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Welcome to Sangschule

The West Lothian Traditional Song Group

What is Sangschule?
Sangschule (simply pronounced as "Sang School") has around 20 members who come from all around West Lothian and the surrounding area to learn new songs and learn more about old favourites. Anyone can start coming any time. All you need is an interest in traditional song and the desire to sing. We believe that singing is something that everyone can do - we certainly don't see any need for auditions, and there is no need at all to be able to read music.

The original Sangschule was the school where the choirboys of St Michael's Church received their education. It was located almost on the site of Linlithgow's Burgh Halls, where our group first came into existence, and the group's name fairly much chose itself!
What sort of songs do we sing?
We sing songs from all over the world, some brought along by our tutors, and many brought in by our members. Our only rule is ‘No solo songs - everyone joins in!’

We welcome anybody who enjoys singing with others and who is interested in learning more songs. Many of these are in the Scottish musical tradition, but others come from a wide range of countries.

Who teaches the songs?
Our sessions are a mixture, some tutored by a range of established singers, others by group members who have built up skill in teaching songs over the past few years. Here is our current programme.

Your first session will be free, while you decide if it's for you.

Where we meet
Sangschule meets in the library at Linlithgow Academy, Linlithgow Academy, Braehead Road, Linlithgow EH49 6EH. Enter the Academy through the Main Entrance at the east (football ground) end of the school.

We put up signs to the room; and you can find it by turning right inside the main door, up a few steps, and going about 25 yards along the corridorthrough several sets of doors. When you reach a larger open area, bear half left through the doors you see diagonally across from you. Through the next doors ahead of you, and it's first on the left. Genuinely easier to find than to describe!

Please note that because of other demands on school facility management staff, the main door is now often kept closed during the evening, unless there is a big event going on in the school hall. If the door is locked, Sangschule will have someone at the entrance to let you in, and after our session has started, someone will be available on the end of a mobile to let you in - the number is shown on the Sangschule sign on the school front door.

There is disabled access, and Sangschule members and school staff will be happy to assist with the wheelchair route to the room, using the wheelchair lift. If you want more information about this, or any other aspect of our meetings, please phone Susan on 01506 843592.

How to find us.
See where Linlithgow Academy is on Google Maps.

Reaching us by public transport.
Alternatively, find your way to Linlithgow Academy by public transport.


- Email us:

- Visit us on our Facebook page: Sangschule West Lothian

- Phone Susan on 01506 843592


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A brief history of Sangschule