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Chapter 21 – Doomed

It had started off as an ordinary morning. Bright and beautiful. Nothing to distinguish it from a thousand other mornings. And as with most mornings, Buffy and Angel had practiced Tai Chi in the shadows of the garden. Like the warriors they were, their mornings were now spent strengthening their most precious weapons, their bodies. Spike didn’t mind the desertion. It meant he had whatever bed they had occupied the night before to himself. He could sleep for another hour or so alone, arms and legs flung freely across the bed.

It was funny that even though they each had their own room and a lot of times they would start off in their own beds, sometime during the night they would all migrate to one bed. And somehow the connection between them, always led them to the same bed, alternating between the cool silk sheets of Angel’s, the comforting flannel of Buffy’s or the crisp cotton of Spike’s, with a precision that astounded them. It was as if they now needed the presence of two other bodies surrounding them in order to fully relax. And for all fairness, whoever’s bed they were in was the lucky one to be able to claim the coveted middle spot for sleep. It was in this position that one could receive the most cuddle and touch of the other two thus also assuring that whoever was there was the one who was able to pick the morning sexual games.

Spike loved the mornings when he was in the middle because he would get them both turned on at the same time, drifting between his lovers until they were whimpering in need for him and somehow they had perfected a way for him to satisfy them both, the flexibility and strength of Buffy’s body contributing to the particular pretzel arrangement that they had to achieve for it to happen. And having them at the same time was his favorite way to start the day. That morning had started off that way and now as it was easing toward mid-day they were still humming with the climaxes they had achieved earlier.

Angel reclined on the couch reading a novel while listening to the soft drone of the other’s voices while Spike helped Buffy with her poetry class. She had found that having two vampires who had lived over a century was a most valuable research tool to have around when it came to certain classes. Poetry and World History were the two this particular term. Her paper on the Boxer Rebellion had earned her the highest mark in the class and Willow was reveling in her friend’s academic achievements. Even Joyce had been proud of her daughter’s recent marks and that coupled with the perpetual smile on her daughter’s face was beginning to wear her down on Buffy’s lifestyle choice.

But as it is when the world seems to have settled into a comfortable zone something happens that once again throws everything off kilter and sends the occupants scrambling for the next moment of ignorant bliss.

And that particular morning, a small earthquake rendered its way through Sunnydale.

Buffy looked up from her book at the first rumble and was quickly grabbed by Spike as they moved into the doorway. She was sheltered between the two of them as they held onto the frame and her until it was over.

“You two okay?” Angel asked in proprietary concern as his hands covered Buffy’s body and his eyes scanned Spike as if to answer his own question.

“I’m fine,” Spike answered as his own hands reached out to Buffy who was trembling. “What’s the matter, Love?”

Angel already knew of what she was frightened and gathered her against him while his hands ran up and down her back. She buried her face against the security of his chest while Spike moved to cushion her between them. Over her head blue eyes requested explanation from her mate but he only shook his head waiting for Buffy to speak herself.

She extricated herself from their arms slowly.

“I’m fine, really,” she reassured them. “It’s just a bad memory of another apocalypse. Of course, I happened to die that time but hey, here I am.”

Buffy smiled up at Spike and reached out to squeeze his hand.

“You sure?” Spike asked softly as he held onto her hand.

“Yeah,” Buffy replied then turned to Angel. “Do you mind if I go and check with Giles?”

“Buffy, I’m sure everything is fine but if it will make you feel better, go.”

After also receiving Spike’s acceptance of her plan, she headed for Giles house. When it came down to it, she was safer with the two vampires but when it came to mystical research and causes, it was Giles that she wanted reassurance from. The minor earthquake had given her the chills and a feeling of dread she couldn’t shake. Even if she hadn’t told Angel and Spike, she knew that something terrible was about to befall them, and she wanted to immediately search it out and slay it before anything could happen to the two vampires she had finally admitted to herself that she loved. Angel would always be the one that was first in her heart but she had come to realize that love was very generous and could include Spike.

At first she had thought it was just friendship and the way he made her feel but it became more as she saw him try to change and help them out. He could be gentle and sweet and other times cruel but it was the paradoxes in him that appealed to her. When the moods came upon her and she was at her bitchiest self, he didn’t make her feel guilty for it but absorbed it or called her on it by being as mean as she was. And this had led them to horrible fights followed by the best sex that their combined passions could create. When these episodes came upon them Angel would usually slink off by himself unable to handle the lack of inhibitions they could display.

Her mother had told Buffy that her desire to be with Angel was the need for a father figure but after living with him, she had sometimes found herself to be the more parental of the two. Angel’s human life had left him insecure which had never been resolved and after he had been souled he had lived in isolation. He had never learned how to deal with people, too afraid of losing the soul that he had come to welcome and too afraid of the temptation of feeding from anyone he would let close to him. Spike’s boisterousness left him uncomfortable and her moods made him feel that he had done something wrong. It was her that reassured him that he hadn’t and tried to lead him into more social situations. Unfortunately, his lack of skills and insecurity made him often times come off defensive which only made him look like a bully.

