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Vote United Future - Supporters Home Page

Why Christians / morally conservative voters should give their party vote to United Future

In our recent weeks of campaigning across the country, we have been confronted by concerned Christians and others with the apparent paradox that we, as committed Christians, have been seen to be supporting a Labour-led Government that has rammed through damaging social engineering legislation such as the prostitution reform law and the civil unions law.

Some people tell us, more in anger rather than after reflective thought, that they will ensure Labour does not get back into power - and incidentally, punish United Future - by spreading their votes among National, Destiny, Christian Heritage etc.

Under the rules that govern our MMP system of elections, such actions can easily result in exactly the opposite result from that desired.

If the morally conservative/Christian vote goes to Destiny or Christian Heritage, and those parties fail to pass the 5% threshold, then not only will those votes be wasted, but the parties that pass the threshold receive a slightly higher percentage of all the seats in parliament. In other words, the wasted votes end up supporting other parties, moral conservatives never intended to support.

The result could be a Labour-Green coalition, a nightmare scenario for morally conservative voters, or a National-New Zealand First coalition, some of whose members have already voted in favour of the prostitution and civil union legislation.

Despite the lies being promoted by the Destiny Party and New Zealand First, no United Future MP voted for those laws - indeed, we campaigned long and hard against them.

Winston Peters and some of his MP's have been claiming that we could have stopped those laws, and they have yet to explain any detail regarding how.

His own experience with the failed National-NZF coalition of 96-98 should have taught him that even when he walked out on his agreement because of the intended sale of the Wellington Airport, the airport sale still went ahead.

The battle to keep the laws that reflect the values that are a foundation of our society will continue, and the war is not over yet. Politics is a long game and only by being in or near government can United Future exert any influence on the policies of the day.

So our message to conservative Christian voters is simple: you may get a moment of gratification by voting against Labour and/or United Future on September 17, but that will be followed by three years of watching a government do exactly what you do not want.

If you want Christian/family values to be part of the next Government's values, then a party vote for United Future is the certain way to achieve that.

One final point: United Future has consistently said that after the election, when government-forming talks begin, we will first talk to the party with the largest number of Parliamentary seats.

'Talking' does not mean 'supporting'. If those negotiations do not bear fruit for United Future's aims, then the talks will stop and may commence with the second-ranked party.

The strategic goal is to ensure there is a United Future stamp on the next government, no matter who is leading it.


A final thought:
Most important vote - Party vote - United Future
Second vote - Candidate vote - Your choice
But United Future candidates are great people!

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial website and is maintained by an enthusiastic voter and not by the United Future New Zealand Party. For enquiries please email the webmaster by pasting the following address to your email program:


United Future Website - Great reading

Helensville Electorate News - Andrea Deeth

Future Waitakere Electorate News - Hannah Baral

Future New Lynn Electorate News - Anne Drake

Future Te Atatu Electorate News - Jo van Kempen

Frequently asked questions

The Ministry of Silly Rules: an expose' of political correctness gone mad

'Scoop' audio interviews with Peter Dunne

Powerpoint presentation on Party Voting Record Voter information collected by the Maxim Institute

Official NZ Election Website

Webmaster's View: A Draft Speech in Support of United Future