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Part 13

Buffy checked her weapons one last time knowing this was her only chance to rescue Giles and Riley. If she failed, they would be killed and she couldn’t let that happen. One way or another she would make sure they survived, even if she had to give herself to Angelus.

Willow wondered just what they were doing; going to the mansion without any backup seemed suicidal! She had set up a couple of protection spells but they wouldn’t be much help, everything depended upon what support Angelus had. Buffy had mumbled something about Angelus being a loner but Willow couldn’t shake off the feeling of impending doom.

Looking at the pensive witch Buffy ordered, “Remember get Giles and Riley out, I’ll deal with Angelus.”

“What about Xander?” Willow asked shocked that the slayer had forgotten her best friend.

Buffy said impatiently, “Angelus is planning on turning Xander so he’ll want to make sure Xander doesn’t kill himself. That means that Xander’s probably with Angelus so I’ll get him out, if I can.”

“Okay, I’m ready.” Willow said tightening her fingers around the cross, she had fashioned with sharp ends so that it could work as a stake as well.

“Let’s roll.” Buffy said with a grin, kicking the door of the mansion open with a loud crash.

Willow walked in stealthily knowing that someone, something was nearby from the hair on the back of her neck rising slightly. Before the pair could even think about mounting, a rescue operation they stopped in shock at the scene before them.

In the middle of the warehouse, there was a large bed, where Angelus was gently running his hands through Xander’s hair; it was obvious that their friend was awake. What had shocked the pair was the expression on the master vampire’s face; Angelus was completely absorbed in his task, a small smile on his face as Xander’s lips moved.

“Our guests are here.” Xander commented keeping his voice too low for the mortals to hear.

Angelus replied in the same tone, “I told you they would be here soon. Ready to destroy them, love?”

“Always.” Xander replied as he nestled into Angelus’ chest.

Willow spat glaring at the vampire, “What have you done to him, Angelus?”

“No hello? I’m truly hurt, Willow.” Angelus said reaching out with one hand to pull a hidden lever, keeping the other hand around his lover’s neck.

Buffy and Willow shouted in alarm as they found themselves hanging in the air caught in a black net. Buffy tried to cut them free using her knife only to find it wouldn’t work. There was no way out, they were trapped. The pair gasped as they were enveloped in a strange purple gas, which made everything fuzzy before the world faded to black.

When Buffy awoke she was chained to the wall, she could just see Willow chained to her left. On the opposite wall Giles and Riley were also chained up, the Watcher had a broken nose and a black eye. Riley looked a lot worse, there were four bite marks and visible whip marks on his naked chest.

“Why are you doing this, Xander? What has he done to you?” Buffy said looking at him in confusion unable to understand why her friend was acting so weird.

Xander grinned, “Angelus would never hurt me, unless I asked him to.”

Keeping her voice soothing Willow asked, “Xander, can you get us out of here?”

“I can’t do that Wills. We want to talk to you,” Xander said as he gracefully rose from the bed, his friendly tone bellying the malicious glint in his eyes.

“Everything okay, love?” Angelus asked as he walked into the room, his children flanking him on either side, each had a cruel smile on their face.

Xander smiled as Angelus’ arms snaked around his waist, “I was just explaining that we’re going to have a little talk with them before we leave.”

“Let them go and you can have me. I won’t try to leave.” Buffy said seriously.

Angelus smiled maliciously, “You really are stupid, aren’t you? I don’t want you and I never did. Alex is the one I want, and the one Angel wanted.”

“But you lost your soul because of me!” Buffy said arrogantly

Angelus grinned wickedly, “I’ve always had my soul, and I never lost it. I just lost the guilty conscience that is Angel. The night I lost my conscience, was the night Angel realised he was in love with Alex. Not that it matters because no-one can ever love Alex as much as I do.”

Willow said in confusion, “What do you mean you have your soul? Vampires are soulless everyone knows that!”

“No, we’re not. Just ask G-Man.” Xander said grinning at the way Giles paled.

Giles said apologetically, “It’s true. The Council has always known vampires keep their souls but it’s easier to get the Slayers to fight them if they believe vampires are soulless.”

“If Angelus has a soul why is he so violent and evil?” Buffy wondered aloud not having picked up on the fact that Xander had admitted to being a vampire.

“I don’t have the annoying morals the rest of you believe in. I have my own code,” Angelus answered with an unrepentant grin.

Willow asked quietly, “Are you going to kill us?”

“We were going to let you live but Alex changed his mind,” Angelus laughed lowly.

Dru asked in a lilting voice, “Daddy Alex, can I have her?”

