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Home | JTHM | Squee | Lenore | Devi | Other Stuff


Johnny is a less than well adjusted human being. He has the nasty habit of killing people. Usually quite brutally. It is very rare that the people he killed are not assholes. There have been a few exceptions like the perfectly nice guy he killed simply for his blood. Oh that's another thing, Johnny's house has a bit of a mind of it's own. But I'll get to that later. It also turns out that Johnny was chosen to soak up all the free floating bad vibes that roamed the earth. He was chosen for this job because he is so introverted, it wouldn't have affected him that much. Whoever made that decision didn't account for the fact that all those bad vibes can make a person go quite insane, as in the case of Johnny. Okay, so the badness wasn't the only cause of his insanity, he was already pretty insane, but being a "flusher" didn't help him any.


Squee is the very adorable little guy that lives next door to Nny. Squee's real name is Todd but when Nny asks his name the only sound that emits from the little guy's mouth is a feeble "squee."


Lenore is a cute little dead girl. She lives with Ragamuffiin, a vampire scurge who was transformed into a doll. Her sweet innocence makes you want to give her a big hug...and then stand back very quickley to make sure everything is still attached.


Our girl, Devi, made her first appearance in Johnny the Homicidal Maniac in the now famous and extremely popular, "Shit in the Pants" Meanwhile. She later moved on to date Johnny, who promptly tried to kill her. She kicked his ass, hid in her apartment for a reeaallly long time and that was the last we heard from her. Until now.
