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Chapter 2 – Realizations

The sun was high in the sky sending its blistering heat over the sand and the multitudes of bodies that had flocked to the ocean to worship it. Buffy lay back on the lounge smiling in satisfaction as the warmth danced over her oiled skin. It was going to be a peaceful and relaxing day. Maybe that was why she had chosen this locale; a lot of sun did not give an all out invitation to vampires and that was of the good.

She had hours before the ones she was more familiar with could seek her out. By then she planned on being far away from the restaurant and the house she now called home. It would take them a while to find her and another smile graced her face at the thought of Angel and Spike sticking out like sore thumbs trying to get information on her. They’d probably get arrested for being predators or something and that thought turned her smile into a grin.

“Hey, gorgeous,” a masculine voice broke through her fantasies of the vampires in handcuffs and she shaded her eyes as she looked up to find Blake smiling down at her.

“Hi there,” she smiled in return but didn’t move from her prone position. Etiquette was different was here and Blake just threw himself into the chair next to her. His eyes appreciatively ran over her bikini-clad form before returning to meet her gaze.

“Party tonight at the band shell. Would you like to go with me?” At her first forming of a polite no he threw his hand up, “Shelia and Doug are going and we can ride with them. Keep you all safe and tidy.”

The Slayer laughed softly at him thinking she was afraid for her safety. It was an entirely different reason that she had never gone out with him. She was afraid that she would like him too much.

“Come on, Anne, show me a little mercy,” Blake begged unabashed.

“Come on, Blake,” she matched his tone as she only half joked, “you’re my boss, you’re eleven years older than me, don’t you ever worry about sexual harassment charges?”

“I didn’t ask you for sex. I asked you to accompany me in a group to a city sponsored function, well okay, an MTV sponsored event; so how is that in any way sexual?” His grin at her was trying to show a totally innocent boy in a man’s body that had been around the block a few times in this sometimes too free place. “Besides I was waiting for you to seduce me.”

This time she laughed out loud. It couldn’t be helped. Buffy started to say no when she thought of her plan to disappear tonight and changed her mind and smiling she said okay. They agreed for the guys to pick Sheila and her up at seven, which was still daylight, and then she didn’t need to worry about the vampires at all tonight.

Yep, it was turning out to be a great day.


It was a night to be free, Buffy thought as she moved to the too loud music being played from the latest up-and-coming group. Blake laughed at her relaxed state helped by a few sips from his drink. Buffy was beautiful tonight, all innocence and seductress wrapped up in her faded jean cutoffs and a baby blue crop top over a matching bikini top. Her sandal-clad feet led Blake in a merry chase as she moved through the crowd seeking out other locals. They had a tendency to stick together. If you got involved with the tourists you’d get your heart broke at least once every two weeks.

Spotting them over in a surprisingly open area by A1A, she shouted out a greeting and took off pulling Blake along behind her. He was beginning to think that an eighteen year old was too young for him. But when she turned and smiled at him and he felt his heart catch he knew she was going to be worth every moment it took to woo her.

After chatting and catching up with everyone Buffy returned to him and after a quick glance around she took another sip of his rum and coke then pulled him closer so they could dance. His arm snaked around her and pulled her against him enjoying the warmth of her back against his hand. After a few moments she pulled away from him laughing and twirled like a little girl. Her face turned up to the stars as she let the free falling dizziness take her over before she stopped and hollered for Blake to hold her up.

It was a mistake. When she looked up at him and felt his body pressed against her, she knew he was going to kiss her. She just wasn’t sure if she wanted him to or not. Then it was too late, his lips were against hers. A small whimper broke the silence as his tongue sought entrance to her mouth. He kissed differently than Angel did and it took her a few seconds to mimic his method. Buffy sank into his body trying to lose herself in him but all she could think of was that his body was hot and sweaty and smelled like it. She pulled back from him hoping he wouldn’t be offended. He wasn’t. He was just on a high that she had actually let him do it at all.

It was then that she felt them. Slowly she turned around trying to locate them. It wasn’t hard because they weren’t trying to hide. Both were in jeans and t-shirts as they stood above her on the sidewalk. Knowing it was safer she looked at Spike first and saw the laughter in his eyes at her antics. He didn’t need to say it, she could read it in the blue depths of his eyes, that she was a child, trying to act more than what she was and he thought her a fool.

Anger flared briefly as she gave him a silent challenge to let her show him who was the fool but he only continued to laugh at her.

