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Part 10

Giles stared at the books in front of him, desperately searching for some clue as to the identity of the latest demon to target the Slayer. As if that wouldn’t be enough, there was also the little problem of a great evil that had possibly emerged in Sunnydale, the group had patrolled frantically on the night of Tara’s death but the town had been eerily quiet. The disappearance of Xander bothered him, Giles was sure that was missing something important.

He wasn’t sure how to help his young charges; Willow had spent the two days since Tara’s death staring into space. Occasionally the young witch would look around as if searching for something or someone. He and Buffy had agreed not to tell the young witch about Xander’s disappearance in case it made her worse.

Dawn was alternately crying and angry, the young girl seemed to be taking Xander’s disappearance and probable death worse than the rest of them. Riley was an enigma, he hadn’t paid any real attention to Buffy and had been almost maniacal in his patrols of Sunnydale, insisting that Xander was waiting to be rescued.

Giles suddenly sat up, remembering a case from the old Watcher Diaries. If he was right, Xander had precious little time. Grabbing a book from the top shelf, Giles quickly turned the pages stopping at the section about Angelus’ past. He read the passage and reached for the phone, automatically dialling his Slayer’s number.

“Buffy, it’s Giles. I think I know what’s happening. Get everyone here, as fast as possible. Be careful.” Giles said as Buffy’s cheerful voice greeted him.

“We’ll be there in fifteen.” Buffy replied quickly before putting the phone down.

Meanwhile Riley Finn was jarred awake by the sound of the phone ringing. Knowing that Buffy might need him, he picked it up quickly.

His voice full of dark humour Angelus said, “Farm Boy, I’ve got someone here, you seem to have lost.”

“Angel, is that you? What are you doing calling me?” Riley asked moodily, he didn’t like his girlfriend’s ex, and Angel didn’t like him. So why was the souled vampire calling him?

“Guess again, Farm Boy. Angel’s gone for good, my name is Angelus.” Angelus said, laughing slightly at the sudden deep breathing on the other end of the phone.

Grinning widely the vampire continued, “As I said, there’s someone here your group seems to have lost. You know, Xander’s really quite beautiful. I wonder if he’ll look so beautiful after I…play with him? Do you think he’ll look so enchanting when I enter him?”

“Don’t even think about hurting Xander!” Riley spat out not liking the malice in the vampire’s voice. Reason returned and he asked, “How do I know you’ve got him?”

Angelus grinned widely at his mate as he said; “I’ll let you talk to him for a couple of minutes. Then I’m going to have some fun with him. What do you think he’ll look like after I’ve drained him?”

“Ri…Riley is that you? You’ve got to help me, please!” Xander said into the phone, his voice shaking from suppressed laughing. Riley thought Xander’s voice was simply shaky with fear.

“Yeah, it’s Riley. I’ll help you. He hasn’t hurt you, has he?” Riley asked straightening his posture.

“Not yet but he keeps looking at me like he’s wondering what I taste like. You’re going to come and get me, right?” Xander said schooling his voice so that he sounded afraid, yet hopeful.

Buffy knocked on the door, getting no answer she walked inside and stopped. Riley was awake and busy talking on the phone. Unnoticed she listen to the conversation, her expression changing to one of worry as she understood what was happening.

“I’ll come and get you. Don’t worry, I won’t let him hurt you.” Riley said, stopping when he heard Angelus’ growls echoing and Xander shouting for the vampire to stop.

Angelus sneered, “I hope you had a nice little talk. You can get the White Knight, tonight at 10 p.m. in the Park. If I see any sign that you’ve brought others, Xander’s going to pay. Got me Farm Boy?”

“I understand. If he’s hurt, I’ll kill you, Angelus!” Riley swore, wondering how he was going to keep this from Buffy.

“I’d like to see you try, Farm Boy.” Angelus purred seconds before the call ended.

“Got something to tell me?” Buffy asked as she watched her boyfriend shy from her gaze.

“I heard the call. I know it was Angelus, just who has he got to make you so worried?” Buffy asked as she absently watched Riley stare at the wall.

“I'm here because Giles called. He needs us over there as soon as possible.” Buffy said as she walked out, expecting Riley to follow. After a few seconds he did, re-playing the conversation to figure out just what the vampire had done to Xander.

As everyone looked at him expectantly Giles said, “I’m afraid I know what happened to Xander. The profile perfectly matches Angelus; furthermore, Angel has completely disappeared. Angelus only acts this way when something he owns or loves is hurt. I think he’s getting revenge for the way we treated Spike, Xander never liked Angelus or Angel so he’s the perfect target.”

“Angelus phoned Riley earlier today, I overheard Riley say his name as he ended the call.” Buffy said, ignoring the glare from Riley.

Riley stared at his girlfriend in disbelief; he couldn’t believe what she was doing. Granted, it was definitely a trap but if Angelus found out someone else knew; Xander would be killed or worse.

“What did he say?” Giles asked, hopeful that he could find out just what Angelus was after this time.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Riley said, staring at the wall. He wasn’t going to risk Xander’s life because he had disobeyed instructions.

Within a couple of seconds, Riley found himself held up against the wall by Giles. As he looked into the older man’s eyes, he couldn’t see any sign of the mild mannered man he had come to know. It was then that he realised he was looking at Ripper, and that this side of Giles would happily kill him.

“If you don’t tell me what he said, I’m going to hurt you. It could help us find Xander.” Giles said, smirking as he noticed Riley’s eyes widen at the mention of Xander.

“So that’s why you won’t say anything! If you tell us we can get Xander back safely.” Giles said as he let the other man go.

Riley fell to the floor but soon picked himself up and was sitting next to Buffy.

Riley said in a detached voice, “He said that Xander’s beautiful and asked if I thought Xander would still be beautiful if he played with him. I think he’s planning on sexually assaulting Xander. I spoke to Xander and he said that Angelus keeps watching him, like he wants to taste him. He sounded afraid and then I heard growling, and Xander was shouting at Angelus to stop.”

“I assume that he told you when to meet him to get Xander back?” Giles asked, already knowing the answer, Angelus loved playing with the Slayer and consequently them.

“Yeah, the park at 10.00. He said I have to go alone or he’ll kill Xander.” Riley said, hoping he could convince everyone to let him go alone. It was safer that way, he wondered if Xander would start to like him once he rescued the younger man from Angelus’ grip.

Giles just looked at the ex-soldier already knowing the man’s intentions but he couldn’t let Riley just walk into a trap. If Riley died, it would probably totally unhinge Buffy and the last thing anyone needed was an insane Slayer. No, he and Buffy would have to be there in case.

Giles was positive that together the three could take out Angelus, and it was unlikely the older vampire would have any other vampires apart from minions. From his research, he had come to the conclusion that Angelus preferred, to be surrounded by family; with Spike effectively paralysed, and Druscilla missing Angelus would have no one for backup.

Giles said to the ex-commando as he turned back to his charge, “Riley, you’ll have to be very careful. Angelus is probably going to try and kidnap you.”

Giles said as he passed Buffy a crossbow, "Buffy, you and I are going to be there early just in case Angelus is planning something. If we are there in time, we might be able to rescue Xander. Dawn and Willow will have to stay behind, of course.”

“What time are we leaving?” Buffy asked, knowing that they had to be prepared, she wasn’t going to take any chances with Riley’s life.

End Part 10

Part 11