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Monday, 30 January 2006
impossible to write today
there is an idea, in a comic i have read, of a condition known only as sleep madness it affects those unlucky to have a screwed up form of insomnia. not able to not sleep, but only able to sleep inbetween 12:30am and 6:00am. so i have done nothing. i have read about 6 books in the last two days, simply because i cant sleep. is dreadful, also have run out of things to read already. i am down to crappy books about psycic teenagers and that is low, really really low.

french trip in what, 8 months? but i'm all hyped and crazy about it. i have actually been reading my french text books. and i found out there's a place in western bretagne called brest. hehe. but neways-i'm gettin some french language tapes etc so's i might actually learn something. and yet mrs bromley would still say i'm one of her worst students. as if she knows anything. i probably speak it better than she does. meh no biggie.

i tired. i try and sleep. probably finish the psycic book instead. yuk.

Posted by freak3/laker at 7:36 PM EADT
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