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Part 12

“Buff, where’s Xander?” Willow asked realising that she hadn’t seen her friend in days, which was unusual especially in light of Tara’s murder.

Thinking quickly Buffy said cheerfully, “Erm...he’s with Anya. Yeah that’s it, he said that she was complaining about the amount of time he spends with us.”

“Oh, she won’t let him come to see me? Doesn’t she know what happened to Tara? Is it selfish of me to want my friends with me?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Xander comes to see you. I’m going to get him tomorrow, and make him come here. Can you stay and look after Dawn?”

Willow said with a bright smile, “Sure. I’m sure Anya will let him come to see me. If she doesn’t I know plenty of spells to make her change her mind.”

Buffy nodded mechanically; slightly worried by the way Willow was smiling at the idea of hurting someone and taking away their free will. Buffy knew she didn’t have long if she was to be successful in her rescue of Giles and Riley, oh yeah, Xander too.

The ringing of the phone caused Buffy to jump, she moved quickly to answer it but Willow got there first.

Willow said perkily, “Rupert Giles’ home, can I help you?” “Wills...its that really you?” Xander said hesitantly, not expecting the witch to answer.

Willow asked quickly, “Yeah, when are you going to come and see me?”

Unable to believe she hadn’t noticed his disappearance Xander laughed bitterly, “That might be a little hard right now seeing how Angelus has me!”

“What? Angelus is loose again? How did that happen?”

Xander said softly, “I don’t know, I’ve been with him for the last three days. He wants to speak to you.”

“Witch? I’m touched to see you remember me,” Angelus said with a silky laugh.

“Angelus! Let Xander go!” Willow shouted, not noticing Buffy’s shocked look.

Amused Angelus said, “Oh no, I can’t do that. Don’t worry; Xander and I are getting acquainted. Do you have any idea how beautiful Alex looks naked?”

Willow snarled, “If you’ve hurt him, I’ll kill you!”

His voice shaking Xander said, “Angelus said that you’ve got to put Buffy on the phone.”

Wordlessly Willow gave the phone to the Slayer, reaching for her spell book to find some way to help her friend.

“Buff? Is that you?” Xander said hearing the Slayer’s angry mutterings.

Buffy said quickly, “Have you seen Giles and Riley?”

Xander said slowly, “Yeah. I saw Riley before Angelus had sex with me…”

“Had sex with you!” Buffy shouted in shock, not reacting when Willow wrestled the phone from her grip.

Willow said shocked, “You had sex with Angelus! Why didn’t you stop him?”

“I wasn’t in any condition to stop him.” Xander said letting Willow to take the statement as she wanted. He meant that he was too far-gone with lust and desire to even think about stopping Angelus. Not that he would have anyway.

“Has he left you alone since then?” Willow asked worriedly.

Xander answered honestly, “No, he won’t leave me alone.”

Angelus grinned taking the phone he said cruelly, “You’ve talked long enough. Tell the Slayer I’m going to kill the Watcher, let my children play with Farm-boy, and turn your White Knight. You’ve got until sunset to stop me, if you can.”

Willow mechanically hung up the phone wondering just how she had missed the fact that her friend had been missing for days. Was that why Buffy and Giles had disappeared, to rescue Xander? They had not only failed but had gotten another two of their group captured meaning it would be far more difficult to mount a rescue operation.

Buffy asked quietly, “What did he say?”

Willow took a deep breath to help her calm down before saying, “Xander couldn’t stop Angelus when the vampire wanted to have sex with him. We’ve got until sunset to rescue Xander, Giles, and Riley. If we don’t, Angelus will kill Giles, give Riley to Dru and Spike to play with. He said that he’s going to…turn Xander.”

Buffy said determinedly, “Well, we’ll have to kill him before that happens.”

Willow looked at Buffy in shock, knowing it would be extremely difficult to kill Angelus. The vampire was a skilled fighter and hunter, and so were his children. Spike was cunning, vicious and an extremely efficient fighter. Dru although insane, was a great witch and had powers Willow couldn’t even understand never mind tackle successfully.

