"Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."
 Matthew 5:4

Melissa Leigh Sutton
June 6, 1978 - May 19, 2004

Sometimes I feel an angel's touch.....

Once dancing,swirling through our lives,
She glides on angel’s wings.

The birds we hear all share her voice,

With the hosts of heaven,she sings.

Jonathan Wade Parker
October 11, 1975 - May 16, 2005

When links of life are broken
And a child has to part
There is nothing that will ever heal
A parent's broken heart....

Loved with a love beyond telling,
Missed with a grief beyond all tears.

Forever,  you're a part of me
  Forever,  in the heart of me

I believe, Oh, I believe...

Mark Hunter Coates 
  November 7, 1961 - November 20, 1992

Mary Theresa Mudd
January 30, 1971 - October 7, 2003

Laney Brooke Bikley
May 8, 1982 - May 22, 2004

Charles Benedikt Kubala
October 5, 1963 - February 26, 1996

Nicole Renee Gahimer
July 31, 1972 - February 25, 1987

  Gregory Norman Gahimer
May 15, 1975 - March 15, 1990

  Robert Scott Gardner
  March 15, 1964 -  July 24, 1993

John Matthew Atkinson
  December 28, 1968 - October 25, 2002

Emma Violet Lowder
  June 8, 2005

In my heart you live on
Always there never gone
Precious child you left too soon
Tho' it may be true that we're apart
You will live forever... in my heart...

Rachel Catherine Barnes
  July 9,  1983 - July 28, 2005

Harold Geddings
  February 24, 1995

Stanley Marshall Geddings
  May 8, 2003

Tony M. Watcher
  August 15, 1960 - October 14, 2005

Grieve not, nor speak of me
with tears... but laugh and talk
of me...as though I were beside
you. I love you so....'twas

Heaven here with you.





"For he shall give his Angels charge over thee,
 to keep thee in all their ways."
 Psalms 91:11

Sumter, South Carolina