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Okay as we said on the front page their aren't many rules and we're going to stand by what we said. It's really simple actually and really we shouldn't have to say it, but just for the new people who aren't used to 'borrowing' things from websites we're going to clear it all up for you!

First off please, please, please do not direct link! It isn't that we want to be mean (well yes we do but that's another story) or to make it harder for people who aren't really used to the net, it's just it uses bandwith and seeing as we're both very poor we can't afford to buy a lot of bandwith!

We want you to use our blinkies, that's really kind of why we made this website but if you adopt it would be really nice if you gave us a link back? It's not required but very appreciated. Of course if you're using it on pop talk there's no need because you can just scan the properties easily!

If you decide you want a custom made blinky please only e mail once as lots of e mails get annoying and it's just mean! :)

Oh one more thing! Please don't use Trudy's blue blinkies on the official blue website, she doesn't like it! lol! That's it! See! We told you there weren't many rules!