pre-written post
i haven't thought of what to write and that will undoubtedly lead to huge quantities of crap in this post. omg. i have had 6 visits in the last day!? considering i've only shown about 5 people that's really good.
i am almost sure all 7 people have been liv-ta crazy one. well, at least she is having fun here.

lack of sleep and too much sun is burning my eyes... but i'm still going to talk bout the happenings of today-
went on train, possibly made mum loose her lisense speeding to catch train. went to movies wit james. on way out of movies handbag broke. walked round watergardens with broken handbag for rest of day. bumped inta crazy krystal. and ended up sharing a train ride wit em back.
i have learnt nothing, except that catherine really likes glaring. a lot.

Posted by freak3/laker at 7:51 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 28 January 2006 7:22 PM EADT
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Thursday, 19 January 2006
bimbo and bambi-a few important differences
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: boo - pinback
Topic: Picturesque
You read the front page! i am making some tee shirts! but so far demand has far outstripped the numbers-as in some people want them and we have zero.
but! there is progress etc. and i'm printing up a great big lot of designs to show you's all. an example one is shown below-the bunnies name is rex.

(its a bit distorted-soz)

Posted by freak3/laker at 9:16 PM EADT
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Monday, 16 January 2006
Thinkin' Hardcore
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Soul Meets Body, Death Cab for Cutie
life is often dull. and then you wish you had something better to write about in your opening sentence. no one wants a boring blog. half the time blogs are make believe, so that its more interesting. that or you dramatise all your opinions. “I dislike her” becomes “I HATE THAT FUCKING SLUT”. I’ve been debating whether lies are worth it. probably not in the long run.
I’m not a lion tamer or a crazy kick-boxing playboy bunny. I don’t live in a mansion or explore jungles. I have never mud-wrestled, never been overseas or bankrupted huge companies though they all sound like fun. I’m not interested in bungee or base jumping and have never skydived.
I am a 15yr old Australian brunette. I live in a boring and surprisingly damp part of Oz. I have a wonderful boyfriend with wicked hair and 4 chickens and 5 guinea pigs. I am interested in indie music and anything crazy.
I’m pretty much content with life-I’ve got everything I need, though a new skirt would be nice. and so I don’t really know what the hell I’m going to complain about on the blog.
We’ll have to wait for something bad to happen so you can be entertained, maybe a cat fight or a car crash.
Here’s hoping.

Posted by freak3/laker at 12:01 AM EADT
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Sunday, 15 January 2006
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Penelope-Pinback
Topic: Music
i was reading some stuff on the net, and apparently one of my favourite artists is a real dickhead. isaac brock, the guy from modest mouse.
at first it was really getting to me, but then i realised that maybe the other guys in the band are awesome and it doesn't really matter anyway. I'm never going to meet this guy, so what does it matter? their music's great and i get the benefit of it-so its his loss really.

everything would be easier if everyone was likeable. but half the world is made up of assholes.
I could quote the team america movie right there-but i wont for your benefit.

Posted by freak3/laker at 2:06 PM EADT
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