Places I....Go..Sometimes.....
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Ok. I doubt remember. But i said to watch this space coz i would put something in it. well. i'm going to now. links.
So I bring to you, a collection of links. Well thats the plan. Lets see how we go.

Fat Wreck Cords
The people who bring you Fat Music, and some really cool bands
She Let Me Use this Pic
A friends site, got all sorts of stuff.

Your Music, Your Voice, Channel Z.
I couldn't get preddy lil pics for these sites
If you like fast shinny cars that go pshhhhhh, Then check this site out. It may seem fucked up or whatever, but hey, no one is going to die... and its a way to pass the time... Another one of my firends site. It's pretty funny and stuff.
These are some pretty cool online shops.

A new Zealand shop. One of the few places you can get punk cds.

Kickass american store.
Where All The Bad Shirts Go!!!
This site has Some real cool Tee-Shirts.

This is another cool american punk store.
Some Comics

Be sure not to go

Another comic