Finally knowing she had no choice she turned to Angel. Scorching pain, familiar from her own eyes after he had hurt her, now burned in his. It hit her gut, moving quickly to twist her heart, and then ended at her tear ducts, sending tears to her eyes, that she quickly blinked away. No more. He would get no more tears from her. Turning back to Blake she moved closer to him again as her arms wrapped around his waist. It was wrong to use him like this but she needed to know that Angel got the message that it was over.

After a few moments she turned back to the vampires. Angel had his head bowed as Spike spoke to him. He laid a hand on the brunette’s shoulder, almost affectionately, and left it there as he led him away from her.

Buffy studied their movements. They gave off the body language of two people who cared about each other but there was no way that could be. Spike and Angel were enemies. Curiosity sparked again in her to find out what was going on between the pair but she pushed it away. Once again she reminded herself that it was none of her concern as she moved her focus to the party and having a good time.


After telling Blake that she wouldn’t go home with him about a dozen times and half a dozen kisses to tempt her Buffy finally got through her front door alone. She sighed as she found Shelia studying her over the breakfast bar in the kitchen as she walked through the living room.

“You okay?” the older woman asked the teen.

“Yeah, he was just a little more affectionate than I was ready for.” Buffy confessed as she sat on one of the stools.

Sheila laughed softly, “Aren’t they always, sugar?” Turning she put the soda bottle back in the refrigerator while asking over her shoulder, “Hey, do you mind if I take the shower first?”

“No, no problem, I want to get something to drink anyway.”

Instead of moving into the kitchen after Sheila had left, Buffy moved down the hall to her room. She sat on the bed as she pulled a photograph out of her nightstand. It was the only picture she had of her and Angel together. It was taken at the Prom by an overzealous classmate that had given it to her later. She was held close to him with their foreheads touching. Her face held such love for him and such hope for the two of them and now knowing that it was over, the pain she had been denying all night came surging forward.

Curling into a ball she let the tears come in great rasping sobs that shook her small body. If only he had never shown up then she would have kept going and eventually he would have been forgotten. And the rotten thing was he hadn’t come for her but for her Slayer skills.

“Honey, honey, what’s wrong?” Shelia asked as she lay down next to her roommate. Her arms wrapped around her and that was when she saw the photograph. Shelia recognized him from earlier at the party. He was the one that Buffy was staring at. “It’s him, isn’t it?”


“That one guy. The guy in every girl’s life that she first gave everything to and no matter how wrong he is for her, all he has to do is crook his finger and she goes running back.”

Buffy rolled onto her back as the sobs began to subside. “Yeah, he’s that one. I hate this. I was just relaxing and having fun. Getting things together. And he comes back and wants to talk.”

“And you want to talk right back.”

“He asked for an hour. An hour to explain everything.” Her hand wiped at her face as she dried the tears away. “Do you think I should?”

Buffy’s face was so hopeful that Shelia didn’t have the heart to tell her to run. Instead she threw herself back on the bed with a sigh.

“Anne, you already admitted he’s not good for you. And he’s one of the reason’s you ended up here. Why go back? Why give him the edge to break your heart again? But we both know you are going to. Go, listen to him, but don’t make any decisions tonight and whatever you do don’t fuck him.”

“That is one thing you don’t have to worry about,” Buffy giggled out. She glanced at the clock next to the bed. “It’s almost two in the morning. Should I wait?”

“Hell, no, girl, go, you’ve lost enough sleep over him. Let him have the same medicine.” Shelia said as she pushed at Buffy to get up.

That warranted another giggle from the Slayer because sleep was probably the last thing that Angel was doing.


There was no answer to the first knock. The second knock was a little louder and as she was about to give up she heard someone moving around inside.

“Who is it?” Angel asked as he pulled the door open.

“It’s me, Buffy.” Very intelligent, Buffy, as if he’s not looking right at you.

Her eyes quickly ran over him in surprise. He was wearing only a pair of black jeans and his hair was mussed. Maybe he had been sleeping but then her eyes glanced over his shoulder and she saw Spike getting out of bed. His naked form almost alabaster in the glow of the lamp. His standard mocking grin was thrown her way as he reached for a pair of his own jeans, unashamed at her seeing him nude.

“What do you want?”

Startled she looked back at Angel who was studying her reaction closely.

“I…I…you said you wanted an hour.” Buffy managed to stammer out as a blush slowly covered her cheeks.

“Bloody good timing, Slayer,” Spike hollered as he moved out onto the balcony.

“I’m sorry. I’ll leave.” She went to turn but found Angel’s hand wrapped around her arm.

“Stay, come in,” he said pulling gently on her arm.

Buffy took in the room and the fact that only one bed looked used. Maybe Angel was awake while Spike was the one sleeping she thought as Angel directed her toward one of the chairs flanking a table and she took a seat in one as he sat in the other. Looking around she noticed that the blinds were open and Spike was in clear view and with the door open he would be able to hear everything they said.