“Have who, Sweetie?” Xander asked gently moving to look the beautiful vampire in the eyes.

Dru said excitedly swaying slightly, “The Key, the stars tell me such beautiful tales about her! We can’t turn her, the stars will cry if we do.”

Angelus said glancing at Xander, “You would have to take good care of her. You can’t forget her like you did with the others.”

“I don’t see a problem with taking Dawn with us,” Xander said with a grin. He had always thought of the girl as a younger sister and she hadn’t betrayed him.

Buffy shouted angrily, “You can’t take her!”

“I give my word that she will be taken care of,” Xander said seriously not seeing what Buffy was upset about.

“Xander hasn’t lost his soul, he will keep his word,” Giles said seeing the indecision on the face of his charge.

Xander smirked, “It doesn’t matter what you think because we are taking her. You’re going to be dead soon so you can’t stop us.”

“We haven’t got time for this! Let’s just kill them and collect the girl,” Angelus said with a grin at his lover.

Standing up straight Xander said authoritatively, “Spike, you can have Riley. Dru can have Willow.”

“Alex, we can share the Slayer.” Angelus purred lovingly.

Xander laughed as he came up with a new plan, “Maybe we should let G-Man go so he can spend the rest of his life knowing how he failed me and let everyone die?”

“That’s evil, pet.” Spike said admiringly as he looked at his brother and new father. The relationships within the vampire family were confusing, to say the least. Essentially all that mattered was that they were family, and would protect the others with their lives.

“Thanks,” Xander gave an impish grin.

Angelus said proudly, “That’s a good idea, love. We’ll have to leave him chained up until we’ve killed the others then we can dump him in the Magic Box.” “Bored now...can we eat them now?” Xander said with an exaggerated yawn.

Angelus didn’t bother to answer simply going to Buffy’s side in a flash. He smiled as Xander appeared at the opposite side of the girl’s neck. Smirking at each other they slowly placed their teeth into the Slayer’s neck gasping at the taste of the powerful blood.

At the same time, Spike and Dru were busy eating the meal they had been gifted with. Fear permeated the air as the vampire’s changed to their true faces and bit down into the soft flesh.

“Dawn, I need to talk to you.” Xander said as Dawn opened the door, he could enter easily but he didn’t want to scare her.

“You’re okay! I thought you were dead. Buffy and the others went to help you,” Dawn said tightly hugging the man.

Xander gently sat down taking the young girl’s hand in his. He said slowly to make sure she understood, “Dawn, I’ve got some really bad news. Buffy, Willow and Riley were drained by vamps.”

“She’s dead. Buffy’s dead, is there any chance she could come back?” Dawn said hopefully.

Xander said seriously knowing he was right, “No. She won’t be coming back. I’ll take care of you.””

“You got away okay, though. You’re alive so she die in vain.”

Xander broke the embrace saying, “I am dead, I’m a vampire.”

“Why haven’t you killed me? Oh, do you have a chip like Spike?” Dawn said with a confused look on her face.

Xander said calmly, “I have a soul and I haven’t killed you because I like you. We would like you to live with us. We’ll make sure you’re okay, you’ll be safe with us.”

“What do you mean by us?” Dawn asked warily.

Xander smirked, “With my new family. Angelus my mate and my new children.” Seeing she was confused he continued, “Spike and Dru, of course.”

“They won’t hurt me or kill me?” Dawn asked nervously, she had always like Xander and Spike. It would be nice to live with them; she didn’t have anyone else now Buffy was gone.

Xander smiled, “Nah, we all like you. So, do you want to come with us? They’re waiting for us outside.”

“Yeah. Let me just get some of my stuff,” Dawn replied walking out the room and running upstairs.

Ten minutes later Xander gently took the bag from Dawn’s back and the pair left the Summers home for the last time. They wouldn’t be back again, Dawn thought with a sigh.

Dawn smiled nervously at the three vampires waiting in a black Taurus, the three just grinned back obviously trying to put her at ease. Getting into the car, Dawn was momentarily shocked when Dru kissed one cheek while Spike kissed the other one.

“Hi Dawn, I’m Angelus.” Angelus said glaring at his children when he realised they were upsetting Dawn. Spike just smirked while Dru just pouted not liking the reprimand from her Daddy.

Dawn replied looking at Xander for reassurance, “I’m Dawn but I guess you already know. Where are we going?”

“England. Don’t worry, Nibblet. Everything is going to be okay.” Spike said softly stroking the girl’s hair.

Angelus started the car and the new family left Sunnydale, each wanting to forget what had happened in the little town.
