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Anime Aggression


Welcome to the jobs page. Here you can look for a starting job or a new job. To get a job you must first check and see if there is a opening. If there is then you can have that job.

Owner- This person runs the RPG and updates it.
Payroll- $50,000 Daily
Openings- 0

Item Inventor- This person invents new items or improves current ones. Some items cannont be improved like the dragonball radar and the gravitron room.
Payroll- $10,000 an Item(MAX:5)
Openings- 2

Martial Arts Teacher- This person makes and can teach new moves. You can learn moves faster by training with him and using your moves your learning.
Payroll- $10,000 an Attack(MAX:5) and Whatever you charge pupil.
Openings- 2

Warlord- This person goes around destroying and conquering planets, ship, and people.
Payroll- $80,000 per person killed; $50,000 per ship; $1,000,000 per planet.
Openings- 1

Scientist- These ppl fly around through space and research planets for new things and even new planets.
Payroll- $100,000 per planet; $80,000 for new race found.
Openings- 2

Bounty Hunter- This person goes around ppl who have bounties on them. You cannot kill a person if they have no bounty.
Payroll- Whatever bounty is....
Openings- 1

Police Officer- This person patrols the universe for evil people. Police officers must defeat the criminals b4 they can arrest them.
Payroll- $35,000 Daily; $200,000 for catching criminal.
Openings- 2

Planet Gaurdian- This person gaurds his/her planet from danger or even good. You cannot leave your planet, because danger could strike upon it.
Payroll- $45,000 Daily; $500,0000 For saving planet

Bodyguard- This person protects the person he is being bodyguard of at all times. They are loyaly to their protectee.
Payroll- Whatever Bodygaurd Offers.
Openings- Unlimited

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