Looking at his mate Xander asked with a smirk, “How was I?” “

Wonderful as always, love.” Angelus replied with a grin.

Dru said with an eager grin, “Can we play with the Watcher?”

Xander looked over at his new daughter, “Just don’t kill him. I want him to watch us kill Buffy.”

“Yes Daddy Alex,” Dru said with a pout.

“You can kill him later. I’ll even let you turn him if you want,” Xander said with a fond smile.

“See ya, luv.” Spike said with a grin as he led his dark princess back to the torture room, nodding to his Sire on the way.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Dru telling you that I had to get sent to hell?” Angelus asked more curious than angry.

Xander replied honestly, “She said if I did she wasn’t sure if her Daddies would get back together. I couldn’t risk it, Mine.”

“I don’t feel the same as I did the last time I lost my soul, for want of a better word. I feel more at ease, more at home in my own skin.” Angelus commented gently running his fingers through Xander’s hair.

“You want me to research it?” Xander offered he was actually quite good at researching. It was just that he normally didn’t have the chance show his knowledge without being dismissed or laughed at.

“We can do that after we leave Sunnyhell. I can’t believe they still haven’t figured out the truth about vampires,” Angelus said with a small grin.

Xander laughed saying, “Most humans see everything as black and white. I didn’t know that a vampire doesn’t lose its soul, until you told me. I knew what I had been told didn’t make sense, though. I mean how could something soulless love? Even before I got to know you it was obvious that Spike really loves Dru.”

“We can tell them that before we kill them. I might give the Slayer a few home truths about her Angel as well,” Angelus said with a callous laugh.

Xander said with an indulgent smile, “If you want, love. When do you think they’re going to come and try to kill you?”

“I told them they had until sunset so probably in about an hour or so. How ever will we pass our time until then?” Angelus said with a suggestive look at his mate.

“I’m sure I can think of something. Did Will and Dru finish the traps?” Xander said looking up at the older vampire.

Angelus said a little annoyed, “Yeah, Dru kept going on about her new daughter. I wonder who has caught her eye this time?”

“Knowing her it could be anyone, probably someone with sparkly eyes. She has a thing for eyes,” Xander said with an unconcerned shrug knowing she would ask permission before turning anyone.

Angelus asked with a pointed look at Xander, “Want to go fuck now?”

“I could be persuaded.” Xander said with a laugh, gasping when Angelus grabbed his cock, squeezing gently.

Pushing his mate away gently, Angelus lay back on the bed, throwing his clothes to the floor. He watched as Xander stopped just a couple of feet in front of him expectantly.

“Alex, don’t come any closer. I want you to strip for me.” Angelus said running his eyes over Xander’s body.

“Whatever you want, love.” Xander said with a flirtatious grin, which widened as Angelus switched on the stereo with the remote and music blasted out, it wasn’t his favourite music but it had a good beat and was easy to dance to.

Xander started to undress slowly moving to the music. As he took off each article of clothing, he threw them to Angelus. As he unfastened the zipper of his jeans, Xander smirked seeing the erection his mate was sporting. Xander stood there in his underwear wondering what he should do now. With a wicked grin, Xander pushed the older vampire down on the bed and took the erect cock in his mouth.

Running his tongue down the length, Xander took the throbbing cock into his mouth. He bobbed up and down, gently squeezing Angelus’ balls at the same time. He was addicted to the taste of his lover, loving the flavour that was uniquely Angelus. He grinned as Angelus thrust into his mouth, whimpering and moaning.

Feeling his sire about to come, Xander reached up and squeezed his lover’s nipple hard. Angelus came with a loud moan and Xander eagerly swallowed every drop, sucking until his lover’s cock was limp. Letting the cock fall from his mouth, Xander roughly pulled Angelus into a kiss.

End Part 12

Part 13