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Part 9

Part 9

Willow awoke to the feeling of arms around her, holding her close, opening one eye she found herself staring straight at Buffy. It was then that she realised it hadn’t all been a terrible nightmare that, Tara was really dead. Never again would see Tara’s shy smile or look into her lover’s eyes.

With a groan, Willow moved from the bed, knowing that she couldn’t spend all of her time grieving, if she didn’t help Buffy it was possible that someone else would be killed. Willow was determined to stop that from happening, she never wanted to put someone through the pain she was feeling.

“Willow, how are you?” Buffy asked worried by the fact that Willow was acting as if nothing had happened. Buffy felt her friend was denying the fact that Tara was dead. But the Slayer could understand only too well, the urge to deny the loss of a loved one.

“I’ll be alright. Can we go and see Giles?” Willow replied her voice trembling; she knew that the Watcher would be worried about her after the horrific events of the previous night.

The two girls walked out into the lounge were Giles was waiting; Willow felt that Giles looked a lot older than he did the night before. It was then that she realised that Tara’s death was not only affecting her but also her friends.

“Would you like me to get you something to eat?” Giles asked Willow; uncomfortable with the situation and knowing that there was nothing he could do to take away her pain.

“That’s alright, Giles. Can you tell me anything about what happened to Tara?” Willow asked her voice wavering as she said Tara’s name.

“It looks like she was killed somewhere else and then placed outside. Do you know why someone would kill her?” Giles asked as he absently cleaned his glasses.

“Everyone likes-I mean liked Tara. What does the message mean?” Willow replied as she sat down, Buffy moving to sit right next to her.

“Apart from the fact that someone else will be killed I’ve no idea. Buffy check on Riley and Dawn that way we can make sure that they haven’t been taken.” Giles said as he reached for a book.

Buffy quickly walked to the phone and started dialling, relief flooding her body when Dawn’s cheerful voice greeted her.

“Hi, Dawn. Are you alright?” Buffy asked wanting to make sure her sister was safe.

“I’m fine - why?” Dawn answered confused.

“I’m just making sure. I’ll call Riley and have him pick you up in half an hour.” Buffy said, knowing that she couldn’t tell her sister about what had happened to Tara over the phone.

“Okay, but what about Xander? I mean he’s off work today and I’m sure he’ll want to know what’s happening.” Dawn said, not wanting to miss out on spending time with Xander.

“You and Riley can pick him up.” Buffy said knowing about the little crush Dawn had on her friend.

“I’ve got to figure out what to wear, bye.” Dawn said excitedly as she put down the phone.

Buffy sighed as her sister hung up, wondering just how she was going to break the news. She quickly dialled Riley’s number, praying that her boyfriend was safe at home.

“Riley, are you okay?” Buffy blurted out as soon as the phone was picked up.

“I’m fine, what’s happened?” Riley asked concerned, hoping that nothing had happened to his girlfriend or her family.

“Tara was killed last night. Can you pick up Dawn in half an hour and bring her to Giles’ place?” Buffy said as she watched Willow out of the corner of her eye.

“Sure, anything else?” Riley replied as he quickly pulled on his jeans.

“Oh yeah, can you pick up Xander? If its not too much bother.” Buffy said, remembering how eager Dawn had been to see Xander.

“Sure, I’ll see you soon.” Riley said as he put down the phone.

Buffy stared at the phone and wondered why Riley was acting so strange, almost as if he didn’t care about her. Buffy quickly shoved Riley to the back of her mind as she saw Willow who was staring vacantly into space.

Thirty-five minutes after Riley had finished speaking to his girlfriend, he arrived at Xander’s but there was something wrong. There was a feeling of unease about the place, whispering to Dawn to stay there Riley stealthily walked inside.

Inside was eerily quiet but Riley walked forward and stopped in shock, on the floor lay a man, he guessed was Xander’s father. The man had nails in his hand and a knife was sticking out of his chest. From the blood trail, it was clear that the man had tried to move. Riley quickly walked past the body, intending on checking for any hostiles but he stopped when he spied a toilet plunger sticking out of the man’s ass.

A gasp caused him to look up; he quickly turned to the doorway where a horrified and scared Dawn was staring at the bodies in shock. Riley quickly walked over to were Xander’s mother lay, two matching bite marks on her neck confirming his suspicions of a vampire attack. He was sure that he had missed something but he knew that he had to get Dawn to Buffy before something happened.

“What’s happened?” Buffy asked as soon as she saw the expression on her sister’s face, Dawn looked like she was going to pass out.

“I’ll tell you inside.” Riley said as he gently pushed Dawn into the house, closing the door behind him.

“We’re inside what’s happened to my sister?” Buffy asked, angry she had thought that Riley would be able to protect her sister but obviously, she was wrong.

Once Dawn was out of hearing range Riley said, “We got to Xander’s house and there was something wrong, I went in alone and found his parents dead. There was no sign of Xander but it was vampires killed his mom. His father was tortured, it looked like he was nailed to the wall, cut open, and then someone stuck a toilet plunger up his ass. Dawn followed me and saw them but I think she was more worried about Xander.”

“Are you sure Xander wasn’t there?” Giles asked, as he walked into the hall, having overheard the conversation.

Riley stated, “Yeah, there’s no sign of forced entry. The vamps must have been let in, Xander must have known them.” He actually liked Xander, there was something about the other man that he was attracted to despite all the time he spent with Buffy.

“Xander knows not to let people into his home, what if he’s next?” Buffy asked, knowing that she couldn’t handle the pain if another of her friends was killed.

Meanwhile Xander - or Alexander as he was now known was busy planning the next stage of the plan to ruin the Slayer. The obvious next target was Riley; Buffy relied on the soldier for support. Buffy would be watching Willow so the witch would have to wait, and he didn’t really want to kill Dawn. The girl had been his friend and he could honestly say he liked her. No, his true friends would be safe - the only people he was going to hurt was the ones who had pretended to be his friends only to ignore the years of abuse he had endured.

The plan was simple but effective, he was going to call Riley and beg for help insisting that Angel had taken him hostage. Riley would be more than willing to kill Angel and wouldn’t involve Buffy because of the supposed feelings the Slayer still harboured for her ex.

If need be there was always the crush card, he remembered the way Riley had watched him and had enough experience to know when someone wanted him. His home life had taught him that and given him a thirst for vengeance.

He also had to consider the person he was now to the world Xander Harris had become Alexander the childe and mate of Angelus. To his vampire family he was Xander or Alex depending on their mood and to Angelus he would always be Alex. Xander matched his mate in terms of bloodlust and destruction. He always had the abilities to be cruel, cunning, and ruthless but had suppressed them mainly in the effort to be accepted and loved.

“Alex, why are in here planning when we could be doing a lot more enjoyable messy things with our time?” Angelus asked as he moved behind the younger vampire, thrusting his groin against his love’s ass.

“Just making sure everything’s perfect. When should I make the call?” Alex asked as he leaned into Angelus’ embrace, purring when his lover started placing small bites on his exposed shoulders.

Pausing to consider Xander’s question Angelus said, “Give it a while maybe in a couple of day. Give them time to worry then we’ll strike. Leave the plan, I want you fucking me as soon as possible.”

“That sounds a lot more appealing.” Xander whispered, taking Angelus’ hand. The couple walked in silence to their bedroom, each one fighting to control themselves until they were safe from prying eyes.

End Part 9

Part 10