le Désordre

The Disorder
Who am I?

12/24/04 I'm baaaack! Yes, this site has been resurrected from the dead; wee. I shall be re-arranging things and so forth, soon, but until then...enjoy PrimitivePaint's ruins!
I finally started on a page completely dedicated to the arts. Or...mine and my lover's view of them, anyway. Of course it's nowhere near finished - nor will it be, any time soon. But a few things are up. I may...hopefully...talk Justin into submitting some of his brilliant poetry [crosses fingers]. But I doubt it. He's a stingy...stingy man.

09/02/04 My school is having a lame-homo-gay talent show, tonight. Blah. But, considering I made a promise to one of my friends that I would vote for them...I have to attend. Ah, no matter! It's not like I've anything better to do on a weeknight, you know. No, no.. I only have an online French course that requires limitless dedication; a Justin, whom drains all my love and attention; AND a computer addiction! NO. Nothing to do...at all.

Speaking of French: I've already gotten through one lesson [and quite easily, if I may be so modest] with an A+, woo. In fact, I've an A in all of my classes. This year has just been so... dull; it's hard to believe that, next year, I'll be a senior. Man. I still remember the first day of freshman year..

Oh well. I suppose I should be getting ready, eh?

08/11/04 ARRGH!! [breaks pencil] I failed my permit test, today. I missed seven and you're only allowed to miss six. Ah, but 23 out of 30 is still pretty good. I didn't miss any of the signs. GRR. Still, it angers me. :(

08/08/04 Since school is back in session, I've very little time to do anything around here. Of course, I will - just not as much.

I completely gutted the About Me page, and shall have a new version up and running in a few weeks. School, I'm afraid, is going to be rather time consuming, this year. So much stress. Plus, my principal is turning out to be more and more of an asshole.

You've no idea how much I miss last year...

07/28/04 Ah, yes. I have added yet another page to this random madness. It's title is simply "Ranting"; I figured I needed a place to scream about the events of everyday life and/or whatever pops into my brain. Considering my journal is friends only & some of you cannot read it, I'm guessing this is a little treat. Well, a treat if you're really interested in my lame thoughts.

Au revoir!

The only thing that I miss about Blurty [an online journal community] are those damn bouncy mood men. Of course there were different kinds but these guys are my favorite. This one is sad.. a sad mood man. I must admit that I love Livejournal more, though. Their site is rarely down, unlike Blurty's, and they're much faster. An online journal really gives me a place to vent. I've recently "be-witched" mine up a bit. Heh. I've suddenly been struck with this strange obsession for witches. Good times.

I'm not into Wicca and all that - I just love the idea of witches. Gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, haha.

It's 4:38 AM; I have a doctors appointment in less than 7 hours and I've had no sleep. I'm thinking about laying down for a while - but I don't know. I'd really like to talk to Justin before he leaves this morning. It's kind of lame that we have doctors appointments on the same day.

07/26/04 What a long strange trip it's been - or so the hippie's say. It seems that my surroundings are changing at a rapid speed; everything that I had gotten comfortable with and used to... is lost. Which is fine, I s'pose. I'm guessing that change is a part of earthly existence & blah blah. I just wish that I had what I wanted/needed. Hrm. But everyone wants that, right? & tough shit if your wish doesn't come true! Faggots! Okay. I was being... sarcastically evil, there.

So, anyway. Only a few more days and it's that time of year, again. That's right. Break out your school supplies [for some of you, machine guns], kids! Most of my friends are graduating this year, which is much lame-homo-gay-sadness. I shall miss them. I wish them a promising future far far away from this hellhole; I do, however, wish they could go to a college close to home so I could keep in touch. But why wish death upon those you love?

le sigh. I'm just rambling until these so called sleeping pills kick in. I'm no druggie, but if I didn't take them, occasionally, I would never sleep. I'm an insomniac, I am.

07/17/04Courtney's home. She's coming over tomorrow & I think I shall enjoy her company. I need to get out... I need to live. She'll have her license, soon [mischievous grin].

Hannah's had her license for quite some time - but we've never rode around. Hannah & I in the same car is deadly. We laugh too much; we would die.

07/16/04 Bored, again. I've been reading a little of Memnoch The Devil by Anne Rice & I must say, it's better than I thought. Of course, I'm only into the first few chapters. I love how she uses Lestat as her alter ego. He's what she wants in a man; in herself; & in humanity, period. Her creation. I wish, when I wrote, I could be so passionate about a character.

Courtney shall be returning from her trip to Jamaica, shortly. I'm quite excited; Courtney receives her drivers license at the end of this month! Wee. No more having to walk to go on photography adventures. She can just.. drive me there. Yeah.