She and Angel looked at each trying to figure out the other’s personal life at the moment and where they fit in but then it was dropped as Buffy told him that his hour was ticking. It didn’t take a genius to realize and accept that something more than friendship was going on between the two vampires and she didn’t think it was Angel’s business what was going on with Blake.

“Spike can’t feed anymore. The group that we are worried about kidnapped him and put a chip in his head and he receives pain if he attempts to hurt anyone.” Angel explained.

Unable to stop herself, Buffy laughed. “Spike is neutered. That’s rich.” Her laughter quickly faded when she received an angry look from Angel and one of hurt from Spike. “Sorry, it’s just that after all the times he’s tried to kill me and our friends it’s kind of like getting justice.”

“He almost starved,” Angel told her softly. “He came to me for protection.”

Buffy got the hint, don’t insult Spike or make fun of him, he was under Angel’s wing and she would have to go through him to get to the blonde pest. Instead she asked more about the group that had done it. Angel filled her in on everything they knew so far, which wasn’t a lot, and what Ethan had told Giles when he had breezed through town to cause trouble. As they settled into the conversation they relaxed back into the way they were in the old days when discussing business. There was no anger or hurt just what would be the best way of dealing with them.

Spike came back in the room somewhere near the end of their conversation and lay across the bed on his stomach facing them. His eyes would occasionally flicker from Angel to look at her but Buffy ignored him.

“So, will you come back?” Angel inquired after he had told her everything he could.

“Is that it?” Buffy asked softly. She needed to know where she stood with him. If she had to see him almost everyday and not be able to be with him she thought she would go crazy. Once she knew where she stood then if need be the issue of Spike could be addressed.

“Yes,” his answer was sure and filled with determination.

“Oh, good God, Angel, go ahead and tell her the plan,” Spike interjected. “You know, the one where the two of you can be together.” Then he smiled smugly, “It’s obvious that you two love each other still from the googly eyes you all have been making at each other since we got back into town, so go for it. It’s better now than later anyway. That way she has all the facts to consider.”

“What plan?”

Angel glared at his Grand-childe, angry that he was backed into a corner. What had seemed like a feasible plan in California seemed ludicrous here in Florida. There was no way Buffy would go along with it anyway so why bring it up? Of course now he was forced to say something.

“What plan, Angel?” Buffy asked again.

Brown eyes closed as he rested his forearms against his legs. “What do you know of vampire family structures?”

“Sires, children, mates? In a funny way like human families but just a bit more twisted.”

“Yeah, well at least when we sleep with our Childe the innocence is already gone,” Spike said defensively.

She took a moment to flash him a ‘butt out’ look before returning her gaze to Angel wishing he would just spit it out.

“If you were my mate,” he began.

“You mean turn me?” Buffy asked horrified.

Both vampires laughed at her comment before Angel continued.

“No, Buffy, this would be modified to fit around the fact that you are human but if you were my mate then you would only be one step down in the family hierarchy. My children would be answerable to you and with my permission would be available for your pleasure. Sexual pleasure.”

“Huh?” Buffy asked.

“What he means, pet, is that if you consent to be his mate or the equivalent of his wife, and since you and he can’t do the nasty then you could use me for it.” Spike grinned at the surprise and disgust that crossed the Slayer’s face.

“You’re joking right? There is no way that you just suggested that, right?” Buffy tried to maintain the indignant virgin attitude while trying to ignore the minute thrill at the thought of Spike touching her. “You mean you would let him have sex with me?”

“Buffy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you but sharing is done with certain guidelines in vampire families. I am a vampire and you know that besides,” he added gently,”I would be there, too.”

Angel’s eyes flew open so that he could look at her in surprise himself then he turned to meet Spike’s eyes which looked back at him in arrogant vanity. Buffy was aroused and they could both smell the sweet scent.

“You would be there?” She asked unaware of the silent communication going on between the other two.

“Yeah, I would want to be there, to participate in your pleasure as much as possible even if we can’t be together outright.”

“Oh, that just helps a lot,” she muttered sarcastically. “Look, I’ll think about coming back to help find those guys but you can forget this idea. I’ll let you know in a few days.” Buffy stood and grabbed her purse before heading toward the door. She had to get out of there because her mind and body was playing tricks on her. When the hell had she decided Spike was attractive? The first time you saw him, a voice in her head whispered. Still, that didn’t mean she was ready to admit it.

Neither vampire said a word as they watched her walk out the door. Once she was gone they turned to each other with smiles, maybe the plan wasn’t so ludicrous after all.

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Chapter 3