(FSA) Four Swords Adventure

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By utilizing the "Back-to-Back" formation, the four Links can effectively
fend of enemies which attack in large numbers from all angles. When
you use this formation, a new attack known as the "Powerful Revolution
Cutting" is possible. What it does is that it acts as a spin attack, only since
the four Links all combine their powers, the strength of the spin-attack is
four times as strong as the normal spin attack.


The four Links line up in order to combine all their strength,
which is much needed when you wish to push large blocks
and boulders up or down. In addition to that, this formation
is also useful when cutting grass and the likes.


Using "Row" formation serves the same function as the "Line-Up",
only it is used when you need to push the blocks to your left or right.


Perhaps the most useful formation, the "Concentration" makes the team
compact and less voulnerable to attacks. The compact group can also use
some excellent close-range attacks, which are often found useful against
the harder enemies as the one-on-one attacks are too weak to harm these
evil creatures


Long ago, in a country called Hyrule, a demon named Vaati appeared, and began kidnaping maiden after maiden.
The people were perplexed, until a Hero of Travels appeared, carrying only a single sword.
When the Hero drew his sword, he split into four, and combining their power, managed to exterminate this threat.
After that, the hero named the sword that sealed Vaati the Four Sword, and quietly enshrined it in a sacred presinct in a remote region of Hyrule.
A large amount of time has since flowed...
The Wind Demon Gefuu managed to break the seal of the Four Sword, and restored himself, kidnapping Princess Zelda of Hyrule.
Link, a young childhood friend of Zelda's, borrowed the mysterious powers of the Four Sword, and managed to succesfully re-seal Vaati after a long battle.
And thus, the people thought that peace had once again been returned to Hyrule.
Or so they thought . . .


[ Link(s) | Dark Link | Princess Zelda | Vaati | Tingle | Queen of the Fairies | Owl | The Seven Maidens ]
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