Today wasn't a total disaster, after all. I received a package from Leana [for my birthday] & was delighted! She gave me a lovely shirt, a bracelet, CD's, & a handwritten letter. I couldn't have asked for more. I busied myself, making a little picture for it... heh. Click the icon of the blue girl to see it. The image of the little girl, by the way, is what is on my shirt.

07/13/04 Memo---I hate today.

Okay, well, maybe not hate. Yeah... yeah, definitely hate. The next person that comes in this room giving me useless information or asking me ignorant questions... I'm stabbing with my spork. Honestly, everything is annoying me. I attempted to read, earlier, & ended up tossing the book in my closet - shutting & bolting the door. I tried to take a nap, and even my stuffed animal, Floyd, was annoying me. I threw him in the corner... so he can think about what he's done.

The summer is major lameness. I mean... I really don't want Redneck High to be back in session, but I miss having contact with my friends. Most of them work or are on vacation [Envy!] - but the few that are free... seem to never talk to me, at all. I try to call them & talk to them, but they're not having it... so, I shall rape them up the ass with a giant pickle.

I added Black Porcelain to the navigation... wee. All it basically is, is a Tripod website. I estimate that, due to my perpetual boredom, this site will continue to grow and, eventually, exceed it's bandwidth. But who cares! I'm relentless; I'll just start another site, obtain followers, and take Angelfire down. Anyway, Black Porcelain consists of everything you need to know about yours truly. Exciting, I know. I realized that the "About me" page didn't really hold that much information; I mean.. how much can a survey really tell you? So, on this site, you will find random pictures, lame quotes, and hear my top three favorite songs. Lucky you...

07/12/04 August is getting closer & closer. School time is near. This year, I will be a junior. I'm excited, considering that I'm almost finished with this redneck... sea of tomatoes. Okay. Tomatoes wasn't funny. Sea of corn? Heh. Yeah. Something agricultural/lame.

I added some poetry, by the way. Nothing special - but I added them anyway. Insomniacs get bored, man. It's 4:10 AM, right now. I've been sleepy for quite some time, but haven't been able to sleep... which is homosexual. I wish I could get away from this place for a while. I'm starting to really dislike the people. But.. then again, how are you supposed to get a long with a bunch of prejudice inbreds who can't speak proper English & chew tobacco? I know it's sexy... but it's hard to tolerate.

07/11/04 Have you ever had those mornings when the sun's too bright, the birds are chirping way too loud, & the sound of your brother's incessant screaming is driving you insane?

I didn't get to bed until 7 AM this morning. Yay. Then, I wake up to the most horrid househould imaginable. My grandmother decides to leave & go to church. Wow.. yeah.. that's great, but she left her sister-in-law in charge of dinner. An 80 year old woman... in charge of dinner. There's no way I'm eating, today. I walked through the living room & I seen her all standing around it... and.. yuck. No one wants an old woman standing over their food! That's why they keep the old-ancient waitresses in the back of the restaurant. Ugh...

I've been thinking about adding a little "poetry" to my poetry page, but I'm not sure. I'm not satisfied with any of them, really. I think I'll write new ones & post them... sometime. Yeah.

07/11/04 4:30 AM & I'm still awake. I'm listening to my recently downloaded Yahoo radio. Yahoo used to be really lame, but.. now, they're semi-kickass. I'm still using MSN, though. I wish Justin were online... Hannah & I are really bored. I don't have a Justin to talk to and she doesn't have a middle-aged man to boss around. [blank stare] That's a long story.

I just realized... I need to take the movies back to Blockbuster, tomorrow. Otherwise, they will charge us 1,000$. They love us, out there ;)

Oh yeah. I added a chatterbox, to your left. Got the idea from Piper. Hannah & I were playing around with it a few minutes ago. It was then that I realized how sad we were.

07/10/04 I started this site out of boredom. But I live in Kentucky... so, boredom is common. The common cause of death, if you're a teenager. The adults have grown morbidly accustomed to the surrounding mountains; the lame country music; and the perpetual howling of rednecks. Zombie-adults. My goal is to escape from this place [hopefully on my 18th birthday] and move to Paris. Of course, I'm going to have to go through college & actually have money to do this. I'm definitely not going to college here. No way. Once you've gone to college here - you're rooted here. No backing out.

I suppose I'll escape, someday. Until then, beware the constant rantings on this site.

Robert's 40!

The anti-Valentines Day. Teaser's Day!

Hannah turns 17!

Another year in the armpit of Kentucky.

Christmas Break!

Julia's b-day [6th]. Matt's b-day [14th]. Halloween!!!

Leana's sweet sixteen <3

Back to Redneck High

My birthday. Yay.