Buffy sighed as she thought of the two as she approached Giles’s apartment complex. No matter how many times she thought of them she didn’t think that she would ever fully understand them. After turning into courtyard she found Giles going over research material in the morning sun and she took a seat across from him at the small table.

“Something horrible is going to happen, Giles,” Buffy declared. She began to pick at her nails as Giles looked up at her in mild irritation.

“It was an earthquake, Buffy. A not uncommon occurrence in Southern California. No reason to think it was anymore.” He replied before returning to the text he was reading.

“Oh, I so have a reason.” Buffy persisted. “A darn good reason. The last time we had an earthquake I died.”

“Yes, I know that and therefore I completely understand your anxiety.”

“Oh, good because I’d hate for my little untimely horrible death concerns to be ambiguous.”

Giles returned his gaze to Buffy as he realized that she was really shook up.

“I would never take a thing lightly. I just don’t think it is anything to be concerned about at this point but if it will make you feel better, we will definitely keep our ears and eyes open for anything to suggest otherwise.”

“I’m sorry, Giles, if I’m overreacting. I just have one of those gut feelings that something really bad is about to happen.”


It was definitely of the amusing to watch two vampires turn into hovering mushy protectors, Buffy thought as she watched Spike bring her a glass of soda and a sandwich as Angel stoked the fire to alarming heights, as she being the princess of the hour stayed curled on the couch. They both knew that she was still upset about earlier and wanted to make sure that she felt secure and loved. Since she returned home from her futile conversation with Giles, she hadn’t had to do anything for herself. She slowly lifted her hand to take the plate as her body almost purred in contentment. Spike had given her a massage after she had a long bubble bath and now she only wanted to sink into a puddle of flesh.

“Anything else, Pet?” He asked. When she shook her head around her bite of ham and swiss cheese on rye sandwich, he went ahead and sat next to her. Apparently Angel had filled Spike in on all the details she had left out earlier and for someone who was a soulless evil demon he seemed awfully caring that his vampire great-great-grandfather had at one time murdered her.

Angel returned to his seat in his chair, the coffee brown eyes never straying far from her form, leaving her feeling like she was an exhibit at a side show. The attention was heavenly, the concern heart warming, but the staring was beginning to wear at her.

“Guys, seriously, I’m fine. I just got spooked, that’s all.” She said as her eyes slid from one vampire to the other, deliberately leaving out her still there sense of foreboding that their lives were going to change. Until she had more to go on then she didn’t want to worry them or find herself smothered completely. “Go, do something besides stare at the easily freaked.”

“Sorry, but we just got worried about you,” Angel soothed in his overly concerned calm voice. “And we want to make sure that you are all right about everything.”

“I know and that’s why…I haven’t fought it anymore but I’m okay. Dealt with worse things than this.” Buffy said as she hoped that they hadn’t picked up on her almost goof of declaring her love again. She had said it the one time in the excitement of the moment but not since then.

She wanted to speak with Angel before officially declaring it to Spike. It wasn’t that she wanted permission from her mate but it was out of respect for his position in her heart and life that she wanted him to know first. And it was to assure him that her love for him was in no way jeopardized by these new feelings for his Childe. She resolved to speak to him that very night so that the moment of telling Spike could be closer.

“Hey,” Xander said from the open area as three heads automatically swiveled toward him and his unexpected entry into their home. “You should really fix this wall over here if you don’t want uninvited guests just automatically wandering in.”

“Take another step and the booby trap goes off,” Spike intoned as Xander lifted his foot to walk further into the room and as he returned the said foot to its original position, Spike started to laugh.

“Spike, don’t be mean.” Buffy said as she swatted Spike on the arm and struggled to stand, finding herself caught in the blanket she was wrapped in and still holding the plate with the remainder of her snack. “It was a joke, Xander.” And then she gave up and plopped onto Spike’s lap as he caught the plate and she fought with the blanket.

“Come in,” Angel said smiling at the comedic pair on the couch. “Just ignore Ricky and Lucy over there.”

Everyone froze and the attention was directed at Angel.

“Angel made a funny.” Spike said. “You may be right, Slayer, the world might be ending after all.”

“And actually that is why I am here,” Xander said as all eyes were now directed back at him.


Buffy followed by the three males hurried into the fraternity house that Willow was waiting for them at but had to quickly step out of the way as a stretcher with a body bag was wheeled by them. Trying to ignore the dead person, the Slayer quickly scanned the room for her friend and spotted her sitting on some steps. Willow’s hand was frantically waving her over and Buffy began to move toward her with the ever present hoverers behind her.

Once reaching her side, Buffy sat beside her, and took another slower glance around the room, taking in the police questioning party goers.

“Well, it wasn’t hard to find you,” she said. “What with the flashing lights and the ambulance. You should have invited me to go with you, I mean, after all, death, carnage, it does equal a Buffy party.”

“I am so glad that you guys are here,” Willow said as she smiled up at the guys and then reached for Buffy’s hand. “You really need a phone. I had to call Xander to come find you.”

“What happened?” Angel said cutting to the chase and hoping to avoid female theatrics that would lead to a long detailed much avoided explanation.

“I found him; this guy on the bed with me. Dead. Not me dead, he dead.”

“God. Are you okay?” Buffy asked.

Willow nodded.

“Was it a vampire?” Spike asked.

“There was so much blood, and there…there was a symbol,” Willow answered. At first she was shaking her head but then stopped and looked up at her audience with a look of indignation. “And Percy said I was a nerd.”

“Percy called you a nerd?” Buffy asked.

“Who’s Percy?” Angel and Spike asked simultaneously.

“He was some dumb jock in high school. If it wasn’t for Will then he still would be in high school.” Xander answered.

“Well, I guess we should get to Giles, get with the demon tracking.” Willow said.

Buffy stood pulling Willow up behind her. They moved between Angel and Xander leading the way to Angel’s car. “Does he even go here?”


After a long and detailed meeting with Giles found Buffy, her vampires and the rest of the Scoobie gang were at the burned out shell of the old high school. Apparently the guy that Willow found dead had been carved with a symbol that led them to three Vahrall demons ready to make sacrifices in order to bring about the end of the world. And their job as usual was to stop it.

Spike had been fairly vibrating with excitement that somehow he got to tag along instead of being sent home like a child. He wasn’t sure if they had just forgotten in the excitement of everything or if Buffy wanted him around because she was still upset about things and wanted to keep an eye on him. Whatever it was he hung out toward the back of Scoobies trying to avoid Angel’s direct attention. He was determined to prove that even if he couldn’t beat anything up that he could still be useful on these missions.

“Be careful you guys, the place doesn’t look to stable,” Angel instructed.

“Okay, when we get to the library keep a look out for the victims they’re keeping alive for the sacrifices.” Buffy said and then turned around to pin the blonde vampire with a stare. “Spike, you’re job is to get them out of there.”

“Great,” he muttered, “Got a job to do. Yes.”

He lit up a little more when she winked at him, her trust in him carrying over in the simple gesture. Apparently, she was on his side about slowly changing Angel’s opinion on his status in their lives. For the first time in a long time he felt like he could make a difference and made a vow not to let her down again.

The group stopped at the doors to the library and collectively took a deep breath as they prepared for the battle inside.

“Okay, you guys ready?” Buffy asked.

“Let’s rock and roll,” Xander said.

They stepped carefully into the burned out room that was once their home away from home but was now just a ruined shell. The center of the floor was gone revealing a gaping hole into the hellmouth itself.

“Whoa, check out the new floor plan.” Willow said but quieted when Buffy held her hand up.

There was the sound of chanting that was almost a guttural growl and they followed the sound until they saw the three demons standing around a fissure in the floor.

“I don’t see any sacrifice people,” Spike said.

“They must be around here somewhere,” Buffy said. “The ritual isn’t finished. And it’s not gonna be.”

She quickly jumped down into hole followed by Angel and then the others made their way cautiously down. As Buffy and Angel started to fight the demons, one of them dropped a bottle they were using in the execution of the ritual and it was quickly snatched up by Xander.

“I’ve got the blood. Somebody grab the talisman.” Xander shouted. “They can’t do the ritual without them.”

While Angel held one of the demons, Willow rushed forward and grabbed the bag it was holding.

“I’ve got the bones,” Willow announced before throwing them at Xander. “Here.”

One of the demon that had previously been down, stood and attempted to retrieve the bag from Xander who tossed it back to Willow as the demon slammed a fist into his stomach.

“You’ve got the wrong man, dude.” Xander said. “I’ve had lots of practice with my lunch money.”

The demon turned toward Willow, following the bag as it flew through the air, and as he made his way toward the girl, Willow tossed the bag to Spike who was still looking for the sacrifices.

“Right, perfect.” Spike said as the demon approached him now.

Xander and Willow rushed to try to help Buffy and Angel leaving Spike alone with the demon that was now beating him in an attempt to retrieve the bag but after a few hits, Spike had enough. Figuring that he was already hurting, Spike pulled his fist back, screamed and hit the demon with everything he had. He clutched his head and waited for the pain that never came. It took a moment for it to fully register and then a grin broke out across his face.

“No pain,” he shouted. “I can hurt a demon.”

As the others immobilized the other two demons, Spike beat the remaining one, letting loose the aggression he had been holding onto for months. He didn’t even notice when the others stopped fighting and just watched as he brutalized the demon in front of him.

“That’s right. I’m back,” Spike screamed as his slipped into his vampire face. “And I’m a bloody animal. Yeah.”

“Spike, stop,” Buffy said as she held his arm, “it’s over.”

Spike turned to her, scooping her up in his arms, “My God, Buffy, I love you.” He twirled them around ignoring the astonished looks on the faces of the others. “If you hadn’t brought me along I never would have known. This changes everything.”

As he put her on her feet again and kissed her, Buffy knew this was what she had been dreading. The precarious balance of their relationships had been shattered with Spike’s new found ability to fight demons. Although it was good for him, it would be bad news for the relationship. The carefully defined roles they were just starting to accept and be comfortable in were once again unknown territory. Buffy turned to look at Angel over Spike’s shoulder and fear rose within her as she realized that nothing was ever going to be the same